Page 67 - TheGoldBug1972-73
P. 67
Tho Gold Bug Page Seven and teachers applying for or those seeking positions encourage or require the tests. The designation of I I;x~~S:,::;'~:~~,;:::!fg\~~"~~~,:;,centerfor these teachers in this ; pieces from Soler, Beethoven, Brahms, and Debussy. . van der Berg gives recital by Sue Stalker Apiano recital was given by Monika van der Berg music of Brahms to the sonorous influence of last Friday evening in Levine Hall. The music of Shuman-to obtain a stately, heroic masterpiece. Soler, Beethoven, Brahms and Debussy was well- The audience listened as if on the edge of their seats grouped and the performance was not only to the pounding of chords. This was relieved by the beautiful but both "flawless" and "artistically reverential tempos of the piece only again to revert excellent." to the harsh poundings of chords. Soler, a Spanish representation of the beautiful Debussy's Preludes were the last pieces to be pastoral music of the eighteenth century, was the performed. His impressionistic style is a style that first piece performed by Miss van der Berg. The elevates sensations and sentiment instead of the audience listened with attention but wasn't quite bombastic and heroic atmosphere of Beethoven into the mood of the piece. and Brahms. "General Levine-eccentric" was an Une of Beethoven's favorite sonatas (Op. 31, No. intensely, dischordant piece which Monika per- 2) was a very tumultuous piece of work. Miss van formed with great celerity. The opulent and Susan Horner of Cambridge will give a piano der Berg showed a great talent in weaving the dreaminess of "La terrasse des audiences au clair recital Friday, February 23, in Levine Hall. tern pestuous crashtngs of the chords in the de June," was not that outstanding a piece. The Miss Horner, a student of Dr. Arleen Allegretto to the poignant movement of the Adagio. audience preferred the final "L'isle Joyeuse," for Heggemeier, will play at 8:00 p.m. The senior, "Capriccio, Op. 76, No.2" a very lyrical and light its crescendo porportions and the lull that followed. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Franklin Horner of piece by Brahms provided a switch from the These crescendo proportions are not in the same Oarnbridge, is majoring In music. She has been somber, bombastic influence of Beethoven. This .vein as Beethoven's bombastic pictures but active in dramatic productions, is an honor student, relatively short and pretty piece surprised the this piece carries you along in a sensual and sen- and is president of Delta Omicron.unuslcal society. audience as it ended like a prayer. The "In- timental vein Her program for Friday includes: "Les Niais de termezzo, Op. lIB, No.2," was a brief but very The recital was excellent. Miss van der Berg's " Rameau: "Sonata, K. 310," Mozart; delicate movement. A great favorite of the flawless performance not only demonstrated her . "Ravel; "Etude de Concert, D flat audience and the highlight of the evening, was the great rapport with the' music but through it, she , , 123 de Petrarca," and "Rhapsody, Op. 119, NO.4." Miss van der Berg glorified the great artists of the past and made Rhapsody, No.6," all by Liszt. expertly' combined the stately, contemplative them live again. final tally read V. of Md. 53 and W.M.C. 27. The junior varsity experienced a similar set-back with a January 22nd found the Varsity facing final 41-26 loss. on home courts. Poor skills and rough The following evening, Western Maryland hosted in a technical forfeit on the part of Frostburg State and showed a renewed strength in caused by a lack of eligible players. their 54·27victory. This game hinged on a superior score with about three minutes playing defense and the ball-hawking techniques of guards _ .... _._ ...:._.oW.M.C. 58 and Coppin 20. The junior Kathy Walter, Sharon Spainhour and Cynthia Frederick Community College that Williams. The junior varsity pulled another come .,m" evening and came out on top with a final score from behind, to defeat Frostburg's second team in the final quarter by a 24-21 margin. Leslie Ap- plegate was high scorer in this match with eleven points. February 12th found Western Maryland again on the road, this time bound for V.M.B.C. Western Maryland's varsity came out on top with a 38-31 score in one of the more closely matched games of the season. The junior varsity gained more playing experience as they defeated a newly formed U.M.B.C. second team by a 27-9 score. With only three regular season games left to play two contests were against Pennsylvania W.M.C.'s Varsity is sporting a 9-3 record while the College and Dickinson. Varsity and Jayvee has a respectable 7-5. Future contests will added these two schools to their include Morgan State on February 15th (home), days after the Dickinson game, Salisbury State on February 17th and Goucher on 8th, Western Maryland met the February 20th. The Maryland State Women's Maryland at College Park. Superior Basketball Tournament will be held this year at good man-to-man defense on the part of V.M.B.C. during the weekend of March 1, 2, and 3. backstroke in which he finished a meet against the previously high-scoring combination Western Maryland will be participating and has on February 13. The swimming obtained their first victory February Dudderar and Van Name to a minimum. The high· hopes for a successful tournament outcome. - on Hopkins' JVteam. 8 in an unofficial competition against Johns
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