Page 95 - TheGoldBug1971-72
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APRIL 17, 1972 THE GOLD BUG PAGE SEVEN SUN MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT April 17 18 19 16 20 21 22 _0.""",,, buebIU-JOnnsHoPklns-A_ men',lacroue.UMBC. 1:30" honor court vole-Grllle.g.s freshman class carwUh_ lra"k.Loyola.A.3,OO H.3,OO lolf.OelaWI, .. Valley, men'stennls-JonnsHopklns men'.lennl$-Catholic U. LebanonValley_A.l:00 9,3D-4:30 A.3:00 men's Iilcrcnse-PMC_A_I 0:30 'honorcourtauembly_ Baker & Buck reclill .. H'3:00 Baker 100.7:45 women's tennis-Frederick Levlne·4,00 women'.lennJ .. UMBC. women'.lacrOlSe-CCC_H.l1:0 CC.H·4,OO A.4:00 men's ten~~~'~~'hln!ilton_ MeGoverncommlllee_ volleyball.Loyola &Coppin Argenllnecholrconcert. lut dale to withdraw Baker":IS Baker 102.':00 H·7,OO veueveen.u MBC·A· 7: 00 from clane •. buebaU-Wuhlngton-A_I:30 23 24 26 NOW·Oell cluOroom.7,30 lrack-SaUsbury_H_2;OO baseball-Hampton·5ydney. 27 28 one mOre montll 29'·90If.GettYSbUrg.H.IO:00 H·3:00 of this inunlty bueball.Mt.St.Mary's-A.! :00 golf-Shlppen.burg& men's lac~~~s,e~~ettYlbUrg. men's lennl .. Johns Hopkins- lennls-Mt.St.Mary·s-A.l:30 Baltlmore·A_II:OO ·H·3'OO women's 1~~~~;S:i-G~IIYSbUI"9 Irack.Lebanon VaUey.A.2,OO Spr(ngcholrconcert· track·JollnsHopklns-A·3,OO Baker.7:tS men'stennb_Franklin & .volleyball·Morgan·A·7,OO men's lacr:~~e;~~ckln.on.· women's !~~~~~GettYSbUrg lacrosse'L~~;:~~n Valley. Mlrli~II-H'2:00 women's tennis-Towson. wome·n'slacross&-coucher. Midnight Cowboy_ baseball_Franklin & Marshall H·3'30 H·4:00 volleyball·slatetournament Decker·B:30 H-3:00 Hartung & Hohwleldet mlxer·spon.oredbyI97S.I,O recllals·Levln&-4:00 30 May ene-aet plays.Alumnl·I,IS on&-acl plays.Alumnl.l,lS 1 men'stennIS·Olcklnson. men's lacr~~~~~~Uhln!ilton. A·2:00 men'stennls-RanClolph. gOlf.Yotk.A·2:30 women's lennls HOOd.· track.York.H·3,OO golf.Towson & LOYOla·H·1 ,00 baseball.Olcklnson.A·3:00 A·4:00 baseball·Baltlmore.A·2,00 volleyball.UMBC.H.7:00 volleyball·TowsOn.H·7,OO women's tenniS-Goucher. men'slacrosse.Wllkes-H·2,OO H·4:00 10 11 12 13 track.Frostbur9·A·3:00 men'.lenniS·Geltysburg. golf·Muon·Dlxons . A·l:l0 men', lacr~~;~:orostbUrg. WOmen'Slacrosse·Essex. baseball.Hampton·Sydney· H'3:30 H·3,on women'slennls-U. of Md.· women's tennis-Notre Dame A·4,OO - Newsbriefs Of May Day, One-Act Plays, Concerts coordinated by Nellie Arrington The great W.M.C. myth--MAY DAY. Is it based Two worlds permeated by the bizarre and the on realities or has it been created by violent are being created in Alumni Hall in the next A number of people on the Western Maryland some imaginative mind'? few weeks. Harold Pinter's "The Room" 'and "The College campus on Westminster are rapidly Actually, May Day is a reality, which has been Indian Wants the Bronx" by Israel Horovitz, learning how tosay "hello" in Spanish. The college dreamed and schemed up by the S.G.A. and dealing with man's greatest crime-his inhumanity is host to the Core Universitario de San Juan on planned or co-ordinated by the freshman I.D.S. to his brother, share the program for ~e Dramatic Wednesday and no one in the chorus speaks class. It will be held May 6. Art Department's final production of this semester. English. May Day hopes to be a grand Play Day, involving Cathy Van Dyke and Robert Whitney, senior The Coro, from Argentina will sing at Western students and faculty both as operators and drama students, have been asked to direct ~he two Maryland at 8: 15p.m. in Baker Memorial Chapel. It collaborators of the games and booths, as well as one-act plays for the department. Casts mclu~e is one of 16world choruses now in the United States. kids of all ages from the Westminster area. Michael Basile, Tom Blair, David Iverson, Chris The 600 young singers from 16 countries and five The top of the Hill will be covered with bands (the Landskroener, Larry Lazopoulos, Sharon Men- continents arrived in this country on April 6 to W.M.C. stage band and others); an art tgornery, Derek Neal, Fred Rudman, and Beth participate in the Third International University display/contest in front of the library; sorority and Trott. Choral Festival sponsored by Lincoln Center. fraternity games, booths, and food in the quad; a For those disturbed by presentations of the From Western Maryland the Core Unlversitario film world in Decker (featuring Keaton, W. C. bizarre the