Page 82 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 82
PageTwo THE GOLD BUG March 27 1972 letters to the editor ·NO ... ITS A Anal fixation plagues fraternities '5qQI~~£L: Gentlemen, great inroads-but we cannot passively wait for the It's spring, and a young man's heart turns to others to follow suit. Must someone be hurt before fancy; well friends, fancy this: others will act? Once again our beloved academic community has Fred Rudman taken a psyche-break, turned from its pursuit of truth, ceased looking for the syntax in life, and started its annual psychotic quest for volunteers in the shove-ahot-dog-up-your-ass contest. Nixon and busing Yes friends, the influence of fraternities still lives, and all romantics can still delight in knowing that even though the frats have been hampered via ~President Nixon has made a stanut He IS agrnsr an oppressive administration (which is so blind that it can't even see the fun in striking peoples' poster forced busing. He has proposed two acts. The first is to have a "moratorium" parts with sticks of wood-alas what is the world ordered busing for integration on any new court- until after July coming to), yes, given these insurmountable odds, 1973. Second is to pump 2.5 billion dollars into inner 1, the frats have again managed to come through with flying colors in the search for lunacy here on the city schools. These are in response to the ground hill. swell of public opinion against busing. The Reports have been circulating which indicate a proposals will also help Nixon to get re-elected this fall. stronger-than-ever affectation with the sundry Nixon's denies actually first some proposal penises of the pledges. Molasses continues to be minority rights guaranteed by the Constitution until placed on their desserts. Oh sweet Mama! some time in the future. Previously this same And the games are such that Parker Brothers has administration tried to deny the freedom of the ditched its plans to reintroduce Monopoly on the market, opting instead for a game entitled "Let's ~~:~isdi~ot~~~eer:~~br:~~'~r~::;ve:~~~~~i,i~~~ Play Preacherv-.a quest for that which is holy in defend the Constitution" and the rights therein. life. The game goes like this: All contestants must If be naked and blindfolded. Then they are requested Nixon is truly against busing, he should use the Reflections to place hot dogs up their posterior openings (which proper procedure and amend tile Constitution. god has given us-hence the religiosity), and march Nixon's second proposal is to give 2.5 billion around on all fours until one man breaks the line. dollars to inncr city schools. One billion of this is Then whistiesblow, lights flash, and the lucky going there anyway by a previous act of Congress. Goodbye funnies, deviant gets to eat the hotdog! Then they take the The extra 1.5 billion is not the complete answer for franks and manipulate them in such a way so as to these inner city schools. To make inner city schools hello centerfold simulate oral intercourse! Oh it's so exciting that effective will take some very serious analysis to the on-lookers no doubt reach orgasm just wat- their administration!and structure. More and more ching! misdirected money will not achieve this goal. In a more serious vein, it is time for this The packaging of these biJIs is politically manifestation of sexual deviancy and/ or motivated. The anti~~using bill will last until July 1, Since January the staff has been ex. frustration to be brought to an immediate halt. HIs \ b~7i~~:~~~es:~~~~~ts!~~tt~i:I:~~o~:c~n! ~:::~;~ perimenting with Gold Bug to make it look my contention that there is Iitueenough socially different. Cover designs "were altered, redeeming qualities in frats to justify their con- the' bill unconstitutional. This busing features departmentalized, (in case anyone tinued presence in an academic community, "Moratorium" will probably get passed quickly without the advertisement of their anti-social with presidential and-massive public support. The didn't notice-now you can go back and say, behavior each spring. People simply must not be educational aid bill may have a harder time of "ah yes, so they did ... how nice .. "}. In late allowed to coat others with lead base paint while getting passage. The packaging means Nixon will February we held a special meeting to overlooking the potential psyiological almost certainly get the thanks of the anti-busing determine what new kinds of stories we should ramifications. To be certain, one frat has made forces in the next election and the inner city Schools might not get more aid. be researching, and some of the answers were President Nixon's proposal is not a solution. The rather thought-provoking. So, partly in long-range solution is to have integrated neigh- response to that meeting, and partly due to the borhoods so that integrated neighborhood schools fact that we are finding it impossibfe to the Sold Bug are a natural consequence. To do this will take measure a slight change. As of April 17, the " we are up to being a "newspaper; leadership from the President, not following public making opinion polls political expediency. The for March 27, 1972 President should start a program to make the cities Gold Bug will become, instead of the campus newspaper, the campus news magazine. a place where whites want tostay and the suburbs a Volume 49, Number 6 place where blacks can afford to live. In doing this we are not attempting to ~~ Ted Tupper compete with The Hill (God forbid) or Con. trast (we don't have the right quality paper) Editor-in-chief Cathy Nelson Honor court revised or anything else; but merely trying to stop AssociateEditor Francois Deruse masquerading as a newspaper when it .is Copy Editor NellieArrington impractical to do so. A publication which is Robert Ramsdell 80% feature-oriented should be classified as Sports Editors such. Ergo, the Campus News Magazine. Tom Trezise For the past year, the Honor Court has been Hopefully. this will not shake anybody up Pbotop.phy Dave Korbonitl working to make the Honor System a more (or maybe, that wou1n't be bad __.) since the Art Editor JinSollers meaningful part of life alWMC. One important job essential (Javor of the Gold Bug (tapioca) will BusinessM1n1ftr CindyThlyer has been the revision of the Constitution. This has not be changed. We are hoping that 'this will been completed and accepted by the faculty. Our next step, the most important, is to present our give us a chance to broaden our scope of ar- Spea •.1thinks to MissHiney lee Winkltmln changes to the student body for your approval. tides, including students COVering off-campus forpras" .. __ Each of the changes was made for specific and events ofinterest. (D. J. Dawkins' article is an Hard work: BeckyWilliams,Julie Mullen, important reasons. These revisions have been exampJe of this.) We're also hoping that this Suzi Windemuth, Chip Rouse, Heather Kepler, distributed to each of you, and we ask that you read will encourage more people to write about Roberta Schrom and discuss the issues. Two assemblies will be held, things in which they are interested, since we Thursday, April 13 at 11:00 AM and Monday, April Entered as second-classmaterial et the Westminster, 17 at 7:45 PM, both in Baker 100, at which your will not be limited strictly to on-campus events. Maryland post office, 21157. ,Second-class postage. questions will be answered and your comments . paid at Westminster. welcome. Voting will be held on Thursday, April 20 At any rate, the Gold Bug live on, and the Published by and for the students of from 9:00 t05:00 in the Grille. At this time you can progressive presses roll. Look for us on April Western Maryland College. vote for acceptance of one, two, or three of the 17. The opinions expressed in this paper do not. revisions. We urge acceptance of all three. We also necessarily reflect those of t~e administration. urge disucssion of the issues. Voice your opinions: This is just to thank the omnipotent, omnipatient, if you're in favor or opposed, let us know why. For once, don't be apathetic. Address mai~::.!?:n.~~-:~~m~ndCoIIos•• learn the facts. Be concerned enough to omnipresent staff of Gold Bug. Bless YOU all, and let's keep on truck in. Sue Crowe CCN
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