Page 60 - Scrimshaw1975
P. 60
Paga 4 Scrimshaw Wednesday, May 7, 1975 large crowd would be an en- one tire too. She's matter couraging happens sight. this But no afternoon, anyuung-water kit, bottle, first-aid pump kit, Greta Grace, the short skirts the while who wears and patching Sports Matt Bowers. congratulations season. to the team for a raincoat, fill those bags. The bike is set so low that her knees come up what and toilet dog repellent, bike, with the seat riding a men's paper well-played Bob Toner protected from theft by a length of she when her shoulders past the same pedals. kind of chain they use on Cute. Barb Burns The horrors Butt to pull up their anchors, Or Bertha battleships Chubbs), fastened with a lock that can counterpart Charlie (and her male who and wear of "bipedaling" withstand the blast of seven sticks 'are on exercise kicks with the tags I brand new _sweatsuits of dynamite, picked but is easily open with a straightened paper still attached 'and all of the zippers to an early A good sign that spring is finally Baseball as the stickmen jumped on goal after arriving is when it starts 'getting clip. The rider him-. (or her-) ~lf is zipped even in 90 degree heat and adidas training the top-of-the-line lead and then poured goal. Rick Wright had 4 goals and 1 warmer (you can tell I took ~e1I-protected With pants-cups, a shoes and the sweatbands and who The Western Maryland College assist to lead the scoring picture General Science). Another good light strapped to the leg, goggles, never get out of first gear, even baseball team concluded a and yellow midfielder Will Sanders sign is the sudden profusion o( anArmys~lushelmet,andsome when going downhill. a somewhat disappointing 1975 had 3 goals to help out. bicyclists on the many miles of more ~eflecbve tape. . season last week, just missing a Widener was continually stopped scenic roadways in and around our Don t be put off by the.Horace F. The greatest danger to the .500 season and a shot at the con- all day long on defense and also by own . beautiful Westminster, Studley phony types, elthe~. ~ou casual cyclist is from the ference playoffs, but with several the play of goalie Keith Ammon However, before you" join the know the ones-:-they come Z1.ppmg peoresstonets-the mobs of kids on outstanding personal per- who went into the game during the bipedaling (is that a wordt i by you on their $8,000 platinum- the home-made stingrays with the formances that the record' did not second quarter to replace the 'in- masses on Carroll County's asphalt plated, t~f1on-coated lightweight banana seats and the high-rise do justice to: jured Mel Franz. Franz may be out ribbons, take heed. You are sure to Y~goslaVlan 47'S~ racing bikes- handlebars and the baseball cards For the first time all year the for the season as he sustained encounter one or more of the -with the McDonalds license plate in the spokes. Traveling in groups team won two games in a row as severe muscle damage on his left following biking types during your on th~, seat saying "Y01!~ of never less than eighty they stop they defeated Susquehanna in the shoulder. travels (along with the usual N~ME. They w~ar th.e ex~nslye for no man-or woman-and have the all right-of-ways pretty much' as ~~:y ~=es:y ~af:U~I~::; y:~ur~a~s :ame w~s h ~~ potholes, broken glass, dogs, little b~:~ht~Orante ~1~y~n1 Ja~k~t~ ~;1:g victory over Dickinson) by a score neverOOhaP~~ a::in~nThe °rerrors kids with StiCks~t~en drivers, ~Iey f:llPO:Ve~ ~~en e U:eOyn-~t:p ~::e ~:S:epr~s:f~~at of 7 to 3. Dave Dolch pitched well in led after the half 7-6 on excellent and-or irate true ers . because they can't get their feet is all about-getting out in the fresh picking up the win, and Rich play by Mike Dexmuth and Skip out of the toe-clips on the pedals. air and having fun. Heritage contributed a home run Seidel. The 2nd half was a veritable You' should never feel in. They tear up their hands when they I hope this guide helps prepare as part of an overall good offensive nightmare though as stupid timidated by the Joe-Bicyclists. try to slo,",: the?, bikes by.grabbing you in some small way to face the showing. mistakes cost the Terrors a much- . These are the people who ride the front tire, like the racing dudes at times hectic world of two- The second game -wes the cp- needed victory. Mike DeMuth around on what looks like a parade they saw on t.v.c-but forget that the wheeled self-powered trans- posite of the first as everyone's ended the day with 4 goals, Skip Float-every conceivable bicycle racin~ guys ~ear gloves. . portation. May your gears never hitting was off, and fielding errors SeidE!l added 2 more and Kurt accessory that exists is attached to You re bound to bump Into MISS cluster, or whatever. _ allowed Susquehanna to take it, 3 . Glaiser, Jay Cooke and Steve their bikes (although often the to 1. Gef Fleming, in his first start Wheeler managed single tallies to brakes or something don't work). back from a messed-up wrist, got _ complete the meager scoring. A typical "Joe" bike is a fire- weIl.