Page 102 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 102
PAGE SIX THE GOLD BUG MAY 2 1972 Welcome to the constituency - Part II by Cathy Nelson What you read not what you get "Too many elections have been decided on the voter can do much to augment his own un- personality ...It's the fault of the voter!" So says derstanding of a candidate's real attributes. John Fogarty, press secretary to Maryland.'s Fogarty suggests several things. First, read a?out Senator Charles Mathias, discussing how the media your candidate daily. "Eventually all the real SIdes projects a candidate. of the candidate come through in his actions." Fogarty who has been working with the senator Second, obtain his position paper on the curr~nt for four ye~rs, is an outspoken young man, unafr~id -issues. Look for inconsistencies ...reading dally. to criticize the media in which he works. He admits helps here. Find out if he has made a financial press secretaries are advocates of their particular disclosure and if he hasn't, find out why. Read the bosses, but adds, "we try to be fair. Of course we financial disclosure and see where his loyalties lie. can't be totally objective, because that's not OUf Write him a letter; "All the information you need is job. But the fact is that everybody else is doing the available ...don't be afraid to make a contact." same thing." When you find a candidate you like, campaign for What the voter reads, then, about a particular him. And above all, get out and vote. candidate, is generally biased if it comes With the information available, and a voter's own from the candidate's office. But it takes on a dif- ingenuity, there should be no reaso.n to ~~ unin- ferent tone when presented in a different area, such formed about the candidates and their postttons. It as television or newspaper work. Fogarty says, takes more than personality to make a good "Once a story leaves your office to go to a leader least it should. newspaper you don't know how it will be changed. How it's pr~sented, what page it's on, what headline It's given; all this influences its impact on the Student teaching reader. I've seen some press releases that have come out of this office appear in a newspaper verbatim; others I didn't even recognize." (cont.) Television journalism is equally unpredictable; since it is, as Fogarty notes, "act.ion- oriented", it mayor may not present the candidate accurately. addition the student teacher gradually teaches The printed media is better, says Fogarty, because more classes assigned to the original sponsor as of its availability "when you're ready to read it." well as teaching classes belonging to other mem- The idea elections are won or lost on personality bers of the department. While student teachers is one largely created due to the media tactics, but probably won't work with. more than two spon- soring teachers at any one ~Ime, they are expec!ed ............................................ Sports (cont.) to work with at least three different sponsors during the third phase. Phase lour, a three-day period at the end of the term takes place on the campus. We~tern Maryland College currently places Mont- Baltimore, Rifle team guns down Loyola (again) student teachers in Carroll, counties, the ri.rst gomery, and Prince George's by Robert Ramsdell two in particular. If the number of prospective Dr. teachers does decline, it is conceivable, The Western Maryland Rifle Team completed its' Rhodes, this year's captain, and Lloyd Brown Bowlsbey thinks, that all student teaching could be '71-'72 season on April 22 with an 1172 - 1102 in Carroll county. exhibition win over John Hopkins. This win was received trophies as the best in the prone and The center is being operated as a cooperative should kneeling positions, respectively. ~ention especially enjoyable since Hopkins had defeated also be made of Jim Geleta who, although he came venture by the college and the county. Donald L. WMC twice during the regular season. Patrick, assistant professor of education at the The regular season came to a close on a winni~g out for the team too late to shoot in enough matches college, is the coordinator. to qualify for trophy consideration, had the best note as the Terrors reached their high point total In point average ~f all shooters over the second half drubbing Loyola, 1186-1089,on March 10. To their of the season. record of 4-4the Terrors then added exhibition wins over Mount St. Mary's, 1177:1014,on ARril15 and the The team will be shooting again next year and President's Review previously mentioned J. H. U. match to finish'6-4 anyone interested in trying out, male or felmale, overall. should contact any team member or the R.O.T.C. Dan Roh, who will be captain of the team next Department. to be held year, received trophies as the best over-all shooter and as the top scorer in the standing position. Ned Volleyballers The 52nd Annual President's Review will be held Raquettes undefeated Tuesday, May 9, on Hoffa Field, Western Maryland College, Westminster. victimize The WMC ROTC Cadet Battalion will begin its by Heather Keppler ceremony at 11:00 a.m. This review is the highlight of the year for the cadets and is designed to give The women's tennis team is"undefeated in four Coached by Miss Carol Fritz the Women's college administrators, faculty, and students an matches, and' has hopes for a continued good volleyball team is over halfway through its opportunity to observe the cadets in parade for- season. \ schedule and on its way to a winning season. mationl It also provides an occasion for the The first game was April 12, against Cat?nsville Winning their first match against Wilson in two presentation of individual awards for outstanding Community College, and the team won easily, 7-0. games, the team started falling into place. They achievement. WMCwon one match by default since CCC failed to met Catonsville and Bowie at home in a dual match, In addition to Department of the Army Superior bring their #2 doubles. On April 18, Frederick , losing a tough one to Catonsville but coming back to Cadet Awards, medals will be presented to-out- Community College lost to Western Maryland 6-0. beat Bowie 15-3, 15-2. Western Maryland then . standing cadets by dignitaries representing the Usually seven games are played, but Frederick did travelled to Essex and lost in a tight, three game Baltimore Sun, The Association of the U.S. Army, not have a second doubles. match. Again, at home, the team regained its lost The Reerrve Officers' Association, The American Both varsity and JV went to UMBC on the 20th. composure to meet Loyola and Coppin in another Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Daughters of the The varsity won all seven of their matches. JV had dual meet. Loyola was defeated in two games but it American Revolution, and Sons of the American a narrow victory of 3-2; the first doubles were the looked like trouble as Coppin won the first game. Revolution. determining factor. Pat Norris and Michele .Swain The Terrorettes came back to win the match in the This is the final presidential review for retiring split sets with the UMBC team and won the third set last two. games 15-0, 15-2. President Lowell S. Ensor. It will be the 25th review 7-5 to give WMC the win. Again travelling away from home WMC met of the cadets in his honor. Finally, the girls played T0:-vson St~te College {V.M.B.C. and lost, in a match played under stress Complementing the ceremony on May 9 will be on April 25 and won 6-1. Anme Ebmeier, the #1 conditions including a parent's night crowd. the appearance of the United States Army Drill player, lost to Audrey Morie, a very st~ong player The Varsity is composed of Fran McCabe, Carol Team from Fort Myer, Virginia, and the First who is ranked third in Maryland. Anme has been Schmidt, Mel Coleman (trt-captalns), Libby Eife, United States Army Bad from Fort George G. playing very well, ~tter than in h~r last two Robin Fernicola, Janie Watts, and Linda Mac- Meade. The band will present a ten-minute concert seasons, and the team ISboosted by having a strong Williams. The memers of the junior Varsity are; beginning at 11:00 a.m. as well as providing music Pat Nardone and Tina Snell (co-captains), Judy for the Army Drill Team and the cadet review. #IThe team has another four matches to plays, and Gardner, Melly Whitworth, Carol Ward, Sandy The public si invited to attend the review. a good chance of winning thre~ of the !o~. Coach Stitt, Ginny Marten, and Pam Wunsch. Parking facilities are available at the rear of the Weyers believes they have a slun possibility to ~o There are three games remaining on the, bleachers in Hoffa Staduim. undefeated. The University of Maryland will - Schedule, two of them at home; May 2, V-,M.B.C. In the event of rain, the ceremony will be con- probably be their toughest opponent. and May 4, Towson. Come out and support your ducted in Alumi Hall on the campus. - team. ~----~---- __~ -G~~.~ .__..
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