Page 58 - Scrimshaw1975
P. 58
Page 2 Wednesday, May 7, 1975 Editorial *******************,**** ******** Perhaps to the together when teams with your teammates to hear an athlete say he cannot travel for Many times Since I have been at Western . apathy on the part of the athletes. the time to attend. It is not unusual hours out from studying to work is gained playing rewards Western be Maryland College, all I have heard to an away game players are not attend because of classes or labs. not too great a sacrifice. The time Maryland are materially few. I about the intercollegiate athletic able to make the trip. I understand In the case of these interfering with could be saved by a little self feel that in accepting a position program is of its inadequacies. that playing in Division III of the games most professors. will allow discipline. Granted that. there are there is a responsibility taken on These alleged problems range NCAA for a school such as' WMC, an athlete to sit in at another time. problems with the athletic by 'the individual. With this from poor coaching to unattractive academics come before athletics. Tests are another excuse used b~ program here and that there are responsibility comes sacrifice in uniforms. Being a participant in Coaches can't require players to many. It is not as if these games good reasons to miss a practice or order to attain athletic competitive the program Iwas led to believe all attend all practices and games, were scheduled the day before, in a game. But, the next time you excellence. We do not claim ex- of these excuses. Recently though, but, the athletes themselves should most cases both test and game here complaints by members of an cellence here at WMC, yet the fault I have been awakened to the real have enough responsibility and dates are determined far in ad- athletic team at WMC, think twice lies in many, not few. problem which I have concluded is desire to be able to work to make vance. For practices, to take two about who to put the blame on. Jay Rodstein Lellers 10 IheEdilor . Dear Editor, . '. derdevelo~ .world is t~ quick to ~~!~l~rsthe Housing Council Dear Editor: In your article of April 30 regar- We would like to thank all the accept socialism and th~n m~t released the new dormitory hours Iwould like to identify myself as ding campus fire hazards, you students, prof~ors and staff who beg .a~ our door for Its life- for next year. The hours were thaf- "certain Dramatic Art listed a number of deficiencies in expressed loving concern and sustammR food. termed "tentative" by the minutes professor" who forced the Western campus buildings. How could you sympathy to us since the loss of our released by the Council. There are Maryland College Jazz Band to go include Harrison House as having elsewhere because I felt Alumni nO fire extinguishers? The ex- so~~ring from fellow students, ":~:~~,,no~~eta~ro:~~ ~':- ~:;,~rt;~ :~~g~o:hifi~~ga~~ Hall belonged only to Dramatic Art 'unguisher sits inside the front co-workers, teachers, sororities, eluding the speaker, to anyone in Fourth Floor Rouzer quesstion. after 5:00 p.m. I would further like door..::I applaud your zeal and effort fraternities and groups on campus the room wbo felt that we gave a First is how and why these hours to identify myself as a fan both of in confronting this topic of concern, touched us very deeply. poor image for WMC. First of all, were decided on. Second is how jazz and the Western Maryland but question your accuracy Donald & DorothyHummel and to those people wbo would not like "tentative" are these hours when College Jazz Band. I have en- throughout the article. Could you family to associate themselves with us, we are ridiculed by female thusiastically attended, and en- have also overlooked other items they. must profess tyranny, op- members of the Housing Council joyed, every concert they have inside other front doors? uven on this campus. Sincerely, Dear Editor: ~~=~~r ~~~rv:nt~o;~~~ti~~ ;~:;e try to voice our opinion as We are the "rude economies and a rising standard of living for What Chris Okenica's editorial Keith Moore (Scrimshaw, April students" that Mrs. Beltspoke of in all human beings. We do not Why was Rouzer Fourth picked neglects to mention 30, is 1975) the her interesting letter to the editor. apologize to our speaker. We out as the only mens dorm floor or congested rehearsal situation in . This letter may not convince