Page 39 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 39
Page 3 The Gotd Bug December 11, 1973 News stories we would have liked to see Wedid get to pnnra lot of interesting stories in the past few years. A new president, a new administration; all the changes made for some interesting copy. But the best stories were the ones we would liked to have printed. A few fellow-if they prove to be prophetic, so much the better. Imagine what it would have been like if..; Dorms Go Coed Room and Board Will Be Decreased Honors and Comps Undergo Changes Elizabeth Laidlaw, Dean in charge of student The Treasurer's Office at Western Maryland Requirements for departmental honors and housing, announced today two of the six dorms on College reported fees for resident students will be comprehensive exams will undergo some changes. campus will go coed starting next semester. cut by 25% next semester .. The previous system, which required; a 2.2 Rouzer Hall and McDaniel Hall, which formerly The reason cited for the decrease is the revenue average in the major field, a given percentage on housed men and women, respectively, have been collected from charging admission to sports events the URE's and/or passing departmental comps chosen as the innovative dorms. They will be in the new gymnasium, campus tours to prospec- with distinction, and an honors paper; will now arranged so half the floors in each house women tive students, and the bathrooms in the non- require only one of the latter two in addition to the and the other half accomodate men. The Student residence campus buildings. 2.2 average. Affairs office feels this is the best way to divide the The significance of comprehensive exams will housing, since there is no room for additional 100% of Seniors Get Jobs by May 10 diminish slightly. Graduation will no longer hinge bathrooms. They feel, however, the best way to on a passing grade. Eventually the comprehensive design a coed dorm is by alternating suites of exams system will disappear altogether. several bedrooms and a bath between men and The Placement Office revealed today that every women on the same hall. member of the senior class was accepted for a permanent job in their preferred field by May 10. Student Editors to Receive Credit Self-Scheduled Exams to Start Placement personnel attribute the phenomenal T~e .Curriculum Committee ruled today that, accomplishment to the high level of intellectual prowess exhibited by the class as a whole. They feel beginning January 1, all editors of the newspaper The Dean of Academic Affairs says that self- the class is the best to go through Western and yearbook will receive academic credit. scheduling exams will begin with the fall term. Maryland in the past ten years, and probably will ~~fl Students may decide with their individual professor hold that prestige for at least the next ten. alf:ti~~~s;~fr~~;~~:S~~i~~i;o~ra~d~~i~~:~ as to time and place of the exam. The class of 1974 is best known on campus for receive one. The credits will come from the IDS The new system will provide better distribution of their unity, especially at fun-raising activities. department. exams among students, who can organize their vacation schedules more efficiently. The Honor System will still be in effect; offenses and trials will Junior Class Flower Follies to Bloom for Hollywood be handled as in the past. College to Be Renamed Class of '74 President Bill Corley confirmed today the WMC production bore little or no resemblance that the '73 Junior Class Follies will be produced as to the original script. a movie sometime this year. Front-runners for the lead roles are: Burt In a surprise announcement+today, Dr. Ralph M-G-M will produce the movie as one of its final Reynolds as the Prince/Frog, Barbra Streisand as John, president of Western Maryland College, said offerings before its Culver City Studios close. Busby the school is to be renamed Central Maryland Berkeley has been called out of retirement to co- Primrose, Peter Falk as Godner, Zero Mostel as the College, effective November 15. direct with Larry Lazopoulos. Cat, and Paul Lynde as the Witch. he wants the Lynde, however, is not certain Dr. John explained the change came in an at- Lazopoulos denied rumors of a rift between project. Apart from playing in the shadow of the tempt to publicize the college. The new name will himself and Berkeley, but admitted that they have late Cathy Nelson, he feels that the role should be mean that outsiders will finally know where the radically different ideas as to casting. Berkeley college is. With the present nomenclature, many favors established actors while Lazopoulos played as classical tragedy. "According to the think the school is in Garrett County, Maryland, at maintains that "everyone who tries out will have a college production, the part was pretty sad," he says. "With a little more acting it could be even th~ very western end of the state. part." sadder." Co-authors Chip Rouse and Tim Meredith will use All concerned continue to deny rumors that the Student Center to Have Beer Garden the royalties to throw another in the series of series of cast parties will be the latest in the new continuing cast parties. They found the actual fall soap operas. The new Mowbray student center, to be com- royalty figure diminished when it was revealed that pleted within the year, will include a beer garden for Western Maryland students and their guests. When you're stuck at the printer's on a Monday night and headlines still have to be done, the mind plays The beer garden will be run much as any profit- tricks. Some of these were ironic and others were just plain horrible. making enterprise. However, admission will be by student J.D. card and prices of food and drink will provide the college with a minimal profit towards Laxwomen go unbeaten other new campus facilities. Good John clobbers bad Egbert "•••we shouldn't lose a game" No kickbacks for Jon. Term brings versatality soccer; WMC 2-0-1 What you say comes back to haunt you Follies are more than just a junior tradition Where the carpet storts A win at last! Alumni Can the SGA appoint the ACC? Students denuded Paying for our politics prove physical A whole new way of living activity velueble
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