Page 92 - TheGoldBug1971-72
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PAGE FOUR THE GOLD BUr. APRI L 17, 1972' "Give Ireland back to the Irish" by Becky Willi-a·ms On Thursday night, April 6, Mr. Patrick Magnier of County Cork, Ireland, and Mr. Bob Lowery, an Irish-American of Baltimore, spoke to a group of WMC students about the conflict in Northern Ireland. They are both members of the IRA, dedicated to attaining freedom for Ireland. . Mr. Magnier began the talk by explaining briefly the history behind the present conflict. Ireland has been under B·ritish rule for seven hundred years, and was partially given its freedom hay years ago. Britain retained r-ule over SIX counties in Northern Ireland, in which the population was predominately Protestant, as opposed to Catholic in Southern Ireland. Mr. Magnier pointed out that at the time of this division, Ireland was 80% in favor of complete freedom and unity for the country. England, however, ignored this in instituting the. puppet government at Stormont. Mr. Magnier also em- phasized strongly that the Republic of Ireland, the twenty-six counties freed by England "in 1921, has had no problem with civil disturbances or religious differences, and the 5% Protestant population "couldn't be better treated." It can be seen in the Southern Republic that the Catholic church imposes its morality on the people. Mr. Magnier feels that this right of a majority to have more control than a minority should be ap- plied to the unity of Ireland. He explains that three fourths of the Irish people do not want their country divided. It is, however, the minority that is making the decision, with support from Britain. The solution, Mr. Magnier feels, would be for England to acknowledge their presence in Ireland as a mistake, and set. a date for withdrawal from the country. This would create no problem of religious persecution for the Protestants, as seen by example in Southern Ireland, and if any disturbance did result, it would never last fifty years. The Catholics of Northern Ireland had suffered oppression under .the Protestants for the past fifty years. One of their strongest complaints was a lack of equal rights, especially in voting. While a Mr. Patrick Magnier of County Cork, Ireland, and Mr. Bob Lowery, an Irish-American of Baltimore, Protestant landowner might have six or seven spoke to a group of WMC students about the conflict in Northern Ireland. votes, a Catholic could be refused the right to vote. Two years ago the British changed this policy to one of one man-one vote, but at the present time, many elections have been suspended. Filmmaking courses offered because of the interment without trial of anyone The Catholic population is also deeply angered suspected The British government of being an IRA member. many with 900 men, is holding families, in concentration camps. Of these 900, all THE FILM SCHOOL at the Orson Welles Center with further activities directly pertaining to each are Catholics except for one Protestant IRA in Cambridge, Mass. is offering Summer courses in seminar FILM APPRECIATION: CON- member. Recently the government has begun Super-S Filmmaking, 16MM Filmmaking, a Video TEMPORARY AMERICAN FILM; NEW WAVE releasing someof the men, but continues to intern Workshop, and a selection of Film Seminars. Study DIRECTORS; DOCUMENTARY FILM; and more. may be arranged on a full or part-time basis. DIRECTING WORKSHOP. Intensive SUPER-8 & 16MM FILMMAKING A special MEDIA WORKSHOP FOR TEACHERS Mr. Magnier and Mr. Lowery explained that the COURSES have been designed to provide a solid will aid the educator in developing skills in leading problems of Northern Ireland are not based on background in film history and style, as well as all group film discussions, iri making Super-s films, Catholic-Protestant disturbances, but have their technical aspects of filmmaking. Students will work and in building functional curricula using film root in the defeat of Catholic King James II of in production crews on class filmmaking projects, experience. England by ProtestantWilliam of Orange in 1689. and will be provided with full facilities and THE FILM SCHOOL at the Orson Welles Center Since that defeat, the Protestant Orange population guidance for work on their own film projects. is located a few minutes walk from Harvard has often celebrated that victory by parading Advanced students in the Super-B course will be Square, in Cambridge, Mass. A limited number of through Catholic Nationalist areas with expected to have completed up to 5 short sound accommodations are available at Lesley Hall for harassments such as slogans reading 'To hell with films by the end of term; in the I6mm workshop, students taking summer courses at The Film the Pope." The division remains Orange- the objective is to have each student complete one School. Nationalist but is essentially Protestant-Catholic. major film project. - Complete information and a catalog may be Paul McCartney's song about Ireland "is very The VIDEO WORKSHOP presumes no previous obtained by writing to THE FILM SCHOOL, Box good, " Mr. Magnier said: "Give Ireland back to video experience, and will familiarize the student PRI, 1001 Mass. Ave., Cambridge, Mass. 02138 the Irish, before they have to take it away ... " with the complete range of television and video equipment, with special emphasis placea upon production of two studio tapes, one in high-band KIN~'SMAflKET Compliments of your local operation of the equipment by the student. The course will acquaint students with both cable and facilities, and will result in the broadcasting color for commercial distribution. Equipment will be available for experimentation outside of r()p eears classroom time. A series of FILM SEMINARS will form part of the intensive filmmaking courses, as well as (J-wslitr ~sats Store in providing part-time study for people with specific Carroll-Plaza Shopping Center interests and needs in Film Appreciation.· All seminars involve screening and discussion of films 119 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE
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