Page 58 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 58
PAGE 2 THE GOLD BUG MARCH 7.197~ 'Editorial During the past month a lot has been said about Commentary Interfraternity Council. What's been said depends rushing." One of the points clarified under the dirty presidents rushing definition states "All fraternity greatly on whose been saying it, and what's believed can determine who your friends are. shall agree and adminster to a set admlssion price In a world that seems to be literally falling apart for all section functions for all male participants. Before any judgments can be made it seems per- (Section 3, By-laws 10, Rule 3 of By-laws of the at the seams, one would think that the concept 01 tinent that anyone stating his opinion know what Interfraternity Council). It's no secret on campus education and the search for knowledge would IFC is, and what it's supposed to do. It's then up to that one fraternity was accused of breaking this remain somewhat of an absolute in the minds of the individual to decide the IFC's effectiveness. rule and subsequently found guilty. When the human beings. Unfortunately, nothing is absolute, Each fraternity is equally represented on IFC. president of IFC, Reggie Lee, was asked about this and education like all else has shifted with the Each has four members, consisting of the highest times. It seems that we no longer care about in- ranking officer of the fraternity, a senior delegate, issue he merely said "They broke a by-law and stilling in individuals a wonder for the world around were penalized." a junior delegate and an at-large delegate selected them. We care more about mass producing by whatever method the fraternity deems ap- Needless to say, seeing that offenders of the IFC robopatha, a term used by Lewis Yablonsky, a propriate. In short, the purpose of !FC is to insure Constitution and by-laws are justly punished is one renown sociologist, to describe people who have cooperation among the fraternities on campus with of the Council's duties. Suspicions that other become dehumanized by regimentation and each other and the administration so as to fraternities are guilty of the same infraction does bureaucratization. Students are no longer taught to recognize fraternity life as an important part of the not justify the violations of the organization ac- think as much as they're taught to plug series of college community, and the educational process. cused. facts and concepts into their heads and spit them Any infraction of the Constitution of the In- However, the judicial procedure of the IFC back out on examinations within a designated time terfraternity Council or the by-laws is to be handled should not be viewed as an arena for a contest over period. Thought in itself, and its application to through the IFC judicial procedures. individual fraternity power. If this is what its fields of study has become not only a rarity but By-laws include duties of members, procedure function has come to be (and some students will say something that many students don't even know how for parties and' activities, eligibility __for rush, so, probably not so politely) IFC is, in essence, to deal with when they encounter it. We are no initiation rules, rushing rules, bidding and pledge merely a formality disguising a farce. (Comments longer asked or required to think. We are trained to rules. in response to this editorial are more than become a working part of societies technological Rushing rules include the definition of "dirty welcome.) G P complex. When 1try to thmk 'of'now many people I know who enjoy to take a walk just for the sake of looking at the world around them, or who take pleasure in discussing some thoughts they might have had while reading an English assignment, I can narrow the number down phenomenally. The fault, as I see it, lies in the changing values of our educational system. If a student takes an hourly examination which is made such that it should take one hour to complete, what time does that leave for the student who might want to sit back and ponder on a certain question or aspect of the test that he can really relate with in some way. How much knowledge does a student gain by putting on a test simply the concepts or facts that were given him in class. Knowledge is something that is so special in this world it shouldn't be taken for granted. For no matter what else is taken from a person he retains Petition playback his intellect. He retains the ability to go into a field and smile at a flower or laugh at the sunshine. taken from them. by Fred DiBIasio Unfortunately people are allowing even this to be The only purpose I hope this article serves is to Approximately 300 members of the student body dogs and closing food doors). Certain meal hours make at least one person who reads it think, if only signed a petition with regard to the food service at have been extended to allow for overcrowded for a