Page 90 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 90
PAGE TWO THE GOLD BUG APRIL 17, 1972 Reflections Changing the Honor Court The recent Honor Court Recommendations were brought to my attention rather missing Otherwise. I fail to see the logic here. dramatically last week when they "flew out of It would be blissfully quixotic to assume the the Gold Bug mailbox and hit me in the eye. word "pledge" functions as a sort of oath, If a Perhaps thatis what they were designed to do. student leaves out the word "pledge" The fact that the Honor Court ("is that still (perhaps by mistake, perhaps hot) is he then around ..?") sees fit to make changes in its in voilation of the Code, and therefore subject constitution is to me an indication that they to prosecution ? How does he provethat it was are one campus organization truly dedicated indeed a typing error and not merely a twinge to upholding the fast-declining virtues of trust of conscience and therefore an admission of and honor. There is a grave danger that guilt? What student in his right mind would students are not taking them and their func- admit to it anyway? These and other questions tion seriously enough, and this is a crime. need to be raised a t the open meeting tonight Everyone should take a good, long look at that at 7:45 in Memorial 104. If there isn't a- great two-page statement, because it affects each of turnout when the times comes - to vote-on us. Thursday, 9:00-5:00 in the Grille, then we may Proposed changes in the Honor 'Court find'outselves rubber-stamping "pledge" on Constitution are as follows: our cribbed papers. 1. "Any initial violation of the Honor System will result in a grade- of F for the 'course in- And speaking of voting, there were exactly volved. In addition to the F-in the course, a 15 ballots (remember them'i) turned into this second violation by the same individual will office a t deadline Wednesday night. Assuming result in automatic suspension for a definite the directions for turning the ballots in were period of time as recommended by the Honor no explicit enough (which I still .refuse to Court to the Personnel Deans." believe), would it have been too much trouble 2. "The Student Personnel Problems Com- to merely write the name of the candidate of I Follies perform in mittee will act as appeals mechanism for your choice on a blank sheet of paper and turn Baker 100. The follies, this year, will be called students who are judged guilty of violating the it into the Gold Bug box when you went down "The Folly of a Wmcical Isle" or "Coconuts Honor Code and who feel there -were ex- to get your mail? Better luck at the polls! make Bumpy Beds." The performances will be tenuating circumstances that should be on Friday 21 and Saturday 22 starting at 8:15 considered. The Student Personnel Problems CCN p.m. Price of admission is $1.00, Commi ttee will handle these cases in ac- cordance with the regulations as stated in the Letters to the Editor Student Handbook." These two reforms would seem to me to be not only fair, but" obligatory. What kind of court system is it that has no means for ap- Dear Fred, Hinge peal? Contrary to the idealistic viewpoint the Code carries, it is still a fallible system which could convict an innocent person. The-idea of Dear Mr. Rudman, system, I might suggest, thatIn the future, when Thank you for your interesting and informative an identifiable punishment for a given offense letter of March 27. I recently pledged the Delta Pi discussing your ideas oil frats that you employ sounds a little like the Code of Hammurabi, Alpha fraternity and as a participant in the Hell more tact. but would serve as an effective deterrent to Week Exercises, categorically deny your Since you like to play games, why not stop in the Honor Code Violators, if enforced. "description" of our activities. clubroom some evening, bringing only a "stick of wood" and a "blindfold". I am a Monopoly fan, Now we come to the third reform. As the possessor of an inquisitive intellect, I hower if Parker Brothers' is pushing "Let's Play 3. "On all written work the student will write wonder how you arrived at this account of our Preacher", I am willing to play. the word 'Pledge' and his name." behavior. Surely no Preacher contributed to your Reggie Lee The purpose of this reform is to insure that libelous description, since as a witness he would '75 aU papers turned in are not in violation of the have known the facts. My vision is such that I would recognize a flashing light and my hearing would Code. Presumably the. addition of a single permit me to hear whistles blow; however my Hinge word cements a trust that is apparently fellow pledges. and I cannot recall any flashing lights or blowing whistles. As for your statement regarding hotdog consumption; I stayed for the Dear College Student, the Eold Bug duration of the Hell Night games and no one ate that tutors children in Westminster. Well, yes, HINGE? You's that group Remember anything. In essence, I am calling you a liar. I suggest, if you disagree with the fraternity system that you we're still around. You remember us-owe sold the Editor';n-dJief Clthy Nelson transfer; since it is an integral part of life at chocolate Easter eggs in the dorm. We want to thank you for making our candy drive so successful Associate Editor Fl1Incois Derass. Western Maryland. I might surmise that you dislike by buying so many eggs. On planned. We've got a lot of new projects Copy Editor N.llie A_!rington tradition, since so many of the frat activities have a Saturday, April 29th, we are taking the children we history behind them. While not condoning any at. Sports Editors Robert Rlmsdeil tempt to create a male Pussy Galore, I suggest that tutor to the Baltimore Zoo to see the animals and when Johnny decides to pledge, he know just what Tom Trezise he is getting his body into; or as you suggest what have a picnic. We are co-sponsoring a bake sale in PilDlOfI!"phy Du. Korboni .. he is getting in his body. town soon, and also hope to have a booth during Art Editor Ji~Soliers You state that the fraternities have few SOCially May Weekend on campus. And of course, we still tutor the children throughout the week, our most redeeming well I question the need for Business Manqer Cindy Thlyer redemption. qualities; word, redeem, carries a important function. The somewhat negative denotation, a making up for, The whole student body of Western Maryland Specil_l thinks to Miss Nancy Lee Winkleman wrongdoing in the past. If one were to take you College has the opportunity to become involved in HINGE. It only takes an hour or so of your time a forpr.sre"" seriously, he might well conclude that only one frat week to help a child who needs YOU-Whoneeds your Hard work: Becky Williams, Julie Mullen, on campus is attempting to atone for their actions. care, your 'love, your guidance and companionship. SUli Windemuth, Chip Rouse, Heather Kepler, You suggest that they alone have a past best Your efforts are well rewarded-a smile, a child Roberta Schrom forgotten. Intrinsically, you should have included rushing out to meet you, and clinging to you' when your reasons for depledging the Black and Whites, you must go, a recognition of learning from week to Entered as second-class material at the Westminster perhaps your foolish argument would have been week. These children need us, and in our sense of Marvland post office, 21157, ,Second-class postage~ aided. It is difficult to accept your conclusions on brotherhood, we need them. paid at Westminster, . fraternities since you now view the situation from Western Maryland students-are you up to the Published by and for the students of the outside. Using terms such as "sexual deviancy" challenge to actively sacrifice an hour a week for Yiertern Maryland College_, and "frustration" appear harsh; perhaps when you someone who needs that hour of help? The opinions expressed in this paper do not. pledged that was the rule rather than the exception. Contact Steve Kettells or Woody Merkle for further necessarily reflect those of the' administration. Your words suggest a perversity on your part. information. While your spurious description of Preacher Face the opportunities. Help make HINGE a Addr;'; ~!:.!?:":~t:=r;a~ndCoIIop, behavior patterns may have amused some, I must more complete service organization to the com- remind you that it still constitutes libel. Your gripe munity. To many of these children, Westminster is while perhaps important to your physical well- the world; help make that world come alive for being, is not such that it warrants any major them. ~ restructure or termination of the present fraternity Chip Wright
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