Page 12 - Scrimshaw1975
P. 12
Wednesday, February 19. 1975 • M -M· a,n enoneeo, n. a This morning Inoticed upon dean's house! Exciting you Page 4 Scrimshaw Photo Contest t· Lonni Myers the Betes has not materialized Blanche to put up fire-doors, ~;t~~~8i~~~\;;,~Ui~?I1S rOe~~r;~a)it~:s'~~~{t~~:~tCo:;~~~~ For all dyou on campus who, as yet, so don't jump toobatd did so against requests by the doesn't make much difference, here. By the way, the winner believe that the walls of WMC on the tiles you've got! Dean to wait until 9:30, these unless you happen to be one of picks his own dean, we picked are crumbling around you, do Thankfully, the gigantic men being sent from an outside the three people who entered the winner and we're worn out. not despair. Contrary to crack which looked like the contractor.) the "Jan Term Photo Contest" And now, the moment you've popular belief, the ivy is not the Great Continental Shelf run- So next time a pipe drips on recently conducted by the late all been waiting for ...the en- only thing holding up the age- ning the length of the ceiling in your head, or a chunk of great G.B. velope please ...Ahem.. The old buildings on campus. lheback-ha1l2ndfloorBlanche plaster falls off your wall, don't Yes, folks we had three big winners are, Pete Wagner in Although you may not have was fixed over Christmas just sit there and gripe about-it contestants, and it was real the black and white catagory, noticed, repairs are frequent, Break, so you girls don't have to somebody who can't do a tough to sort through all those and Sill Downing in the color and maintenance men are to worry about slamming doors thing about it, get your fanny to pictures, but we have reached category. These fellas do real always busy. or stomping sororities your house mO.mmy or daddy, a decision, Baron and I. That's good work! Sorry we couldn't This past Jan term, at great anymore. and i~that doesn't do any good, righ~, we haven't forgotten, print your pictures .guys, but expense to the college, as it As for complaints, and/or the big. m(l~my and d~ddy m well, not completely, I must this is a rinky-dink operation. was not included in the budget, requests for maintenance, Elderdice will ~e glad listen to admit that for a while there it Meybe.we can get them in McDaniel was completely there is a standard procedure your complaint. (In the sort of slipped my mind. For nextweek? Th k -f or rewired, bringing an end to the for students to take; and it is mea!1time, it may be wise to th?se of you in the dark, the terlrig and' enjoa,n :our nee~~ ~~~t ~~~~::gwa~13c!i~f~ ~i~S~;~~ d~~~~i~io~ ~:~~~:t~~~~nb~I~~~P~~dof~~g:' !~f~~~i~::s a~:~h (~~y,ro~hDte~ found wealthll ) ;~J~~3~:e~~~\~I:.th1r!~~gn:~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ai~~~~lft~~~~~s: ~~~~es~~~Plaint is being "f'''ee,,_..,ho'''m"'e'''-c'''o'"ok'''e,,_d_em'''e'''alc.:a'''t_,t'''he'---- _j which is sent to the C . repairs slated for ANW are: A form agers d .d n't se em to w 0rry thorough paint job, plumbing. Dean's office. If this request is I. repairs, and pacification of the not immediately followed up '. . t Th f 11 d b fire marshall. To become safe by some kind of action, Tymm Gosman ~~~Si~~~'oft~~e esn~~~~er!e:~ ~~~ ~ha~6e~e~~5 ~t:~e TO~ and sound, doors will be ~~a~~1: ~~~r7a~c~o~~iger~~ W~~k ~~~'s ca~~~~et~tll W~~ great jumpers, but WMCdidn't Amm~ns (11 pts.) , and .Gef ~~~toe:s,th~r~g!ine;c~n~!r~~~ priority, and filed under stayed home for a good win ~~:~rt~b7eO~~y;~~~~;,~~~~;~= ~~~~ln~ft(9a P~~li'Sf~~ehf~~~ access from section to section, General Maintenance, to be ~~~~~~~rdth: nd F~;~~ ~~c:n:a less even scoring attack the crowd with a 73 to 60 victory. instead of having to go outside done during a break. from Hopkins with a close loss. Terrors were certainly no less But this was neutralized by a 77 and around. ANW will be Generally, the maintenance In their game against the effective in the end product. to71losshandedtoWMCatthe furnished in September, so men on campus are ac- Fords, WMC seemed to put it Bob Kurtsenhauser led the Hopkins home court and so the ::Th~~~~~:rr~~t~~;e~~ ~J~::!