Page 94 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 94
PAGE SIX THE GOLD BUG APRIL 17, 1972 Elton John creates The Inquiring (cont. from page 5) cemented by this album and 11-17-70,which is a live album introducing some new material as well as Investigator Elton's arrangement of the Stone's "Honky Tonk Woman" and John Lennon's "Get Back." Commissioned by Paramount Pictures, the Dwight-Taupin team produced the soundtrack to the film "Friends," which was- released as an What really goes on during Hell Week? album in the spring of 1971. Madman Across the Water marks the latest effort of Elton John, ap- pearing in the fall of 1911 and featuring "Tiny by Francois Derasse Dancer," "Levon," "Madman Across the Water" and "Indian Sunset." There are other sundry "bootleg" recordings made of his live concerts Much concern and discussion was raised by a the new members towards the brothers-both those while on tour in the United States during '70 and '71, letter to the editor which was printed in the last in their pledge class and the older ones. The "Anal but they have little to recommend themselves. issue of THE GOLD BUG (March 27,1972), procedure centers around creating a completely fixation plagues fraternities" by Fred Rudman was alienated atmosphere--something they never ex- Anthony Thorncroft, writing for the "Financial seen by some readers as being gross and in bad perienced before. The first result is all the pledges Times," sums up the Elton John phenomenon well. taste, by others as being the possible truth, and by are 'in the same boat' and all the members are in a still others as being a fictitious account of fraternity normal atmosphere--resulting in unity in the pledge "Since this is 1971 and broad political issues are initiations. I therefore decided to get the other side class; and since they don't know what is going to out of fashion, the good-natured crowd sings 'All we of the picture by speaking to all the fraternity happen, they are apprenhensive and when they are saying is give us a chance.' Elton John gives presidents. realize they are not hurt, they begin to trust the them a little chance. He has thrown in something Bob Fox, president of the Preachers had this to brothers. So, the Hell Week creates unity in the new for everyone, and confirmed his reputation as a say: "There is nothing sexually deviant about the members and a trust toward the older ones." spectacle. He moves so fast that it is difficult to Hell Week. It's purpose is to build the confidence of know whether there is anything there. Whether it is Jim Nopulos, president of the Bachelors, an- white blues; country funk; or just old-fashioned pub piano wrapped up in a little outrage, I don't know. swered: "First of all, I don't think Fred Rudman knew what he was talking about. It may be ap- But Elton John is different and watchable and plicable to some fraternities, but nothing like that musical: he deserves a bit of adulation." Actress speaking happened in this organization. I think he was just stereotyping all fraternities I just don't feel that cidents he may have heard. because of some in- fraternities are as crude as he made them out to be. at graduation can't see humiliating people. I don't think he (Fred I agree that one time things were bad but now I Rudman) was in a position to make a statement on all fraternities because a lot of the incidents were Nanette Fabray, stage, screen, and TV star, secret." known for her involvement with the problems of Ron Freeman, president of the Phi Delts, replied: g~~~~~,s'J:;~ 4~ a:h~e~~:~e~~~~l~~~ s8~~::~: "I can safely say that none of this (referring to CARROLL COUNTY MEAT PRODUCTS Westminster.' . Fred's letter) happened in this' fraternity'. I Math q"" ,qll 'kiM CHfuf qaoJ C"",", Western Maryland College also will present Miss question the sources Fred used other than what he Fabray with an honorary doctorate in recognition thinks is true. I don't really know how true the us GO~'RN"""I ,.. >p,erro to. YOUl ,""oncrlON events are, but if they happen in other fraternities, of her work in deafness. The college has developed a program to prepare teachers of the deaf to meet a there should be a complete re-evaluation of the crucial need for' qualified persons who can upgrade fraternity system by the fraternity men them- the education of deaf children. selves. I think the idea of a pledge period is more Previous honors for the actress Award; Human advantageous to the pledges, the brothers, and the the include if the central college community theme of this Eleanor Roosevelt Humanitarian T t-~S!~:~;:s Brith; President's Distinguished Service Award, period is HELP Week rather than .Hell Week." League, B'Nai Relations Award. Anti-Defamation ~ )'-I( ()\\!f.:.