Page 59 - Scrimshaw1975
P. 59
Wednesday, May 7, 1975 Scrimshaw .... 3 SGfl Campaign Statem~nts President Vice"President more to playa Association worried, Next year's con. Ammon ~ structive and active role in both the COSS sponsor many SGA should strive 'de to regards I am to the apathy however, has in more that campus-c. I will keep this statement of social and academic areas. Our SGA is quickly becoming a activities, including such things as struck the WMC SGA. It is about policy brief, and to the point. The After another year of apathy and farce. This year's version did next concerts, coffee houses, dances, time students took a more active Student Government of W,M,C. is inefficiency on the part of the SGA to nothing. The five members of and lectures. Our SGA should also part in their college government: not doing the job it should for the leadership, the student body needs the Executive Council did little begin to take a more active part in The time is now to elect SGA of- students. I have been a part of the leaders who are willing to work more than twiddle their thumbs coordinating social and academic fleers who have -the students in- S.G.A. this year and I can best together for the students of WMC. . and accuse each other of being . activities with the surrounding terest at heart and can be good describe. my experience as While some effort has been made irresponsible. It is sad that not one community and neighboring liaison officers between the frustrating. I have been able to to discover the desires of the . of these five felt it their duty to campuses. students and the college ad- make some revisions in book- students, their wishes are rarely attempt to lead the SGA out of the !omorrow when you go to the ministration. If elected, I plan to keeping and financial policy, but as realized due to the inexperience of quagmire. It is even sadder that gr-ille to vote, please remember work closely with the president to treasure'rldonothaveauthorityto the officers in dealing with other attempts made by Senate rnem- that the future of your SGA is at 'institute a new SGA Constitution make all the changes which I think campus officials. Frequent bers and other concerned students stake. that will alow greater student are necessary. This is why I am communication is imperative to inevitably ended in terminated' . RickCoss, participation in the total college running for President. best advance the student interests. discussions or tabled motions as candidate for vtce-Presldent function 'and would also clear up The potential of the S.G.A. is An effective committee system the executive leadership battled on ambiguities present in the old ~r~~:~I~o~an~~e~~ ~~e itCh;~~: *~:c~~ry~:r ~~fo~r~~nl~!:_ ~ee:::~easi~rlth~~o!~~=~t~~~ Hancock Constitution. would be immediately apparent. I m:ittees have done absolutely business was to see how fast the During my two years at WMC, I I would like to see a radio station propose to initiate such a change nothing and next year's budget has meeting could be completed as the have been extremely interested in begun WMC and some good immediately. For example: yet to be finalized. Can you president acknowledged everyone student government. As vice- bands for next years concerts .- revision of the by-laws to make the remember the last SGA-sponsored had more important things to do president of the Sophomore class, ?a th requiring action this year, and duties and responsibilities of of- social event? This type of attitude must not one of my responsibilities has been If I am elected, I will do all in my fleers and representatives clear continue in our SGA. The present that of Sophomore class power to see these things realized, and specific, enforcing the rules In conclusion, we cannot have leadership has proved itself representitive to the SGA. I also On May 8th, vote Scott Hancock, concerning attendance, and, another year of Stifled Govern- ineffective and irresponsible. It is worked closely With this years SGA SGA Vice-President Your vote will organization of functional standing ment Action. It is essential that time .tor a much needed change. vice-president, Steve Mahaney, In be greatly appreciated committees to handle such ac- next year's SGA leaders have the This year we need to elect five planning and .executtng tivities as concerts, publicity, etc. ability and desire to make the SGA officers who can and will work Homecoming 1974. from the par- These changes are long overdue, an effective student instrument. together. We need leaders who ade to the half-time activities. * Classifieds * :!ef:s~~;more, they will not presid!~~NOrment,candidatefor ~i~~·~~~~!:tti~~c\~:c:iel!~:: ~~m':j:::i~~t~:~~~~~gAo~~c~ I will not make any promises ship we can turn the SGA into a president, and having had the :~~i~:n~~:0tk~~:f~H~iIb~~~:~: Watson :~r:~n~ills~~~~~~ ~~v~~~~~! :;:~Ii;n~~:~~ewo~~, ~b~:~ev~~ ~:s~~e~:rill myself totally to making the S.G.A. needs. coordinate Homecoming -1975. From: Coppin State University an active and useful organization. I In September of 1973 I arrived at /---~------~----=-__:_-=_:::':_:::':::::':=-_j Guest Readers From: Coppin State want to see this happen, and with WMC, a transfer student from News. Br"1efs - University of Md. - Loyola - WMC the support of the students, I will Morgan State in Baltimore. Within -Westminster-Come one Come All see to it that it does happen. the space of a few weeks I saw & Bring Your Poems - Open to Respectfully submitted, many things which I felt were not . everybody' Wine Wine Wine Wine- W.KeithAmmon ~~:~iV~o:m~~it;~llI·~:~~f·t: The College Singers of Western Nelhybel and "Prelude and ~~s~nG~~r:~~~r:~:~;MaY9 ~.-Mahaney ::!.~thth:~7;c:foft~r!~~~~~~~ ~;:a~:n~:~~~~;!!!.:~~a~ F~h~":{es~~~t's Review ~i1l Sale: the Freshmen class. 1 felt that May 11 in McDaniel.Lounge on the begin at noon with the presentation For .1973 Kawasaki 350-82 color blue, The Student Government those who worked and had contact .westmtnster, Md. campus. of awards and medals to out- excellent condition, only 1700 Association of western Maryland with me would agree that some !he c~m?er group of 16 mixed standing cadets, followed by the 'miles, 2 helmets included. Asking College Includes in its membership progress was made along witn a VOices IS di~t~ by Oliver K. "pass in review" for college every full time undergraduate few setbacks.ibut we did work. It Spangler, associate professor President Ralph C. John. (In case $750.- system: Realistic AM- .Stereo student enrolled in the college. It is was my decision not to run for any music emerit~. The concert will of rain, the entire program will be FM stereo receiver and 2 speakers, therefore nut only the right, but the office the following year due to the be accompamed by Dr. Arleen conducted in Gill Gymnasium on Garrard 4O-B changer and dust duty of each student to take an uncertainty of my class status. I Heggemeier, professor of music at the campus.j Cover, Pre-amp, Magn~tic active part in Association ac- also wanted to view the student Western Maryland. ' Among the awards and medals tridge, headphones. tivities and policy decisions government from the outside as The evening program will in- being presented are the following: Asking $100.- directly affecting their campus most students do. elude "Hey, Look Me Over" BallimoreSunMedaltoMAJMark Call Linda-jean Giraudin life, Despite the clamor decrying I have seen an S.G.A which is not (Wildcatl, "Consider Yourself" K. Chenoweth of Towson Md.' (301) 490--4483
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