Page 2 - Scrimshaw1975
P. 2
Page 2 Scrimshaw Wednesday, February 12, 1975 •••••••••••••••••••••• World news ***** amassed by Mark Katz An Indonesian woman, who for the United States govern- Florida, the "W. Turner Wallis referendum to keep their Two undertakers in made headlines by reporting ment because Ethipia is totally Pumping Station." present nickn:rr!.e. Melbourne, Australia who that her unborn child could dependent on Washington for talk, was found guilty of its military arms. We will have th:)d~t~~i~~hi~o: ~~xn::~i~ have worked in the same acquiring more than $4,000 to decide if we want to get excise tax on bows and arrows The U.S. House of funeral home Lor six years, under false pretenses. The more deeply involved by will be imposed by Representatives is stuck with woman had claimed that her sending Ethi~p}~ more arms. manufacturers and importers. 18,600 tickets to Richard were convicted of assa~t .Iast fetus could recite portions of Nixon's impeachment month after they had a fistfight the Koran, and charged people Derogatory *;r· not, Pekin proceedings that were never over the problem of who should money to listen. Police, however, found a tiny tape pe~~~~:n~he a~uddet"hseOfc~~~ ~!~~~~~)r~~ga~nS~~~.',~~~~~~.~ ~~:r·t~!y.h~! ~:fdf~~g~esf~~ carry the "heavy end" of the recorder concealed in her firmations of a couple of Vice- With apparent disregard for decades, and then sold, since corpses One of the men clothing an~ ~~r;sted her. ~~::!~e~~s~~h~:;;d i~~~~~:~~ ~~~~i~~sdn;ort;a~li~~c~~~thl~~~ ~~~:;s~h~e~tf~el~69J~~~OS~I~ reportedi y complained that he President Ford says he is' ~~~~~t~n~~el~~~i~tl~~~i~d~~~~i~~~d~~tst~~te~'~~ci~t:B;' i~h: for about $3~.* * "always got" the head. willing to terminate aid to If. Just a. South Vietnam within three the news of Watergate. significant 'W a - a peop e 0 action I years. Ford said he would few of the many e re insist on "significantly larger" accomplishments of the last M"k K", Congressional appropnaucns COan)gr:~~af~N~h~~~the Com- II~s abo~1 time t.hat Bjg result was probably the same "energy shortage." over the next three fiscal the refunding Nevertheless years. As the President put it, mission on Federal Paperwork Business fmall?, realize? that boycott, The reason that not as of money is probably a step in preventing many cars are sold today as the eonsum~r IS n~t going to b) the " ...if we could agree on a unauthorized manufacture and keep on buying t.helr produ~t~ they were a few years ago, is the right direction of. figure and agree on a time span ...that would be the end," use of the character and name w~en they continue to raise that we are realizing that we manufacturers lowering the prices. Maybe if they hadn't the "Woodsy don't have to buy things that Owl" and prices of their merchandise. associated slogan, "Give a gO.tten so greedy .f~r money, are made worse but cost more But if prices continue to r-ise; hoot I Don't pollute." :.I~I~e~~~~~r\~~'~~ld~l~b~n~~~ than they used to, One other the American people will have' Full-scale war erupted in reason is that the less we drive, to band together-v-not under Ethiopia's northern province c) redesignating the ployment r-ate of 8.2% the more we ease the so-called {he so-called leaders in of Eritrea last week. Govern- National Historical So now, the Big Four auto energy shortage. However, Washington. but under the ment forces and Eritrean Publications Commission as makers are giving customers that last statement. alone principle that Big Business guerrillas engaged in heavy the National Historical cash rebates on certain models makes me wonder why the can't keep exploiting the" fighting over control of Publications and Records of their cars to try to improve auto makers are the first consumer---and formally southern access routes to the Commission 1 heir dwindling sales. I have major companies t.ocut prices, boycot t thei r products until provincial capital of Asmara. always thought that the way to even if only.temporary. Now, industry fully realizes thai we The casualties are running into d) naming a structure of the bring down prices was to more people will buy cars, thus are a people of action and not the hundreds. If the fighting central and southern Florida boycott There wasn't a using up more. gasoline. That just words, and that we can't continues much longer, there Flood Control District, located planned boycott of cars, but the and won't be used by them to could be serious implications in Palm Beach County, as if there was an organized wttltberefore cause more or an make themselves rich No contest We STAPHERS here at appeal. The frogs of a dozen got your number. Slide I love you changes nothing, Pick your nose. Scrimshaw would like to . millpond universities somehow yourself through the rubber _ _ ·_cJ-TJJh_occ '"'La'-'''~l~'i~ng'-'B~a~n::cdi~'-, stimulate