Page 59 - TheGoldBug1973-74
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MARCH 7, 1974 THE GOLD BUG PAGE 3 SUN MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT t' GIGIF 8:00 FRESHMAN-SOPHMORE BASKETBALL MARATHON GAME 7:00 10 11 13 7:00 14 15 16 DECKER FIl.M 8:15 'GOOD BYE MR.CHIPS' FILM WOMEN'S SENIOR CLASS FRESHMAN COUNCIL PARTY ALUMNI ALUMNI -SOPH OMORE 7:3() F~OCKS AND MISS REARDON AND MISS REARDON BASKETBALL GAME DRINKS A LITTLE' DRINKS A LITTLE' THRU 7:00 17 18 19 20 21 ALUMNI 22 23 'AND MISS REARDON Dftadlinafornaxt RLCguestlp .. kar Gold 9ug: Box 3A GIGIF 8:00 SPRING RECESS DRINKS A LITTLE' Bishop David Leighton BEGINS Mellani.., LounlJlt 7 pm 5;00 24 25 26 27 28 29 3D News briefs •••••••••••••••••• 0 . Harvey Stone. going towards the new apartment building, that Miscellaneous The class sent a check to provide two-way air fare money will come from other sources, bequests for Mrs. Morkel's little boy to come home for a visit grants etc., but rather to defray the extra costs of The Freshman Class sponsored the Annual Slave during the holidays and then allow him a way back items such as heating fuel and the cost of food. The Auction on Thursday, February 21. The buyers to his special rehabilitation school in Ohio. She $125 dollars extra for tuition will go towards raising the pay of the existing faculty. sends her sincere thanks and hopes the best for the were many and "standing room only" was avaiJable by 8:00, in Decker Hall. Lisa Blackman, class of '75. The Religious Lif;Co~iiis honored to present Nancy Dean, Pat Valais and Theresa Kendall, Marathon Basketball Revenge talk is in the air as their guest speaker, Bishop David Leighton of dressed in towels, sold for the most at the auction. (remember 889-891'D. Are the seniors' going to be the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland. Bishop Mayor Conaway of Westminster, along with Dr. permitted to leave without a rematch? There may Leighton will speak on "The State of the Church in John and other faculty members offered their be a game in late April. the Latter Quarter of the Twentieth Century" in services as slaves. Half of all profits are to go to It was voted to try to have a special refreshment McDaniel Lounge, on Tuesday, March 19, at 7 P.M. project HOPE. Sales for the night amounted to at the next meeting. There is no admission and the public is cordially $276.00. The Freshman Class wishes to thank all PI:n~~e7nbeFr!~~~~~ a;~~ ~~nth7r~~~sso;f~I!n~~: invited. _ slaves, masters and spectators who aided ill making the Slave Auction such a success. Ward). It has already grown twice it's size. he~~~n;t~~:I.n.}~~t~~t~:::~~~~~tt~a~~~~dC~~ During the last fe~w;;-;f January term and GUILTY of the charge. The Spirit of 76 will be competing with the Class the first few weeks of second semester, a bridge Deaf ed of '75 in the Annual Freshman Sophomore club was formed. The purpose of the bridge club is Marathon Basketball Game March 9-10. Filled to provide an opportunity for both the students and Ms. Marie Lades, graduate student at Western rosters should be turned into Wayne Patterson or the faculty to play "duplicate bridge" under Maryland College in the program in deafness spent Rick Coss. supervision and according to bridge tournament her January term in Greece studying the education Anyone who went with the sophomores to Sports- rules. . of deaf children there.ln the process she discussed man's Hall Roller Rink may pick up their free The first duplicate bridge tournament was held her observations of the educational system there passes to go again from any officer. They are good February 10th in the Grille. Karen Miller and Rick with heads of the program. These physicians were for any Wed. NT. Spink won playing North-South while Dr. and Mrs. so impressed by Ms.-Lades' insights that she has Any artists that would enjoy doing caricatures for Cross won playing East-west. The second tour- been invited back in September as a consultant with Spring Carnival can contact Lynn Harrison. nament on February 24 in McDaniel Lounge, was expenses paid by the Greek government. This is a That same weekend sophomores will be spon- won by Henry Osborne and Pat Naidone. rare honor for a graduate student and a tribute to soring the Dance. on Fri., May 4, with a portion of The bridge club is run under the supervision of her and the graduate _ program at Western Maryland College. the proceeds being used to send an inner city child Mrs. Marge Bachmann, who has volunteered her to st. Vincents summer camp in Annapolis. time to come and direct the tournaments. If there is Dr. Earl Griswold and Janet Cummings (W.M.C. A tentative trip to Georgetown on "College enough interest, the bridge club will neet every 2 Class of ?) published some extensive research Night" is being checked into. weeks on a Sunday night at 7 p.m. The next meeting they did on early language development in deaf Aclass Community Project Day is being planned. is scheduled for March 10in McDaniel Lounge. For children in their article "The Expressive Bring any ideas or suggestions to your officers or any additional information, see either Karen Vocabulary of Preschool Deaf Children" in the class meetings. Miller, Rick Spink, or Keith Proffen. American Annals of the Deaf, February 1974.Their work should be of tremendous value to teachers of Miss Cindy Cline, :;r;'du.;tiog senior at Western There was a good crowd at the last Junior class Maryland College has had her second paper a~- preschool children and parents as well as other researchers in the field. meeting where many important activities were entitled "Judged Seriousness of Watergate Related ,- - --;o:;;A7w-;;:;;- ---, this academic It IS year. cepted for publication discussed. Junior Follies are well underway. Producers need some more help in costumes (see Crimes" and will appear in the March, 1974issue of Sharon Hobbs or Joan Bailey, 3rd floor Blanche), Journal of Psycholo~ __ , ASSOCIATED PERSONS " set (see Steve Mosbery, 4th floor Rouzer), ad- (S.W.A.P.I vertising and selling patrons (see Janet Railey, 3rd Hinge is finding itself affected by the gasoline floor Blanche), and ticket sale (see Reggie Lee, 23 shortage. The daily trips to Center Street are hard " SPON~~RING , McClea and Mel Franz, French House). The to accomplish. With spring coming, maybe more A SPEAKER , production this year is No No Nanoke, performance people should walk. ~ , O~3~'ii';:I~~S , will be held on April 4, 8 PM; April 5, 8 PM; April 6, The Easter Egg sale will begin very soon. 2PM; April 7, 2 PM, 7:30PM. Ticketsare$I.50. Locations of where they can be bought shall be Jo~go~:O~~~ft~:t The Junior Senior banquet is on May 10. Those posted. t t interested in working on the committee please see Everyone interested is invited and encouraged to t Next year it will cost $200 dollars more to go to Jackie Irwin or Debbie Stewart rard floor Blanche). W.M.C. The raise, $75 dollars for room and board f Yes, we did haveour3rd Annual Polar Picnic and and $125 dollars for tuition are necessary for the t attend THURSDAY, March 7th, yes, it was freezing cold; but brave juniors did bear rising costs of operating the college. , 6030 , the cold to roast hot dogs and mushrooms back at The $75 dollars for room and board will not be , ~~~I~~~~ ....
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