you of talked for ahout a half hour on bow section which will have the same Alumni Hall. In April of this year, It. was not ~e .intention of our interest in. mankind,. and the the less-developed world could be hours as this year? Certainly the for example, there were 20 dif- S~rlI~1shaw to tnstnuate that food question, but we -will try to fed. We agreed with him when he. wishes of this floor were not con- ferent rehearsals in progress as _a l;Ian:son House has no fire ex- repeat briefly our argument. concerned himself with overseas' sidered when the decision of hours part of the program in Dramatic tingwshers. We do, however, stand Economics is the study of the incentives and prqductivity. He for next year was made. Of the 56 AJ:t. We have solved this problem by ou~ sta.tement that Harrison allocation of scarce resources and then went on to talk for about a half men on this floor I talked to all but by setting up a room reservation House IS a fire hazard,due a lack has been used since the days when bour ondomesnc hts four, all of whom I knew were board. When a group, dramatic, of sufficient ~xtin?uishers for a It was called "political economy" domestic policies were followed, seniors and not returning next musical or whatever desires to use Structure of Its SIZ~. We regret to determine the appropriate the U.S. would soon become' sup- year. In all, there are twenty-two' an area in Alumni' Hall all they leaving ~~ word "sufficient" out policies for underdeveloped ports, quotas,. profits taxes, and who are not corning back to this need do is sign up. The Jazz Band of th~ original sentence. nations, sucb as the United States further restrictions which would _ floor next year. Of the thirty-four this system and Great Britain in Ute 19th mean slower agricultural who are planning to remain refused to use found themselves and in Staph subsequently century. Feeding the masses of production in the U.S. It was this twenty-two want twenty-four hour people in the developing world position with which we disagreed. open house on weekends. Ten want conOict with those who did. today is a great economic problem. ";us~~Tas~:" ~~:~~:~df:~ r---------, One of the main argwnents on Anytime government policy- open house twenty-four hours, the evening of April 17, 1975 was making decisions stifle business seven days a week. Igot one person these occasions. I do not accept the 11 cases of 3 day German whether we were letting our "love incentives to produce, be it oil or who had no opinion and one who ~a::'ib~:;~~ "~~'o~~~~ Measles have been confined on for big business" get the better of food, shortages are ir.evitably the was more in favor of merely ex- knOWing there was a Jazz Band, or campus. Anyone that may be our moral concerns. To repeat result. Our point that evening to tending the hours on weekends by contributing to the apathy the pregnant and ~a.s exposed should what we said that night, feeding Mr .. Kennedy was to emphasize an hour or two. No one objected editoral claims has precluded the contact obstetrician at once. the hungry is an economic these negative results of govern- strenuously at the prospect of Jazz Band's acceptance and ap- A~~one on campus that thinks question, not moral. Production of met intervention. We can only hope twenty-four hours on the preciation by the Western they v~ had the measles and goods -and services is amoral; that Sen. Mark Hatfield received weekends. Maryland College community. weren t seen?y the doctor, please which is not to say that we should some of our concerns; for the rest Tim Weinfeld report to the mfirmary. not redistribute some of our wealth of you we offer to ''.buy yoU a Why then should these hours be Department of Dramatic to the unfortunate people in book." forced upon us? When there are Arl -'- .J temporary need. For those of you Sincerely yours, thirty-two men who definately who attended that meeting, this is Doug Frazer want twenty-four hours open dorm where we stubbornly used the Jay Markanich at least on weekends is it too much Dear Staph, word, "efficiency." There are to ask for these hours. Why Why Bearfoot Jerry? Why can't right ways and wrong ways to feed shouldn't we be allowed to have a :~~~'~'h~:::r~~nc~:a~:; Honest mistake the poor and of helping them to say in what our Ooor's hours will feed themselves. The worst way is be? usually do. How can they really through government, because Dear StaPl- expect 