- * * * although' he Crossettes engine red three-speed goes model with the loss with stuck horns (one two didn't "AH-- allow any earned runs. Oh, ''). a bell, a siren, a 'OOO"GAH! :i::!,"~ headlight, a taillight, courtesy 618M1leoftlM> A May Day crowd saw the The women's lacrosse team lights, parking lights, a map light, =:r_ GuHol_ Terrors wind up their season continued it's winning streak this a fog lamp, turnsignals, and a ClEx_. (about five rained-out games will past weekend with a win over , kerosene lantern, just in case the "_ian .=.~~ DOW' not be made up) splitting another Wilson College on Saturday. Both 12-volt car battery conks out. In .,hl_ ':,':"..::'- doubleheader, this one with teams played a slow first half, addition, it usually has a 12 Beh"'-e .. Muhlenberg, by identical 1 to 0 JXl¥>ibly due to the fact that it was speedometer, an odometer, two- a - z LeIt.oftlM> 19.Enqlioh.oy.1 14E"-"":ion G.-.I""- scores in two'surprisingly tight and a morning game and everyone was rear·view mirrors, a compass, a 15l.ou;";lI. 3 Pugilislic '.mily keltllld ... m 38f1 ...... n< ..I.,. well-played games (I stuck having trouble waking up, At half· thermometer, a barometer, a wind 17::::::;.0' • Spok.n 21 Bord.... pon ~~~=Ol 22 Mo•• impoli.. "surprisingly" in there for con- time the WMC squad was barely on gauge, many-colored streamers, 5 Compiel. •..-1"11 ~~=k~;:< ~~. - troversy). Stu Lehman ended his top with the score standing 5-4. bright-orange flag on the eight·foot 18Ex_'_" 8_· ,..,ning.nd career with an amazing string of 19 Wilson came onto the field second antenna of the AM-FM two-way F 20 =-of 7=1 lor 44 Domicil. .7 Amit_of scoreless innings pitched, besides baH and scored a quick goal tying radio·receiver cassette player- 23!!..~~1d 3D=_crl 10Philipj>i... pcking up a win, in the first game. the game u~. Then the Terrorrettes recorder, a windshield, mudguards 2iR ..... n_it •• - 32:", 49 SeII_islilld 248urden With two outs in the bottom of the began to get it together and fight front and rear, 364 reflectors, and 26 Piet_p .... I. :!~':.- ~O_ sixth Pete Clark singled and Chip back. 1be persistent WMC defense 83 yards of orange reflecting tape 28 v;'" _ ,ai/ 11 En;oy"';,h "Germlntpll 57Im_ ...1 3otStat.of =~ ~'ion Chaney drove him in with a double. held Wilson to one more goal for spelling out such messages as ....- !:~=incity .. =-:':01 .., .... nd 58_E In the second game, Wayne the rest of the game while the "Bicycles Don't Pollute" and all on 31Arnorian -- Coblentz pitched a fine game but moving offense ~red on Wilson the four saddlebags and three ot.Ii ..m m~~ wasn't backed up offensively. eight more times. The fmal score baskets. The rider is' ready for :=ma Western Maryland had some was 13-6 and with the addition of .~...... chances, but just couldn't this win the women can boast of .. in.......... capitalize; the game wasn't over their 4-0-1 record. Sue Underwood until the final out, however (not continues to be the high scorer for many of them are), so the fans saw the team with 5 goals in the Wilson ==':::... """,,"-1" some good, exciting baseball, game. Dale Torbit followed Sue UMiofDc.olittlll 46=~-::: which is what it's aU-about. closely with 4, Linda McHale had 2, Hiw-n quality - lowest p~~ .t5ec._rH"II'o.m, and Donna Zeleny and Lynn Gieser w..m Maryland BICtrOilia ::::rcoll.f Crossers each had I. Barbie Vase played her 4 John Norment ... A-13 game excellent usual had and . interceptions. ~ 5' :~:.~.) 1.,,+.......,H-+~ ..... H-+--1 . Last week the Green Terror - The women play the last game of ::=:'It""O lacrosse team evened the record their season this afternoon at home at5and5as they trounced Widener against' Gettysburg College. : STEVt~MAHANEY·! College 16-4 on Wednesday and Gettysburg is considered to be dropped a disheartening 13-91085 to I the best team the girls will meet .. for It • SGA -PRESIDENT and the game Wilkes College on Saturday. The game will start at 3 p.m. and a ............•• • should be eXCiting. The outcome was never in doubt 1 t
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