Page 84 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 84
Par Four THE GOLD BUG Marcl127 1972 The following is a paper done in partial fulfillment of arequirement of one of Dr. Vernon's educationcourses " Teachers't's tell the tale (or, the Case of the loquacious letter) Are you irked when points are subtracted from halfway down the stem, show practicality, while is a mark of intelligence. This individual also exams because an 1 may look lide·lea 4 or n's the looped crossings ( ) show persistence. This possesses a satirical wit ( ). resemble malnutricious r's or bloated m's? Are you person has a talent for wit or sarcasm shown in the weary of professors complaining about sloppy first "t" in "mutation" where the pressure begins handwriting which they claim is indicative of an heavy and lightens into a thin point. The "t's" are equally sloppy personality? very streamlined showing a fast writer and an If student handwriting reflects student -per- intelligent person. sonality, then surely faculty handwriting reflects faculty personality. Many times have we received "B" papers with only one comment, the difference t"h......, ,,-<-:J./ t;." ..-/..-1- #5 between an "A" and a "B",only to find the remark totally illegible. ~~"'L.zr~ The individual who wrote #5 tends to be overly By analyzing only the "t's" in the handwriting of #3 sensitive and becomes upset needlessly ( ). This thirteen faculty members, employing the research person, however, is capable of dominating and I did for a paper on graphology, we are able to Example 3 illustrates a practical person in some being quite cruel when he wishes. This is obvious in determine some personality traits. cases, yet an optimistic person in other cases, the t-bars that point downward and thin out into an arrowhead point. because of the t-bars that slant upward and to the right ( ). This person is also capable of self-control and self-mastery, visible in the tendency toward the c / ~tl/...d.>j ;h/:._ /... / convexed t-bara ( ). There is, however, a slight - r,IT r!A"'h-{ ,c,?Ul. tendency toward procrastination in this person (t). .a: #4 #6 Example #6 shows _ nastic ( ), sensitive ( ) individual who is somewhat older and exhibits In example #1, the "t's" seem to be printed. This intelligence through the long t-stems. is characteristic of a person with creative ideas. Also, some "t's" are connected with one bar.dn- dicating a quickness'< thought and action. A dominant, enthusiastic personality is exemplified in the long length- of the t-bars. ~ Example #4, my Iavorite, illustrates sensitivity, "J 'I"e..¥ ~ creativity, and sensuality. ~he tickness of the 117 sensuous per- letters shows a deeply emotional, sonality. The star crossing ( ) shows sensitivity, Example #7 shows a highly sensitive person who #2 ~ while the variation in the types of "t's" shows is quite easily hurt ( ). The separations between the creativity and imagination. Note the original Example #2 gives a glance at a practical, per- 'crossing of the first "t" in "without" and the "t's" and other letters indicate not only an intuitive sense but a musical ability as well. The size of the sistent personality. The t-bars, centered and simplification of the "th" in "this". Simplification wrttjng may denote a lower-than-normal self/!mage. . The \ , Inquiring Investigator The heavy pressure and this crossing ( ), in example #8 show a sensitive, intelligent person. Yes~Virginia, there is a '73 yearbook Notice the clever joining of the "t" and the "h" in. "nothing" and the simplification of the "t" in "to". by Francois Derasse and Debbie Day "What do you think of the idea of having no Don Krueger and Bill McCormick, president of the yearbook next year?" Junior Class, would still be searching. Not many "What do you mean by 'no yearbook'?" Juniors are jumping at the occasion of being a "top "Just what I said, 'no yearbook'." student member". "It gets harder and harder "We've got to have a yearbook-it's traditional!" every year to find a new editor," Don said. "Sure, "Yes but ifno present Junior takes the editorship, there are plenty of kids who worked on high school #9 there cannot be a yearbook next year." yearbook staffs, but some of them have had some Example #9sensitivity with the star b~r ( ) whic.h "I don't want one class depriving the whole bad experiences and are hesitant about working on student body of a yearbook-it's not fair to the a college yearbook although college staffs have a is sued very frequently as was the ID #7. T~ls school!" lot more freedom-- we make our own decisions." person is optimistic ( ) and also tends toward m- tellectual pursuits. This individual is imaginative, Everyone can now relax - there will be a year- According to Don, there are only three Juniors on self-confident, and daydreams ( ). book next year because a Junior has consented to the present staff who could possibly have taken the become editor. Margaret Wright, an art major, has editorship next year. All of them declined for accepted the position as of 7 p.m., March 22. She various reasons; the most common being student said she. agreed to do the job, not to save the teaching. Margaret Wright will also be. student yearbook, but because she was encouraged by a lot teaching next year, but it will be in art. She said, of people. Although Margaret is not on the present though, that student teaching in art is less time- . Example #10reveals a person who is easily hurt ( staff she has had experience in this field as layout consuming than the others. . ), someone capable, however, of hurting others ( ). editor of her high school magazine, where she also It would appear that APATHY, this disease did the art work. She added that she is very in. wbose most noticeable symptoms are indifference, terested in photography. lack of enthusiasm, and a "too much trouble" at- Margaret who has talked at length with Don titude, almost killed the Western Maryland College Krueger, the editor-in-chief of TRACES, said this yearbook. WMC can consider itself lucky, as other year's book "sounds really good". She added that it colleges have completely done away with year- will be a lot different, having a basic theme which books as a result of APATHY's rampage. I hope a The person who wrote #11 is in~lle_ctua~;. thi~ is holds throughout. Margaret does not have ideas yet lesson has been learned by this "almost- obvious in the tall t-stems and their simplification. about the format of next year's annual since she did. The t-bars, however, are very short, indicating a in working fO~ ~~~I~CW~",~:Anyone interested not think. of becoming editor until recently. She did "theyearbook is free to come to the weekly TRACES dominant blunt will. This person shows a temper, say that the name is likely to change again, yet he ha~ a low self-concept, shown in the word meetings every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the although it will-be up to the staff. . Publication House. And anyone interested in buying "handwriting", where the t-bar is ~rowded down What would have happened if Margaret Wright what could have been the last yearbook to come out over the "g". In addition, there IS a tendency had refused the editorship? It would appear that of WMCcan buy one for $8.50 (cash or check). (continued on page6)
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