Page 49 - TheGoldBug1972-73
P. 49
DECEMBE_R 12, 1972 THE GOLD BUG . P~.GE 9 News Briefs: Jan Term, Art Show, Summer Job Nearly 140 students out of a participating 950 Denton, superintendent of the Maryland School for are enrolled in the seven tours going abroad during the Deaf. as panelists. They will be joined by European Student Service (on a non-profitable January Term, 1970.Dr. Lightner, head of January others. basis) is offering these jobs to students for Ger- many, Scandinavia, England, Austria, Switzerland, Term, notes that this is about the largest number of Sign language and captioning will be used again Western Maryland students to ever go on trips and TTY phones will be available for the deaf. Mr. France, Italy, and Spain. The jobs consist of during the month of January. Rhetts says that the phone number for use by forestry work, child care work (females only), The seven trips that are going overseas include hearing persons is 356-5300. The TTY number will farm work, hotel work (limited number available), journeys to several places in Western Europe under be announced on the air as it has not yet been construction work, and some other more qualified one trip, which includes the largest number of established. jobs requiring more specialized training. participants -- about 39, including students and The purpose of this program is to afford the faculty. The second largest group is journeying to student an opportunity to get into real living contact Africa and this group is surprisingly large: 20 Art Club sponsored Christmas show with the people and customs of Europe. In this way, students will brave the wilds of the bush there. a concrete effort can be made to learn something of About 15 will be going to France for the month, and Sponsored by the WMC art club, the Christa~s the culture of Europe. In return for his or her work, about that number will be traveling to Germany. art show is an annual event inviting the public to the student will receive his or her room and board, The Education trip to New Mexico for Indian study browse and buy silk screen prints, crochet purses, plus a wage. However, student should keep in mind includes 10 students, and about 12 Western macrame bells, and woven wall hangings draped that they will be working on the European economy Marylanders will be traveling around Russia for from the walls of the front room gallery in the art and wages will naturally be scaled accordingly. the month. The smallest group to go overseas is one building last Monday through Friday from 10-5 The working conditions (hours, safety, regulations, journeying to Spain, under the auspices of the daily. legal. protection, work permits) wiII be strictly University of Wisconsin study abroad program: Generally, the objects shown were for sale controlled by the labor ministries of the countries three Western Marylanders will be in that group. although some items were exclusively for display. involved Dr. Lightner foresees that there will be about 750 Art club members began preparations for the show In most cases, the employers have requested students on campus, participating in the courses prior to Thanksgiving break. Most items were especially for American students. Hence, they are offered here, and about 90 will be enrolled in special made by the students themselves although other particularly interested in the student and want to studies, either on or off campus contributors included art instructor Roy C_Fender. make the work as interesting as possi~le. Items for display, or sale from 10tt up, other than those already mentioned included ceramic pit- They are all informed of the intent of the Deaf program has overwhelming response chers, bowls, and coin banks, decoupage pictures program, and will help the student all they can in deriving the most from his trip to Europe. and sayings, photographs, felt ornaments, Please write for further information and ap- miniature candles, ashtrays, and photographic Overwhelming response to They Grow In Silence: plication forms to: American-European Student- An Evening on Deafness has caused the Maryland greeting cards. Art club members were stationed in Service, Box 34733, FL 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein the room to sell the items and answer questions. Center for Public Broadcasting to schedule another The last public art club project was the (Europe). program on problems of deafness for Friday, Hallowe'en Spook House. December 15, at 10:00 p.m. New Gold Bug staff announced The successful December 4 program was produced by the Maryland Center using Western Find a summer job in Europe Begtnmng in January, liold Hug WIll have two Maryland College film, experience, and contacts. editors instead of just one. Joining Cathy Nelson as Films were produced by the Total Communication co-editor will be Francois Derasse. Francois, a Laboratory at the college. Job opportunities in Europe this summer ..Work sophomore, served as Associate Editor under this summer in the forests of Germany, on con- Cathy this past year. He was editor of his high The December 15 program over Channel 67 will struction in Austria, on farms in Germany, Sweden school paper, and is considering journalism as a be keyed to answering questions from viewers. The and Denmark, in Industrtes in France and Ger- possible future career. Center already has received more than 275 phone many, in hotels in Switzerland. Nellie Arrington, current News Editor, will calls and hundreds of cards and letters in response Well there are these jobs available as well as jobs assume the job of Managing Editor, a position she to They Grow In Silence, a three-hour program in Ireland, England, France, Italy, and Holland are has filled all along. Chip Rouse moves up to Sports which featured films, special guests, deaf persons, open by the consent of the governments of these Editor, while Richard Elliott and Sue Stalker and parents of deaf persons. countries to American university students coming handle the photography chores. Continuing as Paul Phetts, producer of the earlier show, will to Europe the next summer. advertising manager will be Bob Ramsdell, under produce the one-hour program on Friday. Mr. For several years students made their w~_y whose guidance the Gold Bug sold over $200 worth Rhetts says that his staff is compiling material across the Atlantic through A.E.S.-Service to take of advertising space this fall semester. from questions which could not be answered on part in the actual life of the people of these coun- During January Term, Francois Derasse will December 4. The next program will begin with this handle editorial tasks, working with a limited staff and go on to questions from the audience as they tries. The success of this project has caused a great as both Cathy and Nellie will be off campus. Anyone are phoned in. deal of enthusiastic interest and support both in who would like to work with Francois during America and Europe. Every year, the program has Moderator on Friday will be Tom Gillette with been expanded to include many more students and January Term is urged to contact him as soon as Dr. McCay Vernon, professor of psychology at jobs. Already, many students have made ap- possible. He will announce all Jan. Term meetings Western Maryland College, and Dr. David M plication for next summer jobs. American- via cafeteria announcements. Tape World now has the Engagement Ring Latest Albums HEADQUARTERS, U.S.A. I ....-rJJteenehau.m:.i of Baltimore! I . whose DISCOUNT Prices attract customers from over a six state area! Over 2,000 8 track tapes in stock-area's largest selection You can save up to 50% off Retail from one of the Your IMPORTERS of diamonds. largest Nation's fltSANVO choice from over 1,000 different styles of engage- ment rings, discount priced from $54 to $6200. Greenebaum's has a C~.arge Plan, and also accepts major credit cards. AUTO TAPE PLAYERS Open 12 noon 10 9 P .M. daily Amf>"CiJSUlUe~, Free Parking ""J.!()rlerSlJrA!I 104 N. Howard St. £sl.1909 727.4544 323 E. Main St. Westminster, Md. ~if (L __.__l~ ', 2200E.MonumentSt. ..=;, ~ ~_U) ?E.~~3._.J
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