Page 7 - Scrimshaw1975
P. 7
'~Wednesday, February 12, 1975 Scrimshaw Page 7 FOR THE BENEFIT OF MR. KITE A KITE CONTEST Celebrating the Birthday of Dr. Alexander Graham Bell A Fish Story GRAND PRIZE A giant. shark that had promised to be a delightful '50 delicacy at a Philippine fish Prizes Totaling Over $100 market suddenly turned prospective buyers away when Sponsored By: a woman's head popped out of Carroll County Times You Can Earn Mote, in your the fish's belly as it was being Western Maryland College spare time, at home! Our easy cut up. Deeper in the one ton, Heagy's Sport Shop 15 min. a day course can make 18 foot long beast's belly were Lynne's Craft Corner you a full fledged Rabbi in 1 found human limbs and the wk. or your money back. Send remains of what appeared to $20 to Abdul's home for To Be Held At Western Maryland College Backfield wayward christians, Cairo, Pa. be a dog. (Intersection of Rtes. 31 (II), 32) SUNDAY MARCH 2, 1915 (RAINDATE MARCH 9, 1975) REGISTRATION AND JUDGING: 8:30 10:30 a.m. ENDURANCE CONTEST: lla.m. (For Further Information: Call Karl 848-1789 Noon to 3p.m.) Love is a giving thing. .A PIE IN THE SKY PRODUCTION· News Briefs Nixon from p. 3 Carol (Hoyle) Lee ('74) now Miss Ellen Gould ('7?) will Enters Poorhouse A perfect Keepsake has a position in psychological finish her masters degree in of Deaf-Blind the education diamond says it all, measurement at the Maryland children at Boston College this Richard Nixon lost a sub- Rehabilitation Her Center. reflecting your love in responsibilities involve June. The two year program stantial amount of Federal funds, staff, office space, and its brilliance and beauty. evaluation of the aptitudes of has involved internship ex- Chrysler automobiles at And you can choose with clients seeking vocational periences at the Perkins School midnight last Saturday night. confidence because the guidance and education. Carol in Boston and other facilities These privileges have been When Keepsake guarantee assures is also doing some research on around the U.S. as an un- at available to the ex-President Western Maryland perfect clarity, fine white the Center's population. dergraduate Ellen published a durin the six-month transition Carol's skills in measurement color and precise are now such that she will paper on deaf-blindness. period since his resignation on August 9 of last year. The R.. h.l modern cut. There is lecture to the WMC class in ~~~ei;ri~~n~~~:sab~~t ~r:~~ no finer diamond ring. psychological assessment in Few things are harder to put which she was a student last up with than the annoyance of during that period. Even year. a good example . though his privileges were cut t- :_:M:::ar:.:k:_:Tw:..::.::a::in~ ~Zd~t~~~~l~nh~~~~~:~~! KEEP IN THE PACE presidential pension of $60,000 per year, and a specially ap- propriated $45,000 for staff STEREO RACE salaries and office expenses through Jun~ 30. And next fiscal year the Former Presidents Act will provide the HIGHEST QUALITY - LOWEST PRICES former president with $96,000 to help with his expenses. He WESTERN MA'RYLAND ELECTRONICS can also expect about $2 JOHN NORMENT MACLEA A.13 million from the sale of his ~~~~~_:_"~~~"..:_":"''.':..'~~[)()():---J_---:---_:=~=:_:__"~~''''~----J memoirs for ~l;anned book.
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