Page 65 - TheGoldBug1972-73
P. 65
ThaGold Bug PegeFive an interview with Jack Anderson Raking the muck into sunlight by Cathy Nelson Amidst the confusion in the current controversy an official was unaware that he was talking to' one over iournallsttc freedom. one voice shouts louder of Anderson's men. What some people might than the rest, refusing to'be Ignored. The band of tell- consider a breach of trust bothers Andersen nQtone all journalists still has a leader in Jack Anderson. whit. "We expose defects, gouges and The protegee of the late Drew Pearscn, Anderson profiteering," he asserts. "Our mission, if we have served as everything fr-om errand boy to'right-hand one, is to protect the governed as opposed to. the man for the man who.gave muckraking a slightly governors: to' protect the voiceless. When YQU urbane touch through his syndicated column, entrust something to. them, (the governors) YQU "washington Merry-Go-Round.' On Pearson's have to. watch those men." death, Anderson took over the column and the Sometimes. however, Anderson's men seem headaches that go.with it. It has been his Ior a little over three years, and the muckraking business is watching with one eye closed. One of the most still going strong. recent faux pas involved Senator Thomas Eagleton, If Pearson was urbane, his successor is not. The then still the running mate of George McGQvern. On well-made suit is wrinkled, the graying hair slightly top or the bombshell revealing Eagleton's past ,... mussed. The courtly polish of a Drew Pearson has medical history, an Anderson worker added an ~ . been replaced by the aggressive determination of a alleged-conviction of drunken driving to.Eagleton's already bedraggled campaign. Although Anderson ~ __ m fathers intended that the press should be a watch- later retracted the statement publicly, and freely '~IQ~~~n~b~~~~~Jn~~d~ ~ t~:~y~d~[j~~~~:li~t~:si~.o i iiiilldog," he says, his expression clearly indicating public, especially as Eagleton was already down. admits today that he made a mistake, the rather WQnhim no plaudits Irom the hasty indictment that this is a truth he holds to. be self-evident. "I'm the public expects perfection in the press," he says Comparable to "Nader's Raiders" just concerned that there are so.few of us." Andersen's reactiQn is sQmewhat paradQxical. "If A~~tr~~~~st~:~!:;ke ~~~~Q~~~n~Q;At~~~~~et!h~fg~ is "Anderson's Army," today in referring to' the incident, "they're very network of informants he uses in muckraking. gQVernment positiQns; SQme Qf his mQst earth- fOQlish." Yet if a similar situatiQn were to arise, shaking stories have CQme about simply because AndersQn WQuld handle it in exactly the same fashiQn. "If I get the whQle stQry, I'll print it," he claims. "But I might nQt get the whQle picture. In Inauguration in preparation that case, it's better to. expose part Qf a scandal than nQne Qf it. That way, if we are wrong, the' gQvernment or who. ever may give us the whQle stQry just to.set the recQrd straight." He leans back and grins wryly. "After all, all I want is the truth . at 4:00 p.m. Saturday afternQQn and there is the .That's what the public is entitled tQ." possibility Qf a student-sponsQred concert in the Yet the "truth" is apparently not usually given inauguratiQn tent that evening. freely, if one is to. believe AndersQn's assertiQns. The schedule fQr inauguratiQn day is planned "We can't take the gQvernment's word fQr almQst to.the minute, the steering cQmmittee says. anything," he emphasizes. "I want to knQw what Guides, parking persQnnel, and thQse helping with the gQvernment doesn't want me to. know." registration will start getting into place about 8:00 Jack Anderson leaves little dQubt Qf his a.m. with registratiQn Qfficially beginning at 9:00 wholehearted belief in a totally infQrmative type of a.m. The carnival will be in QperatiQn frQm.11:oo journalism ..TQ the .sQmewhat ungratifying title Qf a.m. to. 5:00 p.m, The prQcession Qf academic "muckraker" he prQfesses nonchalance. "I'm nQt delegates and special representatives and faculty cQncerned at all abQut dignity in that sense," he and trustees will start fQrming at 1 :30 p.m. and it is says. "But Isuppose in a way that's exactly what a expected to.enter the inauguratiQn tent at 2:00 p.m. jQurnalist should do; to. rake the muck into. the Speaker for inauguratiQn is Frederick W. Ness, sunlight." president Qfthe AssociatiQn Qf American CQlleges. He has been assQciated with the American CQuncii ;[~~~i.;'~~~li:f~~~~oC:l~~f:~~~~~~~~~~iIr""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""',.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.",.,.""""",""""""'''''''\11 ~~~:~f:~,a ~tin~~~l:~~~~~'e;n~~~a~~dt~;~~g~~~~ ~~j ~:!. MacDQnald plans to serve brunch from 9:30 a.m. to ;:: ;::. 11:00 a,m. and dinner frQm 4:30 to. 6:00 p.m. In :::: ::: between, the dining hall will be the scene of a buffet :::: ::: luncheon fQr the academic delegates and special ::;: The Trustees. Faculty,and Students of ~~~ ~~~:~!~~~~f~~i~~c:~~\:~s1Q~~I~r~:~~d: g:r:~o~~~ ~l request the honor of your presence .,:.,.•:,,.,r.,'~ ,'~ . Sunday begins with a glee club concert at 2:30 :::: Western MarylandCQllege p.m. in Baker Memorial Chapel, fQIIQwed by:::: at the inauguration of Argonaut induction in Baker Chapel at 4:00 p.m. ;::: ~~e=tft~~~P!~~ ~~~~~~ g~~~~~a~~~~~:flb~~~~~;O * Ralph Candler John r~~~i~u~:Qk~~~;emO:~~k~~ap:!il I~ea ~~f as president of the college '~:~ McGrath, directQr of the Higher Education Center ;::: on Saturday afternoon, Maythe fifth ,:.,~,}.,~ at Temple University. Dr. McGrath,-whQ has ~; nineteen hundred and seventy-three written extensively Qn prQblems in educatiQn, :;:: at two Q'clock ''0 recently has been engaged in a study Qf the ad- !::' '",',~,l ministrativ~ structure Qf Western Maryland :::. The Campus . CO~~::;'thing in the week-lQng schedule is open to. ~1~. Westminster, Maryland ~:~ everyQne and, with the exceptiQn Qf the student- :::: , ...~..l.:::;...:~ sponsored party and cQncert, is free. Dr. Richard :::: • A. CIQwer, chairman of the athletic department, :a and Mr. Clarence H. Bennett, trustee, are co- :::: .:-: Ch;~~~Q~fp t~~;n:u~g:~~: ~~3:~~~e~~mes E. ~1~: ,::,~.~,f Lightner, chairman Qf the mathematics depart- :~: • ment, general chairman Qf inauguratiQn day. The :.::: ~ steering committee includes Mrs. Mary Ellen ~~ . :::: Elwell, assistant prQfessQr QfsociQlQgy; Dr. H. Ray ~:i. l'}lorma/ reception follOWing the ceremony. :::: Stevenst associate prQfessor Qf English; Dr. ::'fMay Day/Inaugural Carnival before (:1ndafter fhe ceremony~:: William L. Tribby, chairman Qf the dramatic art ::: :.:. department; and Miss Nancy Winkelman, director ::: ',~,'1:,1 QfpublicatiQns. Steering cQmmittee members are ::: chairmen Qf subcQmmittees whi~h include .$ CQpyofthelOvotat,ontothe,naugurat,on ~:. students, faculty, trustees, and alumm. ~~:;:;:::::::;:.?.:.:::::::::-;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;;:;;;:;:;o;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;o;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;-;:;:;;;:;:;;.-;;'~;
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