~ cou.ui President's Committee Annual Cogswell Award, said: Dave Downes, president of the Gamma Bets, on Employment of the Rudman is completely off base--he "Fred Handicapped; First may have the facts correctly but I don't think he Gallaudel College. YOCR YOU ARE SUI·:MER IN IF In her profession she received two Donaldson designate their own functions to fill social needs D.C. THE \-.'ASHINGTON, SPEf,DING AREA PLAN TO TAKE Awards for best performance in a musical and best has the concepts correctly. The fraternities COURSES P,T t·l0NTG@ERY COLLEGE supporting performance, The Tony Award for best that gregarious students need-I think pledging is an 4 week - 6 week - 8 week sess ions musical actress of the year, three Emmy Awards extension of this. In the last few years, there has. been a trend -to decrease humiliation in order for a WRITE TO: DIRECTOR OF ADmSSIOfIS for best cornmedienne and best supporting actress, young man to join a fraternity. I also think Fred is MONTGor·iERY COLLEGE and Woman of the Year, Radio and TV Editors of America. wrong about only one fraternity making progress-- Tekora Park Campus Rockville Campus Miss Fabray began at the age of 3 II 2 in all of the others are and so is the college." Dave Tekome Park, ~:aryland ROckville, /·1i3ry1ar.d vaudeville, dancing and singing as "Baby Nan." In added that the purpose of initiation is to get the 20012 20850 1938 she won a scholarship to the Max Reinhardt brothers to know the pledges in the shortest School and appeared in his stage productions of possible time. He said there is no pain or perversion "The Miracle," "Six Characters in Search of an involved in the initiation period. Author," and "Servant with Two Masters." She When I asked Fred Rudman what his purpose Broadway productions, LAWYER'S ASS'T starred in numerous with Allan Jones, "Let's Face in- was in writing the letter to the editor, he answered: He eluding: "Meet the People," "By Jupiter" with Ray and to expose the truth." "For controversy Bolger, "Jackpot" in only 3 months ~ $9,000 or more to start It" with Danny Kaye, "Bloomer Girl," "Arms and admits he has not seen this year "the incidents he Colle~e gfad",!" and Diller qualified persons Im.l. and lemale)-Dur in The Girl," "High Button Shoes" with Phil Silvers, described in the letter, but he said he participated ~ft~:'~d;I~~~~~J~~e~~~:~~~r;f~~~i~; y~~a'~~~~f:,Dd~:~~~~~~~~~:~~~~i~1Ft:f~i in them two years ago (Fred, though, is now in- Kurt Weill and Allan Jay Lerner's "Love Life," and dependent). He added that "it's still going on" and the Lindsay, Crouse, and Berlin "Mr. President." """"y, AI!~nd classes days Dr .venin~s fo' o"'y 3 niOnlh,. Hou"n~ ae- Miss Fabray has appeared on almost every he IS convinced somebody is going to get hurt rnm",nd.llinn, are availableal &ne,t,ach"ge someday. Fred believes in constructive projects Wf willle.en vou o,"ctic.l. "how 10" inform.lion and tecllniQue, on COR. major TV show; she starred with Sid Caesar for two rOR~1I0NS· SECURITIES REGULATION. LEGAL ANO NON·LEGAL R[S£ARCH' years. Her movies include "Elizabeth and Essex" for initiations. "It's my personal belief ther€ OOMf.SIICRElATlONS·lITIGATIONANDTRIAlS·MERGERSANOACQUISI are other ways of unifying twenty members inte liONS • TRUST~ AND ESTATES. REAL [STAl( • PUBLIC AND PRIVATf with Bette Davis and Errol Flynn, "A Child is fiNANCING. andmucll. muchmor. Born," "The Happy Ending" with Jean Simmons, a group." o E~' .. " n.... ,,~~ u,,',n, ~"d "0.1b.,om. 'n.ol••d • Doi~'.,."ing ",." ..h. ,,0"'Y"~9,di"~,,in9 "od ....;';09 and "Bandwagon" with Fred Astaire. • E".n"high ,,,I,,,y""rt,n9".$9.000 •• "'o,.p"y ••• A past campaign chairman for the Hope for Finding out whether the incidents Fred Rudman oA",p".,p"n,ibili'y described actually happened or not is not an easy o P.rl."""ndb."." .. .r",,,p ...,,I'gal.p."ali,, Hearing Foundation at UCLA, Miss Fabray also is 0'-'" ..,;., .... i,h lawy ... "nd ,h.i. tli.n', task. Although most everyone does not admit that • f""."", 'D~'~now'.dg. and po'.n'i,,1 a trustee and board member of the Eugene O'Neill they happen, some do not deny that they do. It is • h,o",. " ••,11• .1 a~d valuDbleport of ,h. g."w'~~l.gD' indu.try Foundation and National Theatre of the Deaf, vice SUMMER Cl~SSrS ARE NOW FORMIN;; APPLY FOR ADMISSION RigHT AWAY. president of the National Association of Hearing questionable that we should believe the ones that 10003 I Call or write : PARAlEG~l"INSTlTU;E, D.P,,-· 12~---1 and Speech Agencies, board member of the admit these things happen since some fraternities like outsiders to think that they act'ually happen. I for F R E E : On .. Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. National Advisory Committee on Education of the BOO KlET I Nome I Deaf, and is active in numerous other organizations hope they do not happen and since I am in doubt at this point I will say they do not-BUT, if anyone has _APt! concerned with aid for the handicapped. ~:~:i~~1 Add,e.. Commencement at Western Maryland College proof that I am wrong I wish he would write me at _~~~_ Ci,y S.a.e _lip -_.- J will be held in Gill Gymnasium at three o'clock. The Inquiring Investigator cloTHE GOLD BUG, Box 394. Maybe something can be done about it.
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