Page 62 - TheGoldBug1973-74
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PAGE 2 GOLD BUG Thursday, March 21, 1974 Christians versus Lions - Recently at a small liberal arts college, in central a faculty devoid of blacks and females. the instructor has proven himself. Many untenured Maryland, a political science instructor was What is needed is an evaluation of instructors, not instructors frantically scurry around trying to be released from the teaching staff because his only for their willingness to counsel students, and excellent teachers, but after gaining tenure, settle ideologies did not concur with those of the Political only good teachers, but had individual character, themselves into a comfortable long, long winters Science Department. During a TV interview, and were ready and willing to meet and talk with nap, content to keep the same lecture notes, give students expressed a deep respect for the instructor students. the same tests, and not keep their respective and his teaching methods, regardless of their own courses alive, interesting and informative. Tenure political beliefs. They felt that his dismissal was removes from the college the chances for unjustified and questioned the decision of the The problem here arises from the simple fact that flexibility, change, reform and good instructors. college. The result was a mass boycott of classes, those who are responsible (people such as the Mediocrity sets in, and there is no room for the and demands that the college administration and Department Head, the President, and the Dean of critical and open-minded student. We can look faculty reexamine themselves as to their com- Academic Affairs), for making decisions, have forward to a faculty of aging white professors, and mitments and ideologies as set forth in the very little, if any, information on teachers and their for their ideologies, but most importantly their philosophy of the institution. The institution was teaching. They must make evaluations and ability to teach. A system should be established Mount Saint Mary's College, located approximately judgments of faculty for such matters as whereby professors who have tenure, can be twenty miles west of Western Maryland College. promotion, professorships, hiring and firing. The periodically reviewed and evaluated, not only by reason for the lack of information is that presently their peers, but by past and present students. there is no effective evaluation of instructors by Dismissal after tenure should not only be for gross Recently also at our own school, within the past students. misconduct, but also for gross mis-teachlng two years, two instructors have been dismissed, apparently for the same reasons -- their beliefs did Within the same system, the evaluation of not concur with their departments'. The difference We did, at one time, have evaluation sheets courses should not only be at the end of the here, however, was that there were no mass furnished by the AAUP. But those were used by boycotts. In fact, very few students were aware of teachers only a voluntary basis, and only passed :~~~~~~r~a~uJe~:~i~~ ~~-!~~~t~~e: 'hi~otet~~hi~ng the dismissal of the instructors. The dismissals out during the final exams, to be handed in im- methods are. The evaluation should not only be (one in reality was a tendered resignation, rather mediately following the exam. Students did not from present students, but from students who than a firing) were executed quickly, efficiently have the chance to carefully and critically evaluate previously had the course. All this information and quietly. the course. The Dean has never seen these forms, must be made available to the Dean of Academic The dismissal and resignation seem very in- and neither have some students. Affairs and also to the students. congruous with our college catalogue, which states: The burden of teacher evaluation lies with the "Members of the faculty are chosen not only for The primary responsibility of a professor is that faculty. For if the faculty-wants to be able to grow their scholarship, but for character, ability to of teaching, not only prior to, but also after and to meet the demands of a qualified student teach, and willingness to counsel with students." achieving tenure. Tenure, originally conceived and body, they must reexamine their teaching methods (emphasis added) To my knowledge, after established as a guarantee of academic freedom, is and ideologies. A lesser burden lies with the speaking with students, both instructors were not now a permanent faculty appointment given after student. We must b~ ready to objectively analyze and evaluate our instructors. However, if the student is to grow in an environment in which there Commentary . is a pursuit of truth (as stated in the college of and