Page 99 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 99
MAY 2,1972 THE GOLD BUG PAGE THREE May weekend MAY DAY! MAY DAY! by Becky Williams expands with carnival (submitted by Beth McWilliams~ 9:30 - 12:00 Phi Delt Car Rally The May Day carnival has been designed to in- terest almost every kind of person, with many during the afternoon: concerts by the WMC stage 12:00 1:00 Band Concert, Baker Chapel steps varied activities planned that will allow each in- and concert band, a drama folk presentation by the 1:00.2:00 Drama Presentation, Baker Chapel advanced singing, poetry acting class, dividual to choose those that appeal to him most. It steps is also an opportunity for the people of Westminster readings by students and Professor van der Voort, 1:00- 3:00 Story Hour - Jane Flickinger, improvisations in Baker Seminar Room, and a and Carroll County to share an experience with .story hour for children. Of exceptional interest will on hill between Chapel and library. WMC students and faculty where such an ex- perience is not usually available. be performances by two mimests, Bert Houle and 1:00 - 3:00 Improvisations in Baker Seminar May Weekend, which in the past had meant a concert, was expanded to include a carnival when ~;;~!~r:bbayu~h:rt:,~ei~~nlt:~g~~a:ee J;p:r~~:~~e, 2:00 - 3:00 Folk Singing, Baker Chapel steps the SGA decided they wanted more for the Movies will be presented in Decker Lecture Hall, 3:00 - 4:00 Famous Mime Performance, Baker weekend. Dr. Tribby, Dr. Palmer, and the SGA felt no admission charge, featuring short flicks of Chapel steps that the carnival idea was appropriate for the :~~~~lt!eO~i~s~~~~~. ~1~~~~ny~!~~d:sn~!~~J~n~ 4:00 - 5:00 Band Concert, Baker Chapel steps freshmen IDS class, whose theme is "Man as a player," and the coordination of May Day then of Western Maryland will be shown at 1:15. 4:00 - 5:00 Poetry readings by students and_ .became the IDS class project. The IDS class is concerned with arranging the van der Voort, 'in front of Grille Cooperation from individuals and organizations times when each event will take place, and where has been tremendous and the IDS class has become ~~~~n7;:~;e :~~a;:~i~ac~pg~~~fris:oe~fu.n~i~~e i~~MOVIESIN OECKER LECTURE HALL: very enthused about the carnival. Campus organizations have been contacted about spon- operating it during carnival hours. This type of soring a booth, and most have re~ponded favorably. organization has made the carnival more of a joint 12:30 - 1:.15 Short Flicks The majority of the booths will be games that effort among all the people involved, who comprise 1: 15 _2:00 "The Ensor Years" should appeal to everyone, with emphasi~ ·~~~~entatives from almost every segment of 2:00 _3:0,0 on children, such as the Dell's pony fides and the "The Cops" with Buster Keaton Religious Life Council's fishing pond, or college No admission will be charged, but food and many "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" ·students, such as the freshman class kissing both of the games will have a price so that the spon- "The Barber Shop" (for both guys and girls). soring group can meet the cost of operating the with W.C. Fields There will be booths of special interest: the booth. The carnival is not a fund raising activity, 4:00 Student Films yearbook staff will be taking and selling pictures of but is intended to be a playday, when everyone can people, and the language class~s will sponsor. a jU~agyeb;~g!Wlefn~l~~~:V;hf J~I~~~~~:iIY,held in SPORTS EVENTS foreign food booth. A closed circuit TV camera will be set up behind the Publications House so that the morning. At 12:00 the carnival will begin with 1:00 _ Golf the college band playing; group sponsored booths people can see themselves on TV. T~e Art Club is 2:00 Men's Lacrosse setting up an art show and contest m_front of the will be ready for visitors by 1:00, and all activity library, with paintings by students and professional ~~lIac~~t~~~~tur~~1f~~\~,~!~~t~:~d~~t~~ tf~~~r7~~ - OUTDOORCONCERT: HOFFA FIELD 7:00 - 11:00 artists. Dennis Stoner arid several bands. Dennis Stoner Some events are planned for particular times Bottle Hill Boys Hickory Emerson's Old Timey Custard-Sucking Band LAWYER'S ASS'T 50,000 JOBS in only 3 months - $9,000 or more to start Coll~~. graduates an~ olher Qualified pmon; Im.le an~ fema.lel_ou, in ",lwelO" 1.11p'"'tisin~ lawy~,s) w,11"',n you 10 become a lawyer s .a~'islant. 10 pe,fo,m pa[.le~al ,e,vices under a lawye,·, direction .nd ~uperv"lOn (but nol as a le~al secretars-c-ln fact. you 100 w,1t use the serv,ces 01 a legal secrel.'yl. Allend classe, days 0, evenings fo, only] "'onlh,. Housin~ ac. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT CAREER OPPORTUNITY r mIANCING· and much. muchmo," PROGRAMS • In'•• ~ nO.. ~nd ... ilin~fi.ld ..nd b.,omo 'n•• lnd ond "';""g • o~ in,•••"ing ••••~"". ~naly.in9.di"."'"9 • £'"na hign ... la.y"o.,inga' •• p•• y.... • /It .. p. '.,pon.;bimy • Potf..... and b. ' '.d p..... I.g ..1 .p .... "" • A"o,; ..,. w;,h I y nd ,h.i.
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