~~Hts~:~~i:F,~~ ~:i;~~~::~~~!a::~~~~~~~~~;'J~~~~~~~~~~~'t~1i\~~~~ r!;i~~s~~~~t2~~~ ~f~~~,~:~~ ::~~e~, ~~~~~ft~t~:l:ea.:o~~ ~~~~s'o:o i~~o~~~n~~n~~n~~! to give everyone visions of a S.G .A. themselves. On the other hand students in any way. (The ones terrible trouncing in the 40 This Wed., Feb. 19, the SGA' replace those who have been the linoleum tile reauested by who came in at 7:30 a.m. to :~~;~s e~~nc~~~;n~~~t:cr~: ~:~~~~c:ill r~Iiew ~~~dea~t ~~y~~~dint~!estedb~:~~~:ii~i~g to· ad- S.G.A. Minutes their weapon. That and a guard representatives committees and his position or filling a vacated . position, should be present. by the name of Dick Voith, a ministrative Billion Dollars superman with a basketball. On February 12, 1975, Mel a band is willing to play free at Voith seems to flow around the As taxpayers, Americans other, it would take a stack of Franz called the first Senate a Coffee House anytime this court in complete control of have almost given up trying to 'one dollar bills 68miles high to meeting of second semester. semester so the Social Com- :~~rr~~~~'oe~ o~Ct~:Sg:~.W~l~ ~~:~~i~h:t~~~:~11~i!~i?~t~o:'~: add up to $1billion. Laid end to Attendance was recorded and mittee (ch. Reggie Lee) is ~o~'lda ~~li~~u~d d~~:rsw~~l~ proceeded to Pl,lton one heck of representatives were investigating to see if it is a show. But either Dick Voith they can readily understand. approximately four times. reminded of the present at- possible to date one. Jack didn't see the ball enough or How can anyone spend that tendance requirement. No Tracey, serving as the Con- possibly tried to do too"'muchon Les.t they forget ~hat Unc~e much money? member shall be absent from 2 trast's representative, Sam IS spendng their taxes Easily if you are the Federal 10' consecutive meetings or four presented to the Senate their billion-dollar chunks, an· GoverOlT~ent. Based on the _ non-consecutive meetings or need for additional funds in To The TU$ k e~onomist for the C~amber of proposed fiscal 1976 budget, another representative will be order to publish their Dear Tuskie Commerce 01the UOltedStates the Federal Government will elected. The treasurer magazine. It was passed to My boyfriend's roommate look o.uthis sli~e r~le recently spend almost a billion dollars a reported a current balance on allot them $1000from the SGA spends every evening in' his and did some flgurmg. day -- actually, once every 25 hand of $1950.60and r~minded budget for this opportunity. room. My room is out of the Placed one on top of the hours. organizations to pick up their Keith Ammon next announced question for the kind of heart to second semester allotments. It the need for the 1975-76SGA ,heart talks we have in mind. crossword puzzle was also stated that several budget to be revised so a organizations had failed to pick Finance Committee meeting is Can you suggest a subtle way ACROSS up first semester allotments. being planned to investigate of getting his roommate out of 1 ComadianHope 4COffespondent In Old Business, it was the changes needed. Several the room for a few nights a lab.1 decided to return to the