Page 86 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 86
Page Six Ieachers' t"s (continued from page 4) toward procrastination seen in this crossing ( ). The vertical "slant" of the writing shows introversion . • ,(l"':~ .; ... r<~-'~7':"" c.; I #12 The individual in #12is obviously concerned with the spiritual world and abstract thought ( ). He is sensitive ( I, and the rightward slant shows an outgoing personality. >(4·~;?tZz.7E.:- #13 ~~. In example 1/13 we see a person who is quick in thought and action (shown in the two stems crossed with one bar in "truth"). This person is also in- telligent by virtue of the tall t-sterns. "There is a tendency to want to dominate, obvious in the t- crossing of "time" where the bar extends across the whole word. This individual is also a good critic and outgoing, seen in the clarity of style and the rightward slant. The departments represented in the above analyses are drama, history, psychology, art, English, biology, chemistry, language, physical education, relitfon, sociology, music and mathematic. You might be interested to know which depart- ment corresponds to which example. Half the fun is figuring it out yourself. It's not so hard. Besides, handwriting may tell tales but J don't, especially not in school! Wherever ( ) appears, it indicates a handwritten example which we were unable to reproduce. Our apologies to Nancy.' flewsbriefs next door, and the Easter Bunny. (Unless the girl or boy next door is the Easter Bunny ... ) at 5:00 everyone will go home to the waiting arms of Mother, Dad, the qirl (boy) Tomorrow Martin donates work Pre-marriage seminar All engaged couples and those to be married this summer: . A pre-marriage seminar will be held in April in by Cindy Thayer which the sexual, social and human dimensions of Unknown to most students on campus, the art marriage will be discussed. Last year the subjects department of Western Maryland College has been and resource people were: The Family as a given ten drawings by Keith Martin, a Balti~ore changing institution--Mrs. Elwell; Love and Sex in artist. Mr. Martin was a teacher of drawing, Marriage--Dr~ Margaret Paxson; Marriage as a collage-making, and oil painting at the Baltimore Human Relationship--Dean Zepp. We will probably Museum of Art for many years and is now retired. follow somewhat the same format this year as well He is known for his collages, in which he employs as being open to subjects the couples would like cut-outs from magazines and other sources. Quite further to discuss. often he uses these collages as subject matter for oil If vou are interested, please contact Dean zepp. paintings; in this way, he can create an in- The program would involve three weekly meetings: terestingly unique painting. In his drawings, Mr. The time of meeting will be the most convenient for Martin uses shading to its fullest possibilities, and; all. as Mr. Wasyl Palijczuk of WMC's ar~ department says, he is "an excellent draftsman; in that he. ill/lil controls different values beautifully." His subjects A Day Together are usually soft curves rather than strong angles, and appear to be "growing" as the lines flow over CARROll COUNTY MEAT PROD.UCTS the entire paper. He has expressed his "phantasy Break out the walking shoes, burnt hot dogs, and :..Ie ~ .. I1U 'kI1a. C~ qooJ C~ the good silver, it's time for the 2nd Annual Spring and imagination" with his graceful shapes. U.5. GOVI~I
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