the development st':l~ents' attitudes, moral and spiritual values, and Judgement cr-itical catalogue), there first must be an honest and serious evaluation of those instructors who profess to be professors. ESL Replies: to Christiao Vs. Lions - Box 3A In an age of nostalgia, people are trying to return ..................................................... to days past. Some are even going all the way back Because of the recent interest in Streaking, a to the time of Adam, who is the guy who invented selected bibliography on the topic for ditigent Voicebox haberdashary. He did so, when he made the researchers has been compiled, courtesy of momentous decision to turn over a new leaf. Memorial Hall faculty. However, unknown persons are trying to alter the Dear Editor: course of history by shedding the old stuffy con- A. Grant Zwinger, "From Striking to Streaking: A Since no effort was made by the Gold Bug staff to formities and conventions of the past in an effort to Glance at Recent Student Movements," Crisis get in touch with either me or Don Simmons about expand the awareness of themselves and their (April, 1974),75-96. the cafeteria petition article, I would like to set a neighbors. few things straight. RU. Bair, Ph.D., "Apathy and Anatomy: Two First of all the "discourtesy on the part of the Social scientists ponder the significance of this ~~pects of the Seventies, " Limbo (March, 1974),3- staff," listed in your article as complaint number five, was really the heading which included "false trend which has swept across America. No less an advertising of menu" which you listed as complaint authority than Dr. Joyce Brothers has analyzed the number two. In no way was this meant to be a psycho-social ramifications of this phenomenon. Ira Butte, "Jogging in the Altogether: A Struc- complaint about individual members of the staff, or Streaking (termed terrestrial skinnydipping by ~~:~:s~2~~~~~ach,,, Gestalt & Health (February, the relationship between the students and the staff. t.hose in the know) has a rich and proud tradition in In fact, several staff members signed the petition. our civilization. To wit: Tallulah Bankhead, the Secondly, the main point of our petition was the mythical king who wore mythical clothes, Fanny Bair, "Streaking in ~n-Fast Dyes" Hit suggestion of a meal ticket plan where boarding fraternity nude runs, and the lovely Lady Godiva. Today (June, 1974), 1-2. The list is as long as it is impressive. Sue Spenders (Pseud) "Streaking Schlemiels: the Eold Bug Malamud's A New Life," Israeli Army Quarterly Now, streaking has come to WMC. Westminster (Feb, 1974), 3. has finally made the big time, up there with the big boys such as the University of Maryland. We are a part of a national movement of such consequence Claude Backenside, "The New Swingers, Parade Editor-in-Chief Cindy O'Neal (1974) pp. 7-10. that noted periodicals such as Time and Newsweek Associate Editor Gerry Philips have devoted considerable attention. Numerous Photography Editor Baron Tayler students are displaying their zest for life (and P.F. Skinner, "The Proper Attire for the Streak, displaying much more) attired only in their foot- "American Footware (April, 1975), 3-61. Advertising ManaGer Steve Boyd wear and personal dignity. Unfortunately, the latter is often discarded as well. M. 'rse Tung, "Expell the Streaking Dog Im- Staff: Julie Mullen. Gt!ne Funk perialists from Emerging Nations!" Journal of Leigh Rogoff, Jim Massey. Dave Marple. Before we come to a close, the organization of the Akupunkture (Munchen) (April, 1971), p. 69. members of this group deserves mention. Ac- Barry Watson Lori Grimes.Chip Wright. cording to a reliable source within the movement, Clayton McCarl, Jack Tracey. Suzi paglee the high standards associated with this tradition Hugh Bugher, "Computer Line Streaking," must not be lowered by the admission of assorted M.Y.B.M. Quarterly, (March, 1969). weirdos, atheists, lepers, the uprighteous, the Published by and for the students of Western Maryland studious, and members of other undesirable College. The opinions expressed in this publication do minority groups. Streakers must reveal a certain Gung liJ Dung, Das Streakenperversionqeselllshaft not neccessarily reflect those of the administration. professionalism, possess class, and above all have Auf Amerikan ischen Kultur, Mouton: The Hague, unmitigated gall and be able to run very fast. 1873. We welcome your comment. andlor suggestions. Please Otherwise, the integrity of the movement is com- promised; the mystery of streaking is unclothed. Ian Asinine, "Streaking: The View from Down address all mail to: Box 3A, Western Maryland College, -LR Under," Australian Review (March, 1974, 14-17. Westminster, Maryland 21157.
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