Page 8 - Scrimshaw1975
P. 8
Page 8 Scrimshaw Wednesday, February 12, 1975 Grapplers Return from European Tour WMC Swimmers Take the Plunge Rob Friedman Western Maryland College's In Germany, the wrestlers Western Maryland's swim 1975 wrestling team has just had two tournaments in two team returned this year with a returned from what has to- be days, and some wrestled as 14 promising lineup and new the highlight of this season, a matches in the two days. They depth. Nearing the end of the three week long tour of did, however, win both tour- season with a 3-5 record, the Europe. The .Terrors traveled naments, making the Terrors Terrors have defeated St. to Holland, England, Germany champions of two German ~ Marys, Gallaudet, and and Czechoslovokia, wrestling' States. In Stuttgart, Bill Lycoming. against tough competition and Powell's victory over a Ger- The team's backbone con- even against many olympic man champion helped the sists of six strong veterans: wrestlers ..The men wrestled in Terrors place first among 14 freestyler Jay Dorsch, four meets and two tour- teams. The next day, in Her- backstroker Curt Mattingly, naments, and were fairly br-echtingen, the Terrors distance man Francois successful. placed first placed first among Der asse, butterflyer Larry The first stop was on 13 teams. Jed Marchio and Van Horn, diver Randy Witter, January 10 in Progue, Terry Caudell placed first in and Captain Mark Higdon Czechoslovokia. In the first their classes, and Terry met breaststroker. New hopefuls meet since the 14th of teammate Bob Griffin to the adding depth to the group December, and with no finals. Bob Duvall and Pete include: freestylers Carl Gold practice over the break, the Blauvelt placed second in their and Pam Price, distance Terrors won 4 of 12 matches. classes, and Phil Watson, Bob ~ woman Alice Rouilland, Phil Watson, Bob Griffin and Griffin and Bruce Lefew took breaststrokers Lorin Her- Pete Blauvelt were victorious 3rds. schberger and Tom Bud- in the first meet, along with derbohn, backstroker Robin freshmen Terry Caudell, who Kramer, and diver Rick Groff. also won the next day against a From Germany, the Terrors Improving throughout the better Czech Team. Other went to England where they season these new members winners in the second match, faced an olympic training which the Terrors tied 6-6, squad. With Terry Caudell first photo by Pete Wagner l~~~~S?u~~r~~en stronger team were Steve Kasler, Guy and Steve Kosser lost with Several school records fell so Royston, Bob Duvall, Bill broken arm, the Terrors lost 7- far this season. The 400-yard Powell and Ed Herring. 6 with 1 tie. The trip overall How to make Jocks and Socks medley relay squad, com- Moving on to Bradislava, the was a success, with trips to the prised of Mattingly, Her- Terrors then faced the third opera in Bdislava and to friends and Tyrnm Gosman schberger, Dorsch, and Gold best teams inCzechoslovakia, Conturbav. England. The onlv The Intramural All- e~tablis~ed a school record the Longshoreman's Union negative factor would be the influence Conference Team 'Selection With a lime of 4:14.2. The 400- Club, which included a Czech loss of Kroster for the season 1975 No there is no real team yard freestyle relay took a champ and olympic with the broken arm. The next history. to b~ fo~nd in the MAC, or any r~~ord time. of 3:50.8. In ad- wrestler.In Bradislava, the meet for the Terrors will be other conference for that dttion, Mattingly recorded a Terrors were beaten in 10 of 13 against-c. Gettysburg on \ (Join\1s.) matter. But then again why 2:27.4 in the 200-yard matches. February 5, as they resume not? Sitting here at this bat- backstroke; Hers~hberger their U.S. schedule. tered Olivetti Lettera 33 holds a 2:32.1 record m the 200- Athletic Shorts typewriter that sticks on every yard breaststroke; Dorsch third key or so, I found great broke t~e 50:yard freestyle inspiration (Yes folks, I do get reco.rd With a lime of 23.7; a~d by Tymm Gosman inspired at times, contrary to Rouilland set a 13:35 mark m popular belief) to create .the. 1000-yard. fre~style. men's basketball - our WMC something unique that might ROUillard and Prlce Will also cagers will begin the last leg of go over big and have some s\'!~ an un,?eatable record by their season after a successful lasting quality while helping ?emg.the ~Irst women to letter January both home and away people somewhere along the III sWlmml~g at WMC. with very fine individual way. Well, here it is in the Coach Rick Carpenter ,~ooks performancees exhibited by rough. The FCA will be forward t? ~l,ose and v~ry senior guard John Trumbo and sponsoring a game between the competauve meets With junior bigman Tom Ammons .. Intramural All Stars and the Shepherd and Loyola Colleges The Terrors lose only two ball "Good Guys" from radio on Feb~tiary 12t~ an~ 15th, players after this season, station WCAO, the proceeds respect! vely. Cltmaxtng to which by coincidence is the going to charity. That's not a season, West~rn. !"'Iaryland starting backcourt duo ~kip bad idea but it is not that far plans to enter individuals and Chambers & Trumbo. But if reaching and won't help very re.lay squads in ~he Mas0!l- their spots can be successfully , many people. So why not have Dixon and Mid-Atlantic filled (and it appears that they an all-conference basketball Conference tournaments. can with fine first showings by freshman Greg Miles and some ~:~flh~[;e:t ~~~f~~n~eo: ~~f_ hypothetically lead to a future very good backup work by Gef ween the Second Team' All- for some of the better in- Fleming, who sports, one of the Conference basketball team tramural wonders spotted by better outside jumpshots on the and the Intramural All- professional scouts, who might tram.) the WMC cagers should Conference team that would be come to see the all-conference ·be stronger by next year.' chosen by each school in the selections play. We might even Western Maryland will finish conference? Each school could get different int. teams' to play off the season with three more choose one or two (if the ~~~t07~~it~~~~~t!i Xrl~~!~~: home games in Gill Gym against Haverford, Frostburg, ~~:C~::nc~f iSsc~~~St) i~eo~~: Team. started: Well, think and Ursinus College on the from there intramural and ,,;,rlte to the paper dates of Feb. 12. Feb. 18. and basketball program to ~f~heIdea,strlkes y~u well, and Feb. 22 represent their school. The If It doesn t ~he~wr~te anyway. schools could pay for television ~ll suggestions Will be con- coverage of the event, holding sldere~. Also anyone who women's basketball - also in the game in the largest arena wo~ld hke to be a reporter f?r the home scene news are our female cagers who have given in the conference. Proceeds Scnmsh~w sports should ~et ~n m to be touch With Tymm ~osman would go to a charity us consistent excitement to chosen by the schools (ob- room 409Rouzer or m boxes 3A rival and at times surpass that viously nothing local could be or #483.Peo~le are despe:ately of the men's team here at the' hilL Coach Fritz, who has. served by this game but such needed to cover the ending of coached in over 100games now games as the FCA's would the winter sp?rts and to cover serve this well al.1of the sprmg sports on the purpose with a fine record, will bring the Terror girls home for two enough). This would serve Hill. more games against Morgan several purposes in that it ~ _ on the 13th of February, and would help the people in need, end with a bout against and it also would let these Adam and Eve had many' and hoopers intramural Millersville on the 18th of advantages, but the prjnciple February. The female Terrors doop:ers play in the big top one was, that they escaped have been paced by the in- - sports scene and be viewed by teething - credible shooting eye of Leslie ******************************* thousands of people at the Mark Twain Applegate. same time. From here it could
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