Page 4 - Scrimshaw1975
P. 4
Page 4 Scrimshaw Wednesday. February 12. 1975 Editorial Student's of Western TEMPTATION about which I who don't know what a RESOLUTION goes like this, hell of it? Or do we keep our Maryland College! Believe it am raving appeared in a research company is, or how AHEM,.. "ThaI ad- fingers out of the cookies? The ur not, TEMPTATION, that recent issue of the late great these sleezy firms operate, use vertisements for research only reason, by the way, that ringworm on the body politic of Gold Bug. (You know, the rag your ability and look it up, I companies 1I0t be printed in Ihe Gold Bug Bunch even civilized man, is lurking in our you didn't read before the rag don't have room to explain iLl the Gold Bug on the premise printed that ad in the first midst! Yes folks,the same you don't read now, namely When t hi s malignant that they tempt students," place was GREED. Those ugly demon that led Billy the this onel I The rascals who manifesto was spoiled, (the 11 appears, fellow tower companies pay a lot of bread to Kid, Al Capone, and Richard brought vou that newsy bird spots were green, in case you dwellers, that our Honor Bored see their names in the paper. Nixon down the roads to their cage liner had the crass itt- didn't see them), we on the feels that you and I are too The attitude that the respective ruins is knock, sensitivity 10 publish an ad- Scrimshaw staph were alerted morally deficient 10 handle an students on this campus have knock. KNOCKING at our back vert isement for a research immediately, Who finked? advertisement for a research 10 be constantly watched over, door. Flattered? Don't be. company. No doubt those Noneotherthan thaI well known company. My question is, are that they are children or sheep Jl.tephisto ain't picky. creeps Were planning to per- bastion of morals, that College we? and is it t.he business of the if you will, has got to change. Theattempted campus-wide vert us all. (For those of you of Westminster Cardinals, the Honor Bored 10 censor our werespect our honor systemwe Student Honor Bored. Yes, you reading material? They cb- am proud of the dedication and Letters to. the Editor may now sleep soundly in your viously feel that the answers to energy of the people who little beds once more, the these questions are YES, created it and made it work.We The Honor Bored is playing western proud that am Dear Edi tor, waiting in line and the only Honor Bored is looking out for mommy and daddy with us Maryland has such a system. you!! Like a comforting layer The final coffeehouse of Jan thing that was actually of MUCK, they shall shield you kiddies, trying to make sure Term was the first one I at- necessary before classes from Ghosties and Ghoulies that their children don't get BUT, VIemust question their tended. Although I did not stay began was to have our J.D. and things that go Bump in the their little minds bent. right to censor your very long. I stayed long enough card stamped. We certainly newspaper. Your reactions and So... We editors at Scrim- for my dwindling faith in the were not holding up anything. I Newspaper. shaw have a decision to make, comments are heartily The bored sent us: a letter people around here to be understand that doin . the containing a RESOLUTION! do we fly in tfie face of purity- welcome. GF restored a little bit. majority of this on Sunday prot parenthood and "Scrimshaw" This was the first thing I would make things easier, but I How's that for good old two' print another ad just for the Editorial W,·'ness a v,·et-,·m have ever been to on this am sure that most of those fisted determination!? The Box3A campus without that good old people would have been here at crap called brew. I am not that time anyway. For some of condemning Gigifs and frat us, this was just.not practical. by Elizabeth Creagh parties, but. merely pointing beA~~u~i~ea~~e~ebo~~e j~:~Recent experience has are reaching this stage; the clarity of mind. No one needs E~~~~t~l~e~V~e~~:~~~L\ti i~.~"u~I~~.d le~:~te~o~il1u~f ~!~~£t~h~~~~;\~~tiF:0~~:~r:~{~!i~~~~:~~f~~f~~~l:;E~~:~~,~!i:~:E~~~~ It's just pretty sad that so ~~~~~aen~n~~?e~ti~.~~;~~~a;!~~ English language is a mystical proper period of years is to be whose mind functions in an ~a~~~'1~~~~~eth~~oo~~dye~ef~ J.D. card stamped. I, for one, ::bt~~~nc~~e.o;'hf; i1~~stm~~ ~hda;:~~e~r ~hha~~~~t~1 ~~~: ~~~~~I~aF~~;e;oo~y n~~a~~~~ those. people, I can only hope :~~~~ ~ft~~\~r~~: ~~pr~ft;'; distur~ you, if you ar~ of. an progress towards the Vision, to his twentieth-century world. that you'll soon wander into goes. uns~lflsh ~r humanitartan the scholar will feel that there Furthermore, the blessed one of these coffeehouses. I really resent being stra~n, or If. you have .not is in language an ideal of inexperience of the masses Maybe your ideas of what- punished for using my achieved this ~evelatlOn. perfection, an optimum ac- with facile exchange of ideas makes a good lime can get judgement in enjoying what How~ver! after much t.hought curacy of expression that has appears as a contemptible unscrewed. little time we had off to the and inqurry, I have arrived at meaning for himself and for thing to one who thinks and fullest and being bribed into son:te conclusions w_hichI feel the rest of humankind. Once he articulates eloquently, and Nand Shepherd making sure we are back to obliged to sha~e With .you by embarks on an endeavor to whatever the extent of his Naive Fresh of the Year school on' time for znd way of a warnmg against the change the world in some way -wishes that everyone could do semester. This is our potentially unfortunate spread through the fulfillment of this so as well as he, he will un- Der Nanci; responsibility of language proficiency in the idea, he is bound directly for a doubtedly develop a feeling of You sent us this letter last . Ellen Schramm United States. mystical experience, and the erudition that will be in- year no doubt? I found it under I speak from experience, for consequences are certain to be terpreted as intellectual the rug in our office the other Feast your stimulation- I was one of the roaming souls painful. snobbishness or con- day, how's that for efficient starved eyes on this tha~ was snared b~ the powers The danger takes several denscension. These things filing? Well, I hope you still statement of the College's of hte.rary experti~e. It could forms. First, language considered, it seems Im- ~:~:, t!