directors wish to remind the viewers de San Juan will go to Washington to be received by Fields, experimental film, and student films); and that ev'en though these created worlds may be Mrs. Richard Nixon and on the 22nd the entire an improvisation room involving anyone and ferocious, they are nevertheless reflections of off- ensemble of choral groups will give a special everyone. stage reality, and all of it must ~ expl?red to f!lake concert at the Kennedy Center. A series of five And there's more! Western Maryland's resident art splendid and life worth the strife. Tickets Will be New York concerts begins on the 23rd and the final poet wi1lgive a reading of his works, along with any on sale in the bookstore beginning Monday, April gala will be held in New York on April 30. . student poets who wish "todisplay their talent. H~re 24. The group coming to Western Maryland will too, folksingers and folkgroups are welcome to sing include 38 men and women. Their university is in and play in the open air. College Choir Concert western Argentina in the Andes foothills. The Latin Plus there will name talent and ingenious sur. American students will spend two days on the prises, spelling fun for eveyone. Western Maryland campus. At most their mastery The S.G.A. and the I.D.S. class hopes that any of English is fair, according to the sponsoring interested persons will involve themselves in any The Western Maryland College Choir will present organization, but it is anticipat~ that the particular interest and of course, come and par- a spring concert Sunday, April 23, on the campus in American and Argentine. students will manage to ticipate in the Play Day forAll, MAY DAY, '72! Westminster. communicate. The Choir will sing at 7:15 p.m. in Baker Memorial Chapel. The public is invited. The concert on the 19th is open to the public. In Classof 1974 The 70-voice choir includes students from all addition to more classical music, the Coro will sing departments of the college. It presents three native folk songs and music by Latin American composers. Sophomores will have a class farm p~rty on April concerts annually on campus, sings at college 22, starting at 12noon. Refreshments will be offered functions, and appears off campus. This spring the at a small cost. Games will be held in the afternoon, choir has sung in Salisbury and Baltimore. "Midnight Cowboy" and a band will play from 7-11 that night. Guests Oliver K. Spangler directs the choir. An may come at the specific invitation of a sophomore associate professor of music, Mr .. Spangler Rides Again for $1.00 admission. More information and a sign-up teaches piano and organ and also directs the sheet will be on the cafeteria bulletin board. College Singers, and ensemble of 16 voices. 'Ac- companist is Evelyn Hering, assistant professor of music, who teaches history and literature of music: Midnight Cowboy, an Academy Award winning Classof 1975 and also directs the Women's Glee Club. film, will be shown at Western Maryland College, Westminster on Sunday, Aprl1 23. Car wash (only $1.00) at the Texaco station down The program for the April 23 concert is: "Quiet The film, which has been called a savage in. at the shopping center Saturday, April 22 between Place," Lully; "0 Rex Gloriae,"Marenzio; "Ave dictment against New York City, will be shown at 9:30·4:30. Maria," Gombert; "0 sing unto the Lord," 8:30 p.m. in Decker Lecture Hall. Tickets are Biggest mixer yet! Yes, not 1 band, not 2 bands, Hassler; "Motet:Jesu, Priceless Treasure," Bach; available at the door for 75 cents. but 3 hands. No charge Saturday, April 29-8:00. "The Testament of Freedom," Thompson; Midnight Cowboy stars Dustin Hoffman and Jon Our newly planted Freshman tree is alive and 'Prelude for Voices," Schuman; "Alleluia," Voight. It won the Academy Awards for best pic- kicking as we celebrate its third week as a member Muczynski; "My Shepherd wilJ supply my need," ture, best director, and best screenplay, the British of the freshman class. It's the little guy with the Thomson' "Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel," Acadeny Award, and awards from the Directors' pines, outside of BWH. arranged' by Miller; and. "Glory to God in Ute Highest," Copley. Guild of America and the Italian Film Critics Organization.
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