Page 88 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 88
Page Eight THE GOLD BUG Football forecasts conference change by Nellie Arrington Football coach Ron Jones said in a recent in- problems is the formulation of new regional leagues terview it "won't be too many years before we're in to control competition and expenses. This would the Middle Atlantic Conference" and out of the mean WMC would probably be in a southern di- Mason-Dixon Conference entirely. vision with colleges whose academic-and atheletic Western Maryland football has been competing in philosophies are more compatible to those here, he both leagues for some years, trying to meet the asserted. All teams in the conference would play game quotas to qualify for the championship race under the same system of rules and regulations, in each, according to Jones. He noted m~s~ ?f the Jones explained. He noted this trend to form new colleges WMC plays are in the northern division of leagues is presently nation-wide. the Middle Atlantic since scheduling with southern A major difference to WMCmay be the loss of the division schools often runs into conflicts. spring football program under such a league, ac- Coach Jones explained the main reason for the cording to Coach Jones. lie said few of the southern switch is the academic and athletic philosophy of division teams in the MAChave spring football, and Western Maryland is presently not compatible with some schools will not play WMC because it has the scheduled opposition. He said admission standa:ds off-season program. often keep prospective atheletes from entering Coach Jones regrets the possible loss of the WMC, while class requirements entail a "different spring football program because of its benefits to level of competition" from student-atheletes here. the regular season. He listed such points as the The only current competition Jones considers an development of new or potential talent, switching of academic peer of Western Maryland is Johns players to new positions, physical conditioning, Becky Bloyer tosses her lacrosse ball in Hopkins, which also plays in both .conferences. greater appreciation of the game, and development preparation for the upcoming women's A second reason for the change cited by the root- of new technicalities of plays as well as experience ball coach is the small enrollment of men here in for assistant coaches. Jones thinks it is these at- lacrosse season. comparison with other colleges. This means tributes of spring practice which have made at Western Maryland must field its teams from a least one opponent threaten to drop Western Lacrosse prepares more narrow selection of players. Jones feels the Maryland from their season schedule. gradual move into the Middle Atlantic Conference Coach Jones said the spring football program-will will tend to balance this with competitors, although definitely be held this spring. The controversy it may not equalize the schools completely. about its existance centers around future off-season by Becky Williams Jones considers the ideal solution to these training, he noted. The women's lacrosse team is preparing for their season with more girls and more enthusiasm than seen last year. At present there are 34 girls at- tending the practices, eight of whom are returning players. Coach Yvette Dawson, a WMC senior, feels that the team's prospects are, very good. She ap- preciates the spirit of cooperation and i~itiative in all of the girls, and is sure they will provide a good foundation for next year when the team receives varsity standing. . For Yvette, this is a second year of coaching lacrosse, her favorite sport, and it is a good ex- perience within her major, physical education. She adds about the team, "We definitely have a good time!" Volleyball visions Volleyball team members have a season outlco .. of determination and anticipation. With many of last year's players returning under the coaching of Miss Fritz, the learn's season looks promising and a challenge. Tri-captains are Fran Ann McCabe, Carol Schmidt, and Mel Coleman. Other returning players are Linda McWilliams, Carol Ward, Janie Watts, Libby Eife, Tina Snell, Robin Fornicola, Pat Nordone, Judy Gardner, and Molly Whitworth. The team also has several new players. The first game, scheduled for April 6 against Wilson College, should show the learn their weaknesses and positive skills. With a full schedule of eight games and participation in both the Some of Coach Jones' "hard workers" working hard at tennis practice. regional and state volleyball tournaments, this year's team will be quite busy. Tennis team features promising freshman, others- by Heather Keppler The men's tennis team is hoping this year ror 1(5 first winning season in many years. Most of last Brown and Dicker, and Gravenor and Sherwell. improved a lot over the summer, most notably year's players are back, as well as the important With so many promising men out for tennis, Mary Ann Richards. addition of freshman Vernon Mummert, says Coach Jones is very optimistic. He says there are The girls have a nine game schedule this year of Coach Ron Jones. more hard workers with better attitudes coming which the coach, Miss Joan Weyers, says they Practice has just begun, but in the ladder-type out, and is looking forward to a very good season. should win their share, at least half, and hopefully tournament being held to determine the ranks of The men on the roster are Tom Barnes, Tom all of them. The University of Maryland Brown, Dave Cesky, Ted Chen, Phil Ciborowski, the players, Mummert has sewn up first place. should present the toughest challenge. It Second and third will probably be Gary Hanna and Steve Dicker, David Ellis, Glenn Fell, Tom is hoped that many spectators will come Wayne McWilliams, while Tom Brown, Glen Fell, Gravenor, Gary Hanna, Don Krueger, Wayne to cheer the girls on. There have been lots and the most improved player on the roster, Phil McWilliams, John Mansberger, Vernon Mummert, of players and entnusrasm at tne practices, where Ciborowski, are battling it out for fourth. This Mark Murphy, Jon Sherwell, and Dan Stubbs. the girls are working on their strokes and con- year's team is much more competitive than ever ducting a placement tournament. before. There are 16 men out. Four of them are Girls trying out for the team are Rita Abbott, pushing the top six, Dave Cesky, Tom Gravenor, WOMEN'S TEAM SHOWS PROMISE Brenda Bernhards, Debbie Clark, Annie Ebmeier, John Sherwell, and Tom Barnes, keeping them on Mary Ebmeier, Nancy Ellsworth, Sandy Gochar, their toes. Also on the roster are three promising Twenty-four girls came out this year for the Sandy Gordon, Adele Gunn, Heather Keppler, Barb freshmen, Ted Chen, John Mansberger, and Mark women's tennis team. This includes last year's top Kohler, Jennifer Mapes, Beth McWilliams, Kate Murphy, and making great progress daily is Dan three players, Annie Ebmeier, Nancy Pikolas, and Mercer, Jeannie Meyer, Brenda Noble, Pat Norris, Stubbs. Mary Ebmeier, as well as most of the rest of last Nancy Pilolas; Margaret Pully, Sandy Pligavko, In doubles, the team to beat will be Fell and year's team. There are several good new propsects, Mary Ann Richards, Karen Rinehimer, Sandy Hanna, back from last year with a record of 11-4. including tw.o freshmen, Beth McWilliams and Stokes and Michele Swain. The other teams will be Mummert and McWilliams, Barb Kohler, and some old members who have
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