Page 66 - TheGoldBug1972-73
P. 66
PagllSix The Gold Bug February20,1973 SUN MON TUES WEDS THUR FRI 'SAT Art exhibits headline Feb.-March acti,vities Seeking to involve more of the college community Maryland College in 1948following army service In relation of thick to' thin line. in its campus activities, Phi Delta Theta initiated World War II. He was production manager for the A native of Missouri] the artist is a graduate of its Speaker Program on February 14th. The ordnance department of General Electric at Pitts- the Kansas City Art Institute and received the MFA program's purpose is to provide students and field, Massachusetts, just prior to returning to the at the Hotfberger School of Painting, Maryland faculty with a chance to casually enjoy topics of campus in 1959.The treasurer is married to Martha interest, and react toward each other away from Knouse Schaeffer and they live on Taneytown road ~i~t~~~~~,~o~~~~:m~,fa~~\':S~in~~~n~~~.ited in the classrooms. Speakers will come not only from in Westminster. college professors, but from outside the academic community. Phi Delta Theta is also active in the Dr. Egon Verheyen, professor of art history at A special exhibit of student photography is on Westminster area with several members helping Johns Hopkins University, will lecture on Albrecht display in the Fine Art Building, Western out at Carroll County Exceptional Center at Carroll Durer Tuesday, February 20, at Western Maryland Maryland College. The 30 students exhibiting in the Gallery Two Haven. Over Jan. Term a large number of Phi College. show were members of a January Term in- Deltas and freshmen aided another brother The lectt.lfe, which is open to the public, will be at working at Joseph Home in Baltimore to move an 7:00 p.m. In Memorial Hall 106. Dr. Verheyen has terdisciplinary course in Photography. The course impoverished family from one apartment to written extensively on the life and works of Durer. was concerned with the theory, aesthetics, and another, saving the family a great expense. The A native of Germany, the art historian was born technical aspects of photography with particular fraternity is now preparing for its annual Com- in Duisburg and graduated from the emphasis given to 'the production of exhibition munity Seryice Day project. Humanistisches Landfermann Gymnasium there. quality prints and color transparencies. Dr. Robert He_recei_veddegrees in law and art history from the Boner, assistant professor of mathematics, taught Dr. David Cross, as- techniques; photographic Philip B. Schaeffer, treasurer and business University of Wurzburg. He also has studied in Italy sociate professor of chemistry, discussed the manager at Western Maryland College has been and was a member of the Institute for Advance chemistry and physics of photography; and Wasyl promoted to vice president for business affairs and Study. at Princeton, New Jersey. . Palijczuk, chairman of the art department, treasurer at the college. The historian's professional experiences include directed the students to a better understanding of The appointment, which became effective on excavations in Duisburg and the Roman settlement the aesthetics of photography. February 1, 1973,was approved at a recent meeting Asciburgium and preparation of catalogues for The exhibit is the final requirement of the course. of the executive committee of the board of trustees museums in Nurnberg and Munich. Dr. Verheyen About 90 pictures and colored slides are on display of Western Maryland College. until March 2. Gallery hours are 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 . !dr. Schaeffer was first appointed in March, 1958; ~~d~~~~~a~t. W:h~~ih~fdi~e~u~b:a~:~~~~!~~~ p.m. weekdays. joined the administration of the college in April, and travel grants. 1959,as assistant treasurer; and became treasurer in November of that year. His father, Carl L. A one-man show by Donald G. Swindler 'opens Anyone interested in working on the Jr. Follies Schaeffer, was the college's chief business officer Monday, February 19, in Gallery One, Western should meet on February 22at 8:00 in Memorial 106. Maryland College. Other class dates are: :e~~tJs~a~~s ~~i'ti~~~l a~~~~{~d 'inn~~9~reasurer There will be a reception for the artist that GIGIF-February 26 The new treasurer, who was born on the campus, evening from seven to nine o'clock. The public is Dance-April 6 and his father have given 54 years of continuous invited. Mr. Swindler's show will remain on exhibit "Follies"-April 13-14 service to Western Maryland College. Both are until.F_riday, March 2. Gallery hours following the Jr.-Sr. Banquet-May 11. opening are 10:00 a.m. t04:00p.m. weekdays. al~~;~ftC~:f ~?~l:~~~sident for business affairs is The artist's work reflects his interest in the responsible for budgetary planning and ad- relationship between color and line on a surface. By The Physical Education Majors Club plans an ministration, staff personnel, .accounts, the physical choosing color arbitrarily, Swindler hooes to overnite camping trip for the weekend of March plant, contracts, auxiliary enterprises, and other achieve what he calls systematic harmony. There loth. A delegation will also be traveling to the similar functions. As treasurer, Mr. Schaeffer is an is a repetitious appearance of color in each paint- Eastern District Convention of the AAPHER in the officer of the college' corporation and serves under ing, he says, "to heighten their deep interaction for Poconoes on March 22nd. Club members interested the authority of the board of trustees. both color and line." in these activities should see Dennis Kirkwood for President Rafph C. John, when "making the an- Mr. Swindler has experimented with free flowing details. nouncement, said that the college is "fortunate to black and white canvases. On these he uses a have a person of Phil Schaeffer's gifts and natural hand movement to achieve an effect The National Teacher Examinations will be dedication as our chief administrator in the area of similar to graffito. The artist also is interested in administered Saturday, April 7, 1973 at Western business and financial affairs. He is sensitive to the visual imagery and how the artist and viewer relate Maryland College which has been designated as a nature of the college as a liberal arts institution and to each other in this way. This leads him to a belief test center. is known for his responsiveness to educational that the action of a painting is more important than According to Dr. James R. Davis, assistant requirements and goals." its beauty. Action, according to Swindler, can be professor of education, many college seniors Mr. Philip Schaeffer graduated from Western achieved through the use of line. in oarticular the Continuec! on page 7
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