10 hav~ a decent concert if A land developer in Arizona was decisions too often become The Spring Concert last Friday One answer ..that has been they pl~n for It only a few mont~ ordered to stop selling lots when it political, or are ent~ly .made by night showed again how in- Ooating around is that it will be before It occurs. If the S.G.A. IS was discovered that the property bureaucrats and special mterests. considerate an audience can be if it easier to enforce the hours if they going to spend the students' money reports he had filed were in- An altema~ve to this inefficient: reaDy works at it. The warm-up were set up from easiest to on .a concert, the least they could complete. One things he neglected Il_lethod might be for the U.S. act, John Biggs, is a case in point. strictest from bottom' to top. That do IS get someone that the students to mention was that the tracts were sunply to .eat less, so that more As a folksinger and guitaryst, it is is a fine excuse. Except for one want. If they can't plan for it 100 located in the immediate area of a may be ship~. to ~e hungry. W.e only natural that his music is minor detail. The new hours in long before the concert occurs, bombing range. are sorry to disillUSion you, bu.t, If lower-keyed volume-wise and it Whiteford. The hours as they_at;e why not get around five or six club stated lor Whiteford make a bands and have them play outside :~U!~:n~r::~!:~~~~.':=~~::!~ri~~:~~~ytoqU!~ mockery of the soundest reason for on the football field ali day. I'm STAPH: WHO TO BLAME fall in. price will. disc?urage lK""eciate. This quite he did not denying Fourth Floor its' much sure many students would be more The Big Two: Baron L Tayler Gene Funk in an outdoor hours. Jrodue~lon and w~ Will aga~n have receive. What he did get was a desired change in could there What be interested thCln the indoor concert The Little Three: reasoning like that concert possible domes~c productton eq~~mg the series of calls from the audience, behind the Whiteford bours except domestic demand. ThlS 18 true inordinate clapping from the that the wishes of the floors were that 'we recently had. Mark C. J;layer because lhefood we don't eat is not audience and a general roar from Thanks for reading, Mark Katz ~ kind of r~ that .should be the audi~ce that was loud enough examined and the-hours set ac- Mark Katz Matt Bowen shipped to Asla an.d Arica. thilt the engineers had to turn up cordingly"? Why is that same Picture Takers in Chief: We ~de ecooOl.rncs students ~t the.volume on the amplifiers. And system not to be used for us? Gene Funk, Baron L Tayler :~ f::!~r l~e~~::ec:a~ ~ loud enough that ~ himself had to Is that too much to ask? To have Dear Editor, alleviate short-run starvation, and ask for some qwet so he eould ooun that the floor as a whole f~/ir=I~, ~m~~ u:..~~:Pa:::~Burns 2) the individual pe:~g'!t ~:xt=~~not a. agrees to? . Why thel_l w~ me::- only time you get a response is Lonni Mye" countries, to slow down po~tion killjoy. I like a coocert. as much as hers .of this fl?OC, mduding. e when you write something in- Karen Pilson- growth, encourage productioo of the next guy to let. off some steam. ~~mg Council Re.preseotatiV~i correctly. Therefore, I'd like to Jennifer Watts agriculture goods and to the But I also believe that we can have ridiculed by :ousln g c:,nCl preface this, my fIrst letter to the Bob Toner . =t:m~:c:~t~=: the common courtesy-indeed, ~ ~~~ f~~~tm: ::.ens that r::; Scrimshaw since its facelifting, Morris, the "finicky Cat ~entives to pr~uce. ~t chance ':~r:=c~ k::=i: Door decided on a "picky subject" ;:. ~ffo~g!~e::e~ei~~ :~~ Head Drawer: Mark C. Bayer lS there of private chanty? Very de IlIUi; After all there are still as one of the womens mem~n job of making the newspaper a . AND: A cast of thousands. lbe good. Ameri~ bas always been so:::e of ~ out the:e who actually sai~? To those of us who are going subject of comment and dialogue opinions expressed in this pub- generous in ttmes of need. ~t liketllatoldfolkmusicandgotoa ~~lveonRouzerFourthnexty~r, .on campus. It has added a new ~:O~d;;:~~~::!~n~:a~t =~i~ of ~e/~t!on ~=~::~concert to listen. It IS not. Sincerely, ~;~~~nColl~e ~~pus~estern 3A, Western Maryland Coli •• stimulation of production? Bi~~=:'; FouZ::r= One small correction, however. Westminster, Mlryland 21157 Practically zero. The un-
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