some of the literary have changed, so to continue tubing of all your hypnotized GIANTS on campus, We know your educar ion you should keep night mares, and ejaculate onto they're out there, we've seen in mind that no one school can the sizzlil'lg grill of sottdrink them, {J saw some just the be all things to all students delusions. A god who once slowly she walked other day, a whole gaggle ran (adolescents, each and every watched in rapture at the keeping pace with her thoughts right out in front of my tricycle one l, and while one school frolics of his new thinking- wishing her cage would grow and I almost tipped over). So, restricts physically the friends now groans in silence so she wouldn't encounter rhebars in order to get these crazies off strangled strings of your lives. and rattles his chains in dismal quite so often the street and back behind the same placid place may disgust at the developing and wishing 1hat she could know their padded desks, we are hold hidden wonders never worms leaving piled feces where 1he keys lay sponsoring a contest ...sort. of. before exposed. To be sure, it is where once the virgin forests while giggling females boasted of conquests This bunch of weekly space is now 1ime to abandon all hope. stood. It's time to recognize the she wandered and listened to cars being laid aside for the literary Those of you clinging to the last situation for what it is. Divest outside the bars endeavors of whoever sends us vestiges of dirty snow fallen yourself of the white cloak of carrying people away their literary endeavors. If you from the clouds of reasonable pragmatically idealistic op- are not thrilled by this great future possibilities must nmism. Indeed, we must move K.F. skies like green >-::;----;-===:::::::::::::;;----""1 new idea, write a poem or quickly, quietly become aware onward and upward into the composition stating why. That of your existence as a finite' scatological way we won't have to leave all jewel in the ashtray of an- flies rising in a fetid cloud over I this space compJetely blank. AI tiquity. Your existential the dung-heap. And you, t~e the end of a yet to be deter- assertion is an overdone reader, the individual, you wtll mined period of time, we might perfo,rmance in the face of the find it even mo~e diff·icult to give away a free prize to t.he gigglmg cosmos, Without any control the burmng desires of best encl.eavor we receive idea of the scope of op- your sin-ridden ears. Smother during that time. H all port unities available at the dazzling swallows as they depends, you see, on whether Western Maryland College sing in the dancing light of or not we feel generous at t.he tsuch an idea can indeed be dawn with a blanket of poison {'nd of the time we decide on,' painted solely in lhe abslracU, gas given off by rotting Fruit and whelher or not we like the your brazen mind is 'certain to Loops. Your feeble attempts at poems. If they all stink, we're be jailed forever in the pride in your individuality are not about to give away our dissatisfaction derived from jokes we all enjoy. God knows. issue is born. toys. blind faith, And when one why. The warm affection you -STAPH: WHO TO BLAME Send your stuff to: considers the cream of our value so highly has shattered The Big Three: Gene Funk Head Drawer: Brian No Contest Scrimshaw ~fi~~~t~~et~~n~~~~r~Ut~l:m~ei~ ~~~ri~r~~~}~~e!~Or~lto~~i~h~ ~~nr~~ ~~~:!Ier Trumpower _____ Box3A stem the revulsion in- seconds dripping like blood The Little Two: Mark Katz Prufreeder: Kathy 'Feely voluntarily tracking its way from your life until you know Attorneys: Samuel Laugh It Off across the desolation of one's the meaning of time. Stop and Tymm Gosman Goldenstein & Sons conscious· wall like a boring listen the next time you hear'a Picture Takers in Chief: AND: A Cast of Thousands Look now. The number of game of dominoes. One by the warm human voice; chances Baron L. Tayler, Gene The opinions expressed in colleges and uJ1iversities· way. is you. Give up your idle are II's not for you. Get drunk. Funk this publication do not across the nation now exceeds dreams of home, mate, and Crawl in among the mosses Peons: Barbara Burns necessarily reflect those of Iwo thousand, each offering a money. Gently pop yourself and mushrooms growing under Lonnie Myers the administration_ Box lA, different range of educational free frQm the pages of the ~our ~~fan~ try to laugh it o.ff. Mark Bayer Western Maryland College opportunities. Many variables course catalogue into a life of our I e IS a passing 1Il- Mark Thorne Mid combine to give a single in· despair, lirke Zitl-ljuice 0d n t~e diff,er.eln'f,ohdocAllinTh'hfeht'thirYt Clifford. Irving Westminster, aryan slitution its unique spirit and mirror. A ter a . the ean s nos rI so e . e ac a L....:..::..:..::..::......:..::~ .!.2!.!"~57""- -J