Page 101 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 101
MAY 2,1972 THE GOLD BUG Profill! by Francois Derasse PAGE FIVE Hoff helps student physicists !h~EJ~gu!~mJ~gg "Physics is a tough subject," explained Dr. he says he enjoys teaching, Dr. Hoff will have to go VOLUME 49, NUMBER 8 Gerald F. Hoff as he was.helping students set up a back to work at the Naval Ordinance Lab on June physics laboratory experiment. Dr. Hoff is 15. He added that chances are he will not teach MAY 2,1972 currently replacing Dr. William T. Achor who is on anymore, but if the occasion would come he would sabbatical leave for this semester. take it. Edj~or..jn-dJief Cathy Nelson Although Dr. Hoff has never taught before he is a A quality Dr. Hoff seems to have as a teacher is Assecilte'E'ditor qualified physicist. FOI:the past ten years,' he has his understanding of the students. He remembers flilncois Derma been at the Naval Ordinance Laboratory in Wide thephysics classes he had in college and gears his Copy Edi~or Nellie Arrington Oak, Maryland, working in the Research in Solid classes to.avoid the problems he had. Occasionally, Robert Ramsdell State Physics. Division. There, he has "grown" he explains a personal experience he has had Sports Editors some of the first single crystal thin films of the lead dealing with the subject he is covering. ' Tom Trezise salts which are used in infrared detectors. Other Dr. Hoff commented that he thinks Western ....otogllphy DaY! Korboni1s crystals, Dr. Hoff exper he has "grown" are used in Maryland College is a "good school" and he added: Art Ed~or transistors. Before working on crystals, Dr. Hoff :~~:~.i,~k it's a pleasure to see the honor system Jj~Sollers experimented -with laser systems such as gas discharged and high- energy lasers. Dr. Hoff received his Bachelors of Science degree Dr. Hoff is essentially on a sabbatical from his at Union College in New York State and his Ph.D. in SPecial thanks to Mia, N.ncy lee Winkleman job at the Naval Ordinance Lab and during this solid state physics at the University of Maryland in for pra, nil••. time he decided to try teaching. He chose Western 1970. (Incidently, both he and Dr. P.E. Yedinak, Maryland because it is a small college-he ex- professor. in physics, attended Union College, and plained that he does not like big schools. Although - Dr. Yedinak once said that he always went to see Hard work: Becky Williams, Heather Keppler, Dr. Hoff for help in physics.) Roberta Schrom, Pam Clark Entered 8Ssecond-class material at the Westminster Rappelling; try it you'll Maryland post office, 21151. ,Second-class postage' paid at Westminster.' Published by and for the students of' Western,Maryland College. by Robert Ramsdell The opinions expressed in this paper do not necessarily reflect those of t~e .administr8tio~, Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be standing perpendicular to the face of a cliff and look skills, you then get a chance to put them all together Address ~::.!f~~r:.;:;~~a~ndCOllege, over your shoulder and see minute people on the by rappelling down the cliff. Though I suppose ground about sixty to seventy feet below you? almost everyone felt a moment of hesitation before Well, about twenty-five people from the' college going down for the first time ( I sure as hell didl ), had a chance to experience just that (with a little having heard the reply "On safety, lane six!" to bit of help from a rope) on the afternoon of Sunday your call of "On rappell, lane six!" you begin to let the 16th when the Recondo Unit of the R. O. T. C. yourself down slowly, paying careful attention to the Program held a field exercise open to anyone who yelled advice and corrections of the experienced wanted tocome. Recondo members. Reaching bottom, the emotion The first necessity for narticipation was to get out was ollf of intense desire to do it again, and again, Getting married? and again, and. Need a photographer? :;i~~gO~~ ~~~r;Jg(~~%r~/~:~~~:v~~ ~~~~~ shuttled back and forth all afternoon. Once there _ Call and .having signed your life away - you were. Though things had to stop at around 4:00 due to required to go through a series of check-points, at rain, everyone enjoyed themselves and no one was Chris Spencer, 235-7012 ach of which you learned a certain phase of hurt. The Recondo Unit intends to sponsor another rappelling, suchas how to make a Swiss seat or how such activity open to all students first semester of to hook up to the ropes. next year. All I can say is: Try it, you'll like it. Having shown that you can do all tfie separate Song of the Swamp byTinheadMaliory Raster Ruthook, the resident raccoon, trotted hurriedly through the underbrush like salts through a Widow woman. He was taking bets for the Bingo Bocknik's Day-HOW MANY TIMES WILL JAY THE RAY BOMBOOLA FALL INTO THE SWAMP? contest-and wanted to tell Lester Hester, a fellow woodland creature. Bingo Bocknik's Day was the 4th day after the 3rd closing' of the moon every year. Bingo Bocknik was a water splouse who could never remember his birthday.. On Bingo Bocknik's day everybody eats dried clcwer sprouts and gets higher than an eyeshoria-infested Feegalini bird. When coming back from the Amessisasgoodasan Isle the light- headed little rascals have to walk over a bog board to get back on land. Ray Bomboola has never walked completely across the bog board in one try. Everybody placing a bet chose a score, such as Swamp 3, Ray O. Lester chose the score Swamp 1, Ray 1/ 2. When Bingo Bocknik's Day arrived, excitement was building throughout the underbrush. However, the evil Kraglik, dreaded spectre of the mud, cast an evil fly-rod on Ray while he was resting in his nifty thatched hut. Ray couldn't extradite himself from his sticky problem. The Swamp, tired of waiting for the challenge, rose up and proceeded to chez Bomboola. In doing so he knocked the evil KragIik out of the buzzard's nest he was resting in, freeing good 01 Ray Bomboola. After exerting so much energy the Swamp was plum tuckered and ts this man up in the air about finals? Why is he just hanging around? For full details, see paqe eight. stayed on Ray's front porch while Ray ran to the island, grabbed some dried c~I?WMsprouts and went back to bed. Swamp sighed.
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