second, whether or not he or she has retained Western Maryland. As a result of the petition a cafeteria space and time to get to the Dining Hall that rare capacity to see in the light of the world meeting was held with Mrs. McDonald, Mr. and eat. around them. Or if they have allowed our system of Schaeffer, Dean Mowbray, Dr. John and the co- 6. "In most cases, the "grease" on the fried foods education to force them to react as robonaths. authors of the petition, Don Simmons and Carol isn't grease at all," explains Mrs. McDonald, "but A very appropriate statement by Don Juan in Clarke. instead condensation from the warming cabinets." Carlos Castenadea's book The Teachings The grievances listed in the petition were: All fried foods are properly drained before being Juan goes as follows: of Don I. cold food served. "A man goes to knowledge as he goes to war, 2. false advertising of menu (i.e.) roast beef listed The cafeteria management welcomes any wide awake, with fear, with respect, and with when steak was served). suggestions or complaints about the service or food absolute assurance. Going to knowledge or going to 3. Non-nutritional unbalanced meals. of the Western Maryland Cafeteria. Recently the war in any other manner is a mistake, and whoever 4. "Ridiculous expenses" (i.e. the ice machines) SGA has formed a food committee to represent the makes it will live to regret his steps." 5. Discourtesy on the part of the Cafeteria Staff. students in the management of the cafeteria. Mrs. S. Greasy food. McDonald is looking forward to working with these Alan Rabinowitz The following steps or responses are being taken students, as she feels this is the proper route to or were given in regard to the petition. petitions to get anything accomplished, but instead, -------------- She feels it doesn't take solving any complaints. 1. The primary reason for cold food was that The Examinations Committee has recently sent servings were taken out of the warmers and placed only the students to come and talk with her. out a questionnaire to upper division students out on the runners in order to keep the service line concerning comprehensive exams. The moving. questionnaire surveys both student attitudes The solution was to keep food in warmers until toward comprehensives and their knowledge of requested by -students. However the entire departmental practices and requirements in giving cafeteria staff needs to follow this solution more these exams. The Committee needs to know how closely. "'....0'_ students feel and what they know about these 2. Mrs. McDonald explained that false ad- Edito exams, and the results of the survey will be an vertising was being used to discourage the high Gerrt ".Iot important factor in the recommendation the incidence of visitors, not students, on steak nights. AIIodIta Editor Committee will make to the faculty concerning GenoFu .. The cafeteria was losing money due to low cost of PhotowaPhv Editor _.Boyd compsehenaive exams. If you have received a the meal to visitors. Advwtisi .... ......, questionnaire, please fill it out and return it Im- Mrs. McDonald apologized for any inconvenience suffered by the students. In order to cover the cost ~~~ ~IX..;_M~e~P..!!c~,!! ~~ __ of meals a higher guest fee will be charged. 3. Mrs. McDonald says that the meals served are at.ff: Mik. And,., Julie .'.illen ~8Iron T.-yle, balanced and nutritional, if only the students in- Uiah Rogoff~ Jim MaIMy~ 0.. MIIrpI.. Larry Voic~box clude the side dishes offered. Reed. Judy G.rdM'. Lori GriJMt.Chip Wright. 4. The ice machines were bought for health and safety reasons. a-vton McC.r1. Jd TI'ICeV. Suzi p..... ~Ad", Dear Editor, Ice scoops were to be used to dip the ice, but in- ~~: Moorm~.8arry W'lson, Larry Lazopoulos ~~ Everybody seems to be writing in now giving dividuals either did not use the scoops or they were ~i~Publilhec:lby and for the .tudents of W.. tern M.ryllnd i their own opinions about what the major problems not provided. Therefore, glasses were used to scoop :~j~:':::':;~:,::·,::......7~::::.;:~::do i are on campus. Well, I just wanted to write and tell the ice - a health hazard when glasses break in the you what the greatest problem here really is: ice. phonies. Why are there so many phonies on cam- pus? There is just too much phonieness around 5. Mrs. McDonald explains that. the relations ~~j:w.welcome your comments Indlor suggestions. Pluse ~ here. Get rid of the phonies and we'll all be better between students and employees of the cafeteria off. have been quite good, although these are certain ~~~addressall; Boll. 3A. Western Maryland Colieste. ; Sincerely, ::: 21157. Maryland Westminster. duties that the staff must perform (i.e. throwing out ;.Y~?;:~~::::::::;:;:;:;:::;:;:::::;:::;:::;:;:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:·:·:·:·:.».x::::{::::::::::::::::::~:::""h:::- :::: Holden Caulfield
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