Page 60 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 60
..AGE 4 THE GOLD BUG Terrors shoelace records by Larry Reed Winning two out of their last four games, the Feldman scored 10 points and Fred Naarisma had Western Maryland basketball team finished with a 12 rebounds. 10-12 season while breaking or tying several Western Maryland capers lost their last game of records. the season to Ursinus by a score of 92-74, even Western Maryland kept their halftime lead of 38- though the Terrors were only down by the score of 35 to beat Haverford 69-67. John Feldman, 44-40at the half. John Feldman scored 26 points and . sophomore, was the high scorer with 26 points, 14 Tom Ammons 12. Fred Naarisma and Tom Am- coming in the second half. John Trumbo junior, mons combined for 28 rebounds. scored 17points and Fred Naarisma:, senior,led the This year's team was the first since 1964-65to win rebounding with 16. ten or more games. Out of the.12 losses, six were by Johns Hopkins defeated the Terrors 101-99 in less than five points and four of those were decided overtime after Western Maryland came back from by only one or two points. John Feldman set a home a 42-45halftime score to tie it up 90-90at the end of scoring record of 37 points against Loyola and John the second half. John Feldman scored 34 points, 20 Trumbo set the field goal percentage by going nine in the second half, to lead the scoring. John Trumbo for nine against North Carolina Wesleyan. scored 30points and Tom Ammons, sophomore, had BiI1Swift, senior, set the seasonal assist record 7 rebounds. with 117 and tied the record for most assists in a The Terrors defeated Lebanon Valley 81-71after game with 11. John Trumbo tied the record for leading 43-30at the end of the first half. Tom Am- consecutive free throws with 19.Overall, this year's mons scored 23 points and had 11 rebounds to pace basketball team was. much better than its record of the Terrors to their final win of the season. John 10-12looks. There isreality behind recruiting by Cindy O'Neal Most of the WMC students have little or no idea as academic curriculum. It is for this reason that to how the sports department recruiting system is there is no admission charged for students at Women handled. Of those students who care, many games. Those who come to WMC are not for the most part men who want to charge into a lifetime of grumble and jump to all kinds of conclusions professional big time leagues after school. As Mr. make it big depending on their sports or non-sports bias. Yet after talking to Rick Carpenter about the system, Carpenter says, we have the ones who "want" to do one can realize that it at any rate appears to be a it..just for the enjoyment of playing. by Ginny Ace logical, "up and up" system. Too bad for all those Western Maryland terroretles were honored hoping that some sort of Watergate is about to be Perhaps it is this enjoyment and nothing else that recently by being invited to participate in the muckraked. keeps WMC's sports figures grueling away at their Eastern regional basketball tournament to be held respective pastimes-despite often stringent rules, Actually, the entire program is handled in a depending on each coach's interpretation of the at Rutgers March 7th through 9th. Sixteen top series of letters, beginning with a form letter to athletic creed. teams from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, high school coaches asking them to recommend For those who still feel that sports scholarshipS Maryland, and D.C. were chosen. The girls round- seniors who might be interested and who are should be given, there is one final and very clin- bailers were selected on the basis of their record academically suited to WMC as well as ac- ching point that prevents it. Under the National and the caliber of teams played during the regular complished in sports. College board scores and Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) colleges season. The decisive win over the powerhouse class rank are the first criterion examined on the and universities are split into three divisions: Maryland team provided the incentive to end the Hsts received by the phys ed. department. Then if a major division including schools like Maryland season with an impressive 11-4record. The junior student is academically suitable and desirable in University, middle division with schools like Mt. St. varsity finished the season with an 11-3 record. sports, a series of letters are sent between the WMC Mary's and Catholic U., and small schools where "It will be quite an experience just to be there to phys ed dept. and the individual student. The boy is WMC naturally falls. Under new rulings, such watch the best," commented Leslie Applegate, a encouraged to visit the school and is expected to sophomore guard. Alot of teams in competition will apply for admission just as would any other things as offering sports scholarships in the small .. be composed entirely of physical education majors, school division is underhanded and in a sense student. If financial aid lis necessary, the parents constitutes dirty rushing (a recently familiar while the terrorettes' interests vary from deaf are expected to fill out the confidential statement. term). education to psychology. No special treatment is given - there is absolutely Last weekend the girls' team traveled to no such thing as a sports scholarship at WMC. Frostburg to compete in the Maryland State So what good is recruitment anyway? The Basketball tournament. Their first game was At least as many people as those who applaud the program introduces potential students to WMG-- played against Salisbury State, which the lack of sports scholarships, resent it by saying that WMC reaches out. As Rick Carpenter mentioned terrorettes edged by one during the regular season. the quality of our sports program suffers. Although exampJes Bill Corley and Fred DiBlasio who are WMC is seeded third in this tournament, with the program may suffer and in fact does in com- both very active in class and other pastimes, he Maryland and Towson holding first and second parison to other school programs (e.g. Md. U.) said "I think it's important that people realize place, respectively. Alot of strong individual there is a definite reason. The basic philosophy of there's a very high number of contributive assets prowess and fine team effort combined to make this WMC is that athletics should be part of the overall here that wouldn't be here if not for recruitment:' season a success for the girls' B-ball team. 'Fix.ed' to win WMC's carnival has shooting gallery by David Fine Frederick Community College. In that match WMC In the past three weeks, the WMC Rine Team has records compiled by a WMC team this year. shot a 1242. Dan Roh led with a 267; Mark 'raised its record of wins to 6-3. It is one of the better On February 20, the Hairy Birds won a forfeit by Chenoweth, 250; Annette Witt, 247; David Fine, 240; and Lloyd Brown, 238. Two days later, the riflemen ran up against Johns Hopkins in a close but victorious match for WMC. Dan Roh, again, led the attack with a 266. Next in ~r:y~~r~~:d2r;~;:t~:r~dhZ;~!~:h~!~'. ~~is gave the Hairy Birds a 1254total to edge out the 1246 held by Hopkins. In the most recent match, held on March I, the Western Maryland Rifle Team fell to the much improved Mt. St. Marys. The Mount scored 11 points higher than WMC, 1261-1250. Though the Hairy Birds shot their average, the Mount shot about25 points higher than usual. In this match Dan Rohracked up a 260; followed by Lloyd Brown, 251; Jim Geleta, 251; David Fine, 245; and Annette Witt, 243. The WMC Hairy Birds remain in second place next to number one Gettysburg College. They look forward to closing out the season with a 7-3 record when they shoot their final match against Georgetown on March 16.
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