Page 98 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 98
PAGE TWO THE GOLD BUG MAY 2,1972 Letters to the ,Reflections Edttor "Beccuss I don't give a domn" In praise of Follies Mother chapter in the unusual saga of the there was a fairly sizable voting turnout. Hut The votes are in, the new policies formed. apathy what of the general toward any kind of Honor Court is closed. honor code that seems to be infesting the Mr. William M. McCormick By the astounding lack of turnouts for the campus? There is, in the not-too distant President, Junior Class two meetings prior to the Honor Court election future, a real danger that the Honor System Dear Bill, it can only be assumed that most people will simply become one of the Operas Nobody Last Friday evening, I had the extremely good preferred to vote on impulse rather than wait Does Anymore. : ... . ', fortune to be part of the audience which witnessed for anexpianation of what they were voting the Junior Follies. Please accept my heartiest congratulations to you and to all those who par- fOT. Nevertheless, voting turnout was fairly A little old lady in a faded blue blouse and ticipated in any way in the production of the event. successful; 496 votes out of an estimated 1100 blue jeans was on campus a little over a week The immense amount of time and diligent effort students. The results were not too surprising. ago ... did anybody see her? She is the "Peace was very evident to the audience. Proposal I (Corrective punishment) passed Pilgrim" whose purpose is to walk for peace. The.entertainment'tactor produced by the follies 52%489(, Proposal II (Appeals) passed 97'KT She wears a blue tunic which reads, in part, was certainly important. However, not only was it 3%.Proposal III did not pass; the vote was "25,000 miles walked for peace." According to entertaining, but all who viewed it I am sure were 78'KT2% against. Peace Pilgrim, the way to world peace is prompted to a good deal of serious thought. The But it was the comments submitted on the junior class had something to say and they said it. through inner peace. She appears to be in her Again, our congratulations on a job well done. back of some of the ballots that perhaps gave early seventies, yet still averages 25 miles a Best wishes to you and all members of the class for some clue to the general attitude toward the day walking to various places where she gives the balance of this semester and as you move into elections and the Honor Court. "Indifferent" lectures on the steps to inner peace. Her only your senior year beginning in the fall. Warm per- was the most commonly used, and this seemed belongings are the clothes she wears, a comb, sonal regards, to be borne out by the more-than-hall not and a toothbrush. Not only is Peace Pilgrim Sincerely, voting. One student told me, "I didn't vote outspoken on the topic of peace, but on life as GeraldF. Clark, Jr. because I just didn't give a damn." That's a Assistant Director, real shame, because the irony of that attitude well. She will talk nonstop until someone asks Alumni Affairs her a question (they usually wish they had let is that the person is subject to the rules all the her keep talking). There is a tendency to same. "Abolish the Honor System" read one dismiss her as merely another fanatic, but this ballot. Nanette who? reference "Gross interference" read another, in is somewhat unfair. and She is obviously admired, a lady of to Proposal III. convictions, her be must Those people currently working to serve the however reluctantly, for her continued efforts Dear Ms: Honor Court seem to feel their time is not (she has been walking since January 1, 1953) Re graduation: does a deaf-ed star of stage, being wasted. At this time, new appointments to spread her own philosophy about solving the screen, and TV really speak to or for this campus? to the Honor Court are being made. The world's problems. She is outspoken, vivacious, Robert Lawler, English system seems to be ~orkin~, and after ~ll, unusual, maybe even a little bit nuts ... but who among us dares to laugh? CCN Dean Zepp Death; not that great but lt's all we/ve got So teach us to number our days, that we may get a heart of wisdom. Men are like grass which is adds depth and zest to life we falsify our relationships renewed in the morning and then fades and withers neighbor means that relationships to family, we falsify life. in the afternoon. (Psalm 90) Death presents to us What kind of talk is this? and God are filled full -with significance. the certainty of our It is so The fragility and tenuousness of life enables us to uniqueness negative cherish it selfhood morbid, enhance it the knowledge that we are pessimistic to be elated with it unrepeatable unamerican. to leap for joy in it. end at irreplaceable That relationships It is so unchangeable harsh on human dignity graduation incomparable so offensive to our sensibilities the end of the summer the possibility to realize our full potential so realistic-calling men death the motivation to be creative. MORTAL or when we are transferred to a new job - With endless and death DEATH. or when we leave home time on our hands, we would delay indefinitely No euphemisms here helps us take ad- the mobilization of our energies. vantage of about their richness So, let us speak about this new taboo "passing away" or resting in slumber rooms helps us to risk this new unmentionable . Sylvan View venture and say YES to death; YES to finitude; YES to Forest Lawn: be open to mortality No disguising of death with the clever their beauty. for all the benefits it brings cosmetology of the mortician; "0 God, how I wished I had got to him (her, them) for giving us life! No myths of immortality better." To paraphrase Israel's psalmist suggesting Man must have faced death realistically infinite postponement of death. DEATH GIVES MEANING TO LIFE traversed death inwardly WE· ARE AS GRASS Death participates in life to make us aware resisted death seriously OUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED sensitive pletely experienced death's power com- grateful As soon as we are born, we are old enough to die. for the GIFT of life. before he is able to live a So, let's wise up! . wise Without facing the reality of death ..that we, DEATH· GIVES MEANING TO too, useful LIFE will die true life. That life ends we do not become true selves Ira Zepp
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