Page 79 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 79
March 20, 1972 The Gold Bug Page Seven SUN MON lUES WED rHURS FRI SAl March 20 21 22 19 23 24 IluldlY ol$p,ln9 CarrOll County PrOf ... o'L_:l-lecturer WelghtWatchers'W eek ProhnorLal.'eClurer Lacrone_Bowdoln_1-! 3:00 2:00 NOW-Oell Clubroom 7:30 Camino Real·Alumni 8:15 Camino Rul-Alumni 8:15 Camino Real-Alumni 8:15 Camino Real-Alumni 8:15 26 27 28 29 PalmSundilY 30 31 April 1 Save the Children Walk MidsemestergraCleldue Spring receu begln..S:OO AprIrFoOI'. Day W".tmlnste.9:45a.m. Doomsday Walk_Blc. Pond Camino Rta'-AlumniB:,5 EaoterSunday Nat'l TeacherEKams Happy Pigs' Mlmodal Day Spring recessendS-l1:30 Tennis·Geo, MUOn-H2'30 Tennls-UMBC_H 1:30 aaoloall_GIO, Mason-H 3:00 Track-Washinglon_H2:00 Lacrone-MI. St. Mary-A 2:00 10 11 12 13 14 15 March of Dime. WalkUhon Bueball-Susquehanna.H M<;:Cabe .e<;:llal.Levine4:00 Baseball·Loyola·H .:00 Lacrone.Loyola·H 3:00 Trac~.Lycoming·A 3:00 Baseball-UrsinuS-A 3:00 Tenni .. Loyola.H .:30 Grist recilal·Baker Mem. Track·Shepard·H 3:00 Tenni.·Shel>herd-A 3:00 Tra<;:k· M·D relays.A women'. room drawing. women'.roomswapl>lng- Lacroue.Haverford·H2:00 BWH gym8:00!8:30,9:00 WhilefordLounge ·Mi"er·.ponsoredbyfreshmen 16 17 Tarr recltal·Baker Mem. Track.Loyola·A 3:00 4:00 lutday lo.egi.ter to vote fn Md. primary Newsbriefs: Appointments, entertainments, pollution coordinated by Nellie Arrington , Readers may have noticed a genesis of The week of March 20 was today declared es "Newsbriefs" over the past few issues of "Tfie Weight Watchers Week in Carroll County. Nancy J. Adler, economist for the Coalition to GoldBug." This section is intended to serve as The proclamation was made on behalf of the Tax Pollution, will speak at Western Maryland March 23. College, on Thursday, a bulletin board for campus events and many Carroll Countians who, through a program 'of Miss Adler's topic will be the proposed tax on organizations and area entertainment. The weight reduction, have taken an important step sulfur emissions. Her talk will be at 11 a.m. in calendar is, hopefully, a convenience to toward better health and physical fitness. Room 106, Memorial Hall. The public is invited. Mrs. Norma Malis, director of Weight Watchers students. Any group or organization is invitee in Maryland, will be visiting Carroll County that The Coalition to Tax Pollution is composed of to submit dates of meetings or events for in- week. She will lecture at a public meeting honoring such organizations as the Sierra Club, the National clusion to Nellie Arrington, Whiteford 323,ext. citizens of Carroll County who have lost 50 pounds Wildlife Federation, the Wilderness Society and the 323. or more. Those attending will also hear about a new National Audubon Society. Sulfur dioxide is con- sidered one of the greatest air pollutants and these weight watchers program recently introduced SPRECHER APPOINTED throughout the state. organizations, joined as one coalition, are in- McGOVERN CHAI RMAN The free meeting will be held at the Carroll Plaza terested in the proposed tax Miss Adler, who is 22, is a Phi Beta Kappa Community Hall, Carroll Plaza Shopping Center, .westminster, on Tuesday, March 21, at 7:30 p.m. graduate of UCLA where she majored in economics Milford Sprecher has been appointed the With an estimated 65per cent of Carroll County's and mathematics. She wrote the position paper on McGovern for President Committee chairman for population overweight, Weight Watchers Week will effluent taxes for the Environmental Task Force Carroll County by Dr. Bill W. Rodgers, a McGovern serve as a reminder of how to have a slimmer and and participated in the White House Conference on committed delegate to the Democratic National happier life. Youth. Convention in Miami, Fla. from the Sixth The economist has been a White House Executive Congressional District which includes, Carroll, CLASS OF 1975 Intern, has worked in the Transportation Depart- Howard, Allegany, Washington, Frederick, and ment on a cost-benefit analysis of the en- Garrett counties. The Coffee House held March 8 down in the Grille vironmental, sociological, and psychological im- Anyone interested in helping with the campaign was a big success. Never before were there so pact of highways, and worked in the Treasury please contact him in room 332, ANW. many in the Grille at one time. Thanks to all who Department on an economic analysis of govern- came and a special thanks to the performers who ment and the arts. In 1970-71Miss Adler worked BALTIMORE··WASHINGTON were really great. Look forward to our next activity with a new firm known as Environmentrics helping down in the Grille, March 22! to prepare the water resources portion of a AREA ENTERTAINMENT Spring Events: simulation model of a Model City. This work was on March 22 - Card Party (in the Grille) contract with the Environmental Protection March 26 - Easter CENTER STAGE, 11 E. North Ave., Baltimore, (2:00 to 4:00) Party for Westminster kids Agency. "Staircase" by Dyer. Tues.-Sat. 8:30 p.m., Sun. 2:00p.m. and 7:30p.m. thruAprill. 1-685-5020. April 9 - WMC students walking in the Baltimore OREGON RIDGE DINNER THEATER, March of Dimes Walk-a-thon (for information see Baltimore March-of·Dimes Walk·A·Thon Fred DiBlasio (R1l7) or Jackie Irwin (W408). Sign , Cockeysville, "Halfway Up The Tree" by Peter Ustinov. 6:30 p.m. thru April 15. Reservations at 1- up now and walk for those who can't! Walk for those who can't 666-0166. April 15 - All-Campus Mixer KENNEDY CENTER, Opera House, Washington, April 22 . Car Wash Sign Up Now! D.C., "Captain Brassbound's Conversion," starring April 29 - Bus to Hershey Park April 9 May 6 . Carnival stand Ingrid Bergman. 8:00 p.m. thru April 1. 1-202-254. May 12- Off-Campus Party (drag-Freshman and 3600. guest only) If you can't walk, at least sponsor a walker! NATIONAL THEATER, 1321E. St. NW, "Purlie." See: Events not scheduled yet: Hay ride, pool party 7:30 p.m. thru April 29. 1-202-628-3393. and P J party. Jackie Irwin (W 408) Fred DiBiasio (R 117)
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