Page 3 - Scrimshaw1975
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Scrimshaw Wednesday. Fel?ruary 12. 1975 World politics 'We will... not be swallowed up' Cindy 0 'Neal WMC's first annual Foun- suicide. He says that the moral stabilize a revolutionary loss of her oil suoply, Dr. nothing to offertin the way of ders Day Convocation on Feb. revolution has made conflicts world. If we try to force a Mor'genthau expressed con- reconstruction. In other words. 5, presented guest speaker less manageable. Traditional pattern of stability according tempt for the unsophisticated he stresses that there is no way Dr. Hans J. Morgenthau. coriflicts are overlaid with to Dr. Morgenthau, we will be game some shiek can play that we as one of the strongest Currently a professor of ideological cnes-vgocd must "defeated time and again by "just because he has a lot of world powers can allow any political science at the New win over evil. He explained those forces ...we are likely to sand that just happens to have (especially underdeveloped) School' for Social Research, that without the ideological be blown to pieces by the oil in it." Calling such skiek- country to impose negative CUNY, Dr. Morgenthau spoke outlook, there is no way that" revolution. " doms "states, only by cour- power tactics on the world. He on the United States and New Vietnam could be understood; tesy," Dr. Morgenthau calls concluded saying "we have to World Politics. the same goes for the Cuban Oil has become politically the oil game a purely negative. deal adequately with Dr. Morgenthau began his situation. useful. Pointing out that power since though it has the revolution so we will survive talk saying that there are three Dr. Morgenthau slated that Japan, for example, could be potential to destroy established them and not be swallowed fundamental revolutions ac- the new US foreign policy as destroyed immediately by a states, it has absolutely up." tive in the world since World concerns China and the USSR ,War II: the technical, the is good. The recognition of moral, and the political China and the normalizaton of . Hey R1Cin, tripped lately? revolutions. War, he said, is an relations between the big organized violence for national comm unist 'powers is a Lanni Meyers purposes, it is a last resort. business-like relationship War, a one on one sort of which is a vast improvement January Term of 1975 British living in London," but elephants, water buffalo, conflict before the technical over the pte-1949 era. He calls scattered many WMC students there were lotsa fish and chips, gazelle, rhinos, and hippos, but revolution, js now, due to detente "civilized in- to seemingly all corners of the and chips, and more chips!' they never quite got used to the nuclear - power an entirely tercourse." earth, in efforts to' broaden After 1800 miles covered by strange screams of the hyenas different universe of discourse, On the other hand, Dr. horizons, experience other bus with Bar-ry-Ihe-bus-driver , at night. "They're just soooooo an -utterly irrational in- Morgenthau deplores the US cultures, and in some cases, and the feeling that it was a weird!" Just think how often strument of genicide and attempts to prematurely get a sun-t an in the middle of great and all around successful when you've camped out that trip in the eyes of everyone about winter you have to worry News briefs ~ New York on January 6, was who went. we will leave the babboons getting into the t.ent, The England 'Trip, leaving they don't England travellers on this final especailly since headed up by our own Dr. note: "What cathedral are we know how to get out! Stevens and Dr. Lightner and in now ...~ When asked what impressed Just back from the frigid Penny Parsons ('74) is a consisted of thirty-nine The Africa Trip was much each of them the most, the climes of Northern Canada, residence hall counselor at"the students. The trip included a different as vacations go, due usual reply was "thepeople". Professor Roy Fender is Columbia Campus of the series of tours through historic to the fact that the students The natives were always awed planning to head in the. op- Maryland Sch091 for the Deaf. old Britain, travels though the camped right out in the open and excited by the travelers; posite direction for spring. He green, green (even in January) with only the 'canvas of their they were proud but curious, is faculty sponsor for a tour to countryside, and many jaunts tents between them and "the and hesitant, but willing to Jamaica which is open to James E. Geleta, ac- to moss-covered abbeys and wilds' of Africa. The trip took help. The students experienced faculty, staff, students, and companied by pianist Thelma historically important an entire month; only four cultures so totally different immediate family. Kelly, will .present a senior cat hedrals. After a day in nights of which were spent in a from our own, that they can Set for March 24-29, the Oboe Recital at 3 p.m. on Paris {where they were awed hotel never forget, or-soon duplicate approximately $260.00 charge. Sunday, February 16,in Levine by Notre Dame, and a day in There were many setbacks their experiences. T will include transportation to Recital Hall of Western Brussels. Belgium, the group along the way, such as 'the The Africa Trip was not a and from Jamaica, five nights Maryland College. arrived in England to' visit the mechanical failure of a land- vacation in the sense of the accommodations, a welcome Geleta is a student of Dr. cathedral at Canterbury, the rover (that's right, landrover. word: it was an experience for party, and all tax and service James P. Ostryniec, associate First in a series of English not air-conditioned, every person involved. It was bus.o charges. Food will not be in- principal oboist with the cat hedrals. When sickness caused one of an experiment in life, history, eluded, but hotel rooms are Baltimore Symphony. His The English attitude towards the drivers to go back, the culture, selt-survival, for- complete efficiencies and there program will include: . G.F. pi-actically uncensured sex on compel ent and experienced titude. and experience itself, is a supermarket nearby. Handel's Sonata No, I in C T.V. and in the theater was D!". Griswold took the wheel and as all other trips, it ended Besides the obvious attraction Minor, Robert Schumann's quite evident to the WMC and the African trekkers all too soon. of the ocean beaches, there is Three Romances, Op. 94, group: being previously persevered. You people on the other sailing, 'water skiing, riding, Benjamin Britten's Six sheltered and censured by The Africa trip was quite a January Trips, such as the Art native markets, and calypso Metamorphoses After Ovid, American Idealism. Although soul-searching, facing of Trip that went throughout the entertainment. Op. 49, for Oboe Solo, and this was the case with English reality type of experience for German Rhineland, Bavaria, There will be a meeting Wayne Barlow's The Winter's productions, Kojak and The every studenr.Cculd you get up and Austria, the Marine tomorrow, Thursday 13, at 7 Passed. Streets of San Francisco were alone A.M. in the fifteen- Biology Trip to the Florida , pm with Roy Fender in the art right up there in the prime below night air, at 18,000feet, Keys, the French Department building for all persons in- A not-so-usual concert is time, proving Ihat good ole' and reach the summit of Mount Tr-ip-which toured France, and terested in taking the trip. For Kilimanjaro at dawn? Well, the German Department's those who would head for corning to WMCin Alumni Hall cop-and-robber violence is five ot the WMC students did, Study Tour of Germany and on Valentine's Day at 8:00 p.m. universal. The students caught Florida for spring, why not The subject is BRASS. The quite a lot of the "telly" due to despite the bitter cold, altitude Austria, please don't feel consider Jamaica? performers are the Eastern lhe fact that the Underground sickness and other adverse slighted. If equal time would be Brass, five young artists, in Transport, and especially the conditions. SCRIMSHAW and given to each trip, a sequel Mr. Frank Bowe (?), a concert at Western Maryland Pubs all closed at the unGodly West ern Maryland College would have to be printed, recent bridegroom, is now College in Westminster in hour of eleven P.M would like to congratulate therefore this article was in- Bruce Anderson, Herb watson, Steak and Kidney pies were nearing completion cf his Ph.- Alumni Hall at 8 p.m. includes . definitely the low point of the Steve McHane,and especially tended as an example of some to Their Term experiences repertoire January D. studies at New York two 'tough' girls, Brenda . the public, and nota judgment. University. Frank continues to interpretations of Renaissance menu of the entire trip; they be a productive writer having and Baroque masters, touches tasted fine, until you bit into a Harrison, and Mary McKim on There is no way to capture Gershwin, selections edited a recent book on sue. of Bach and. Mozart, and a blend by sauce-covered hunk of Kidney. their great accomplishment in everyone's feelings about his out of forty-one (Thirty-five reaching the summit at 19,000 O!" her own trip on a mere piece cessful deaf persons and published several professional of contemporary artists. The pies sent back to the kitchen feet, a twenty-mile climb. of paper, so consider yourself After papers. concert group is a nationally untouched that ntght.) Despite Kilimanjaro, t.he group' climbed as only one country not yet they spent four heard from. the S.&K. pies, the trip was a ensemble with known ex- Sharon Spainhour ('74) is traordinary sound, finely- gourmet's treat, offering days on the coast at Mombasi ••• '••••••••••• now taking a six week tuned programming, and solid dishes such as roast duck, pork Beach, swimming in the warm Robert rehabilitation training musicianship. The Eastern chops Monsieur Chops") (Mr. waters of the Indian Ocean, so New Part-time' Faculty for Brass features Charles Baxter, Pork their recovery was sunny and and Robert's program at the Woodrow horn; William Wich, trumpet;' King Olaf (King who ...?) Second Semester, 1975, Wilson Center in West swift, and especially welcome. Dr, Concepcion Alzola Virginia. Sharon has a position Robert Fanning, trombone; As "This is not a shopping In all, the trip covered the Spanish lOBC as a rehabilitation counselor Richard Green, trumpet; and tour!" rang in their ears, the countries of Kenya, Uganda, Mr. Charles I. Wallace working with deaf persons and Tucker Jolly, tuba. All five are students of WMC piled off the and Tanzania, from the Nile Religion' 204 im- .busat every stop to ravage the with graduates college is doing graduate work at River at Murchinson Falls, to Mr. Larry Brown - Sociology records WMC. presslve experience with of gift shops, including the one the Serenghetti Plain. They 310 B.A., . Western Maryland next to the concession stand at slept in tents in the open, but professional Mrs. Judy Athey (?) has orchestras, symphonies .. and 5,000 year-old Stonehenge. there were never any food or College; M.S.~" University of been promoted to Director of quintets across the country. There was a nude scene in water shortages due to ex- North Caroltea, Chapel Hill, Communications at the Tickets for the February ~4 ~'!~us;{th a~~e~" ~~~~~;: cellent planning, although N.C. Maryland School for the Deaf. event are available at the poor. saying "Howdy" in an English there was an occasional bath Ms. Ethel Scott - Sociology This is a position of major shortage.. The students 104 B.A., North Carolina Tesponsibility and involves accent, and many other forms became used to: Passing Central University; M.A., culturally coverage of the entire State. cant. p, 7 co~.. 3, of tertainment. The rich students en- sleeping lions on the side of the North Carolina Central road, waiting Judy is also nearing com- for a herd of University pletion of her masters degree were amazed and/ or amused zebra to cross 'the road, Mr. John Lyle· Art 109 from WMC to discover that "Th.ere are no wandering giraffes, grazing