~~~:~n!eabouto~~i: ~~~~, objectives found on page 15 of concelva~Yd b~ clal~hed ~a! I ~~~fi~~r~! ce~~~~~h!ns1~~P~~ F:~;~:~~~~~id t~: aIO~~~m~r agree lOO%.And while we're on the .19:4-75 Undergraduate ~i~~,rr;::~y ;;r~nts ewe::l~i literature; the change is most and comfortable member of the topic of coffee houses, how admiSSions catalogue. the intelligentsia and, unaware notable in the areas of history's American society.- 'boul leI's have some more? of the dangers involved for the great literary works and Finally, a hazard of What ever happened to Bill We believe it is our purpose future, they raised me in an current journalism. The risks language proficiency is its Haymes? What say you to assist in the.: environment of refined English involved with attaining this power to induce an illusion of shtudents?? development of liberally usage. Unlike the celebrated ability are: In the former case, well-being. The dreamer who educated persons who will school grammarians of former a tendency to spend large is slow to realize that the ideal have: times, their reason for in- amount of time reading what in human existence is defunct, Dear Editor "The qualities of curiosity, stilling this knowledge in me other people have had to say will probably see in language a As a student, I would like criticism, skepticism, op~n- arose from' a sense of the ~bout frequently fictitiouS: possibility for the organic some comment from the ad- mindedness, tolerance, and beauty and elation which come andlor idealistic subjects, with expression of mental images; ministration on the reasoning intellectual courage; the into one's capabilities when a common side effect of delight and he will espouse this goal in for the policy of a "late" power of analysis, the love of expression and communication at. clever arrangements of his ivory-tower ignorance that registration fee of $5.00. truth, and the ability to are lucid. I must laud them for words, and this can do little perfection of human ex- First of all, the fact that we communicat.e ideas ef- their striving to retain for me besides alienate-the reader perience is unrealistic. Here were to be back by a specified reetively. that intense but obsolete ex- from ·the real world around lies the gravest danger, for the time was not very clearly * A sound found~tion in an perience; and I must mourn him and surfeit his head with master of language is deluded made. Those students out-of- area, or diSCipline of the foiling of their wishes by a impractical notions. The in his belief that he could state, such as I, or anyone with knowledge; world that has no place for chuckle of glee that escapes become the best at anything-- any sort of plans, would have to, " An insight into the past and elation. 'the enthralled reader as an ""e x p e cia II y any t h i n g spend Sunday morning present of Western culture; The lures of language author's dexterity tickles his meaningful--and while down- traveling instead of being able * A reasonable familiarity proficiency are many and fancy is closely related to the to-earth people attempt to to make the mosi'out of at least with a Non-Western cullure; attractive. Its first idle chuckle of the insane. In bring him' in contact with part of the day, I, along with' * An understanding of the manifestations appear as the latter case, varying reality he will try to persuade many others, judging from the physical and biological en- sensations of- accomplishment degrees of addiction to the them into his own path towards length of the "late" vironment; or fulfillment, as in un- written news media often the mystical experience, registration line, were not able * An active and critically derstanding a difficult word or result, and nothing can immovable in that faith for to come back, but the policy informed interest in the fine' grasping an intricately ex- logically follow this except which the grounds seemS to that we must phone in was arts; pressed concept. The same depression and pessimism. him irrefutable. never widely known. It is very * A recognition of the sort of feeling is likely to occur Our younger generation will I speak put of concern for the degrading to be reduced to po!entiality of the physical self on a large scale following the 'doubtless lead happier lives in welfare of my fellow human kindergarden status - repor- and the importance of con-. receipt of praise from a ignorance of the prolonged beings, and in the hope 'that all ting our e.stimated time of Hnuing physical activity; professor for a good piece of mishaps and absurdities that who read this article will arrival. Any·other time during' (hear that girls?) . writing or a compliment on .dominate the subject matter of consider my points seriously as the semester, the ad- .*. A. strong sense of lll- one's clarity of expression; newspapers and m.agazines. a caution against the pursuit of ministration_would not know if' divlduahty and respect for and if an urge to develop the, Another danger arIses from language proficiency. Witness we dropped dead. independence in thought and skill further should result, it is the clarity o.f e~pr.ession t~at a victim,' the author of these Secondly, for what reason A committment to probable that one is on the Icomes from an m!i':'lac:y With words, and decide for yourself were we required to be back so resp:msible moral, social, and way to enlightenment. Hap- ~he .Iangu.age_; t.hls IS the whether her capabilities have early? More time was spent political action. pily, few~: an~ .fewer peo~le !mevltable mchnahon towards proved effective in any way.
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