method announcements from Dean week? 8Ship'sdeck this meeting of verbal rollcall instead of the' Mowbray at of the need for -Baffled in Blanch 12 ~~~:hkinll 01 consisted present procedure. In New students replacements on the Dear Baffled, M.R., or G.J.W., 13 Millral0ry worker 14 Jap.nese Business Spring Weekend Scheduling and Calendar as the case may be; aborigine suggestions were considered. Committee, Academic Com- Did your "Main Man" ever 15 Old comedy learn 18 Film; Rosemllry·. The concert has been alloted think of asking Mr. Woodwork 9Certainpainlinll' 3OCockn.ylodging $6000 for expenses but the mittee, Publication Board and to take a walk? The Pizza Hut 19 Smart 10CertainbiU. piece for the Student an alternate Senate may decide to charge Personal Problems Com- isat least a "Quickie'" away. If ~ :;~~id:~~~~~~~ 11 WlIlk ~ g~::ad':.j~ckass 16largeslof.he Woody students a low fee for tickets to mittee. He also stated an $175 that doesn't work, move his 23Pueno··· Cyclad ... I.'ands 35 Skid allow for a band above $6000to per semester increase for furniture into the hall, sell his 24 Nerve·cell 17 Isles in Galway 36 Roman goddess '" procn. be considered. Presently a list room and board starting Sept. books. If he still doesn't catch 25 Bu.. ···1 20 Stem of possible bands is being on, let him stay in the room and 28 Musical 21 Mellow 37 ~:o~Peendloeod composition Ivar.1 passed around and the final 1975.Primary plans are now in "talk" away; he's probably so 29 Not at all 22Self·evidenl 38 161hHebrew proposition decision will be done at the process for a new student union numb he won't even notice 3OElIg-shaped 24 Fooli.h lener next meeting. Any and the administration what you're up to. 31 Tiny 25 Superabundance 39 Br~ish prima 26 Renown 32 mini'1 .... 195S.57 organization interested in welcomes all suggestions. 33Prelix:half V Comedian who 41 Hi.IFr.1 sponsoring the May Weekend ia~r~~~r~~~e';!~:~e~a~ednt:~ ~--C=Ia-s-s~i~fi-e~d,::_:U:::Sk:::ie"---i 34 Anci,ntgold ~:~~i~:de.a. 42 BeforelpoetJ 43 Comedian alloy Dance must submit a letter to 35 J:.r~~~~lection, Dangerfield the Senate prior to February 19 liberal arts requirements. It Poets * Attend Baltimore also. promises greater Oexibility in Theatre Project poetry : ~:~::e~'e~~~:r The president announced course selection. Any student sessions'. Readings by lener that the Maryland Association can receive further in: Baltimore Poets. Get Good! 40 TV comedienne 44 A cenaincBnal of Retarded Citizens is spon- formation on this change from Participate! Contact Jesse 45 Want soring a Bicycle Marathon to their personal faculty advisor. Glass Jr. 848-3690 45 Gold in Valenci. 47 East Indian fiber beheld in April. Any interested plant students should contact the The meeting ended with our Wanted: Old Comic Books, 48 ~~~~o.S8xon county branch of this Yearbook picture. Stamps, and Related Materials 49 Take. wife association. Also, there will be Respectfully submitted, -Contact Mark-Rouzer 222. DOWN a Fast-Food-Service Seminar Julie Mullen, secretary 1 Babylonianlab.1 at Lycoming College on March ~KEEP IN THE PACE 2 Columbus.chool. 20from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. If any for short student is interested in at- We are all in the gutter, but STEREO RACE !g~~ke~~tn Bill tending this affair as the SGA's some of us are looking at the Highest.quality· lowest prices representative please contact _stars:..--OscarWilde Western Maryland Electronics ~ ~~I~ii~h~in 7 TV com~dian Mel Franz. John Norment Maclea ~-13 8 More pallid Debbie Baird announced that
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