Page 96 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 96
PAGE EIGHT THE GOLD BUG APRIL 17. 1972 Baseball team works out problems -By Robert Ramsdell , This year's baseball team appears to be off to the start of what promises to be a fine season. Things began inauspiciously on the team's trip south over Spring Vacation as the Terrors dropped all four of their pre-season decisions. However. these games enabled the players to work out some problems in game situations before the start of the actual season. In the home opener against George Mason on April 5, the Terrors jumped out to an early lead. After 2 1/ 2 scoreless innings, Bill Gossard led off the bottom of the third with a 'single. Dave Petrucci then walked and Joe Prado moved the runners up to second and third with a sacrifice. Then followed three straight singles off the bats of Buddy Orn- dorff, Steve Byrne and Dave Cole. Roy Angleberger then grounded out pitcher to first baseman. With two outs, Bill Swift tripled, John Sharp singled and Bill Gossard, up for the second time in the inning, walked before Dave Petrucci grounded out to end the inning. At the end of it all, the Terrors had smacked six hits good for six runs. The Terrors got -two more runs in the fourth to Bill McCormick finishes the mile relay in first place. Western Maryland's trackmen started their season build an 8-0 lead but then George Mason began to off on the right foot with a 102.5-42.5 trouncing of Shepherd College here April 10. Shepherd won move in the top of the fifth. The first batter walked only three of the seventeen events and tied one. The squad is looking for one of their finest seasons and an error by the third baseman on the next play and, if the first meet was any indication, they could live up to their expectations. gave George Mason men on first and second with none out. Bill Gossard got the next batter to fly-out to the left-fielder but two singles followed. Stewart Lehman then came in to relieve Gossard and Men's tennis team gaining experience managed to get the final two outs with a double sandwiched between them. As the game headed into the bottom of the fifth, Western Maryland's by Heather Keppler lead had been cut to 8-4. The Men's Tennis Team has played one scrim- The Terrors went out in order in the fifth, but then mage and one match, and has lost both, but feel is 1. Vernon Mummert, 2. Gary Hanna, 3. Wayne exploded for six more runs in the sixth to ice the they have gained good experience. McWilliams, 4. Phil Ciberowski, 5. Tom Brown, 6. game, 14-4,as Lehman pitched shut-out ball the rest' The scrimmage was with Colgate, a school rated Glenn Fell. The doubles teams are MUmmert and of the way. one of the best on the East Coast, during. their McWilliams, Hanna and Fell, Brown and Hickey. As the Terror's next scheduled games, a double- Southern tour. WMC lost every match except one, Scores: WMC & George Mason-Mummert- header against U.M.B.C., were rained out, they met when the doubles team of Fell and Hanna split sets McDonald, GM, 7-5, 6-7, Hi; Hanna-Hobson, WMC, Susquehanna on April 10. This game's outcome. with Colgate. Colgate obviously outclassed WMC, 6-2-6-3; Ciborowski-Churcn, GM, 2-6, 6-3,3-6; Fell- wasn't as pleasant as that of the first as 16 strike- with their top singles player ranked one of the best Cooke, GM, 2ยท6, 6-3,3-6; Brown-Cleveland, GM, 4--6, outs and only 5 hits were recorded by Western on the East Coast. 6-1,6-2; Hickey-Maley, GM, 2-6,6-7.Doubles: Fell, Maryland in losing to Susquehanna, 5-2. The team also lost the match with George Mason, Hanna-McDonald-Churn, GM,6-1,6-2;Sherwell, Gra- - 6-3.One reason for this is that one valuable member' venor-Hobson, Cooke, WMC, 6-4, 3-6, 1-0; Brown, -Cleveland, Moley, Hickey, 6-3. WMC 6-3, of the squad, third-ranked Wayne McWilliams, was unable to play, so that Ciberowski, Fell, Brown,and Also, the day of the match was very windy, which Women netters ready, Hickey each moved up to play tougher opponents. especially bothered Mummert and Ciberowski. Generally, the squad is a Jot stronger this year, and very young, which auguers wen for next season. have optimism There is only one senior in the top six, Tom Brown, one freshman, Vernon Mummert, and the other four are sophomores. The team is very strong in the by Heather Keppler first and sixth positions, and in doubles. The lineup The Women's Tennis Team has not yet played a match, but we've been practicing hard and do well in our first one, next week. Seventeen girls have survived practice and make up the team. We will be playing several varsity matches involving five singles and two doubles, and two JV matches with three singles and two doubles. The team has more depth than in the lase few seasons and more good players are coming out regularly to practice hard to become very good. The team has not yet played the first match, but we feel we have a good chance. The coach, Miss Weyers, says "I'm anxious for the first match to see just how good we really are. I'm very optimistic about our team, but it's hard to judge very ac- curately until after the first match." One big morale boost to the team was the distributon of new jackets, which the public can see anywhere except parties where alcoholic beverages are served. Another boost would be a ~arge turnout for the first match. In this April 12 game, the Western Maryland College Terrors won an easy victory over Loyola. The - score was 18-4.
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