Page 87 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 87
March 27, 1972 THE GOLD BUG , , Page Seven Choir plays host, prepares for tours Davidson advises young actors by Chip Wright -Western Maryland will have the unique op- portunity to have as its guest the Coro Universitario College Singers will participate in the evening by Cathy Nelson service at the Temple Oheb Shalom, in Baltimore. de San Juan (the choir) from the Universidad The choir's program will include some traditional Provincial Domingo Faustino Sarmiento in San Drama students got a valuable lesson in prac- Juan, Argentina. The choir's visit will be a part of Hebrewic numbers and others that will fit into a ticality last Thursday afternoon when actor Jack the Third Annual International University Choral Hebrew service. The College Singers will perform Davidson spoke on, "The Theater as a career." two Israely folk songs in Hebrew. Festival sponsored by the Lincoln Center for the The next week, under the co-sponsorship of the St. .Admitting at the onset that "the one thing that Performing Arts in New York City. was never discussed when I was a drama major in Each year approximately 20 choirs from all over Peter's Episcopal Church in Salisbury, Maryland college was how to get into the theater," Mr. the world come to the United States for this and the Salisbury area chapter of the Western Davidson went on for an hour's worth of anecdotes, College Alumni Association, the choir Maryland festival, giving concerts in almost 125 colleges helpful advice, and answering questions from a throughout the country. Following the college will present a program of early sacred and con- vitally interested audience. The actor, currently at the Episcopal Church in music, tours, the individual choirs will unite in temporary The same program will be given on appearing 'at Washington's Kennedy Center with Salisbury. Washington, D.C. for a performance at the John F. Sunday, April 23rd in Baker Memorial Chapel at the play, "Captain Brassbound," starring Ingrid Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, and then 7:15 P.M. as their Spring Concert. Bergman. supplemented his talk with actual a final series of concerts at Lincoln Center in New examples of what he termed, "an actor's tools," Plan to come to both on-campus concerts. The York. choirs have worked hard on their presentations and resume. pictures. etc. He listed "connections," as The choir from Argentina, composed of 38 deserve our attention and attendance. And of the chief element in an aspiring actor's search, and mostly non-English-speaking students majoring in provided specific examples of his own step- course the programs promise to be enjoyable and a wide variety of fields, will arrive on campus . well performed. pmgstones. Thoughtfully adding, "now you can all during the afternoon of Tuesday, April 18th. They say you have a connection in me," he described will be housed in the college dormitories and will procedures for auditions, making the rounds of present a concert on Wednesday, April 19th in agents. and so on. To his eager, audience of would- Baker Memorial Chapel at 8:15 P.M. Their be actors. actresses and drama teachers, Mr. program consists largely of religious music and Davidson said that "absolutely everybody should some modern and folkloric pieces. Professor Juan try" to get into the theater if they really wanted to Argentino Petracchini, a native of Buenos Aires Review: But. he cautioned. cverybody "should get their and a leader of choral activity in San Juan, is (college) degrce ...part of being an actor is leading director of the choir. a lifc that has some richness to it. .. Only formed in 1968, the Coro has become renown for its extensive repetoire of choral music. In 1969, the Coro placed first among sixteen Argentinian Sargasso sea of humanity choruses in the prestigious music competition at Tucuman, Argentina. The group also makes ex- tensive concert tours. While not a part of an international festival, our by Robert Ram dell own College Choir, under the direction of Mr. Oliver The recently concluded production of Tennessee K. Spangler, is preparing two programs for area Williams' Camino Real by the Drama Department the production - the set, the acting, the technical .....-presentation. stands in my mind as one of the finest theatrical effects - were consistently good. And Tennessee On Friday night, April 7th, the choir and the productions I have ever seen. All of the aspects of Williams' script was a rock to build it all upon. In the limited space I have here, I can hardly begin to go into the play in its entirety. Rather I'll hJ.YCto content myself with a.brtef overview and then comment upon a few specifics. The play begins with Don Quixote's arrival on the Camino Real. Here he is deserted by his squire and 50,000 10aS companion, Sancho, whereupon Quixote decides to lie down to sleep and dream and from his dream select a new companion to go with him on his journey. In Quixote's dream - or should Isay nightmare? _ the Camino Real comes to life. Here Tennessee SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Williams shows us the worst of the human condition CAREER OPPORTUNITY - the loneliness, the indifference, the cynicism, the depravity. TheCamino Real is the Sargasso Sea of PROGRAMS humanity, a stagnant pool wherein collect the dried up romantics. But Don Quixote shows us that there is a way to overcome the Camino Real, to make the dried-up fountain now with water. This is the way of love, of compassion, of honor. The Notional Agency Of Student Employment Ha, Recently In the area of specifics, one of the things I liked Completed A Nationwide Research Program Of Jobs Available To most about the production was the way in which the College Student> And Graduote, During 1972. Catalog, Which audience was seated on mats almost in the set. This Fully Describe These Employment Positions Iv\ay Be Cbtained Iu helped to give a rare feeling of BEING with the Follows: play, of intimacy with the characters. The lighting and special effects were very good, as was the set. The use of the strobe light during ( ) Catalog of Summer and Career Positions Available Kilroy's chase scenes especially stands out in my Throughout the United States in Resort Areas, _ mind for the way in which it helped to add to the urgency and tension of the situations. National Corporations, and Regional Employment Though the acting was very good as a whole, Bob Centers. Price $3.00. Whitney's portrayal of Gutman sticks in my mind. Gutman is a thoroughly despicable man and, as ( ) Foreign Job Information Catalog listing Over 1,000 Bob himself described him, "You get the feeling he can't perform a bodily function ... he doesn't ex. EmplOyment Positions Available in Iv\any Foreign crete." Well, I don't know if Bob enforced such an Countries. Price $3.00. abstinance upon himself in order to get more feeling for the part, but, through his flawless performance, he had me totally loathing and hating ( ) SPECIAL: Both of the Above CombIned Catalog, With Gutman by the end of the play. And perhaps the most important thing of Camino A Recommended Job Assignment To 8e Selected fpc Real is that it made me think. The play lasted two You. Please State Your Interests. Price S6.oo. and a half hours, on the outside. But its meaning and effects have stayed with me far beyond that. National Agency of Student Employmen~ I liked it. Student Services Division '35 Erkenbrecher Cincinnati. Ohio 45220
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