Page 80 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 80
Page Eight The Gold BUll March 20, 1972 Baseball fields experienced team by Robert Ramsdell At the present time, the prospects for this year's varsity baseball team are a bit cloudy. It's still too early in practice to be able to make any reasonable judgments about how the season might turn out. The Terrors lost only three players from last year's 10-9 squad but among them was Bob Merrey, one of the co-captains and the team's top pitcher. Also lost were Art Blake, the other co-captain, and Jim Swertzler, the regular center fielder. For the most part, this year's team will be a fairly young one with Steve Byrne (LF) being the only senior. But the Terrors will still be able to field an experienced player at every position. If the squad has any weak point, it may-be the pitching staff. Right now, this is an unknown variable and aIot will depend on how it develops. Fred Naarisma and Harry Entenberg wiJl be returning from last year and will probably form the basis of the staff. Help may come from fresh- men Stewart Lehman and Mark Metzli!;er,the only southpaw. The team wi11be leaving on its annual trip to North Carolina on March 29 to play 4 pre-season games during Spring Vacation. On April 5 the Terrors will start their regular season against The Western Maryland College lacrosse team is pictured during one of their afternoon practices. Their George Mason at home. first game will be against Bowdoin on Wednesday, March 23. All home games will be played on the soccer field. Coach Alex Ober said this year's team has the best potential the college has seen in the past two or the three years. He added that the team has a good shot at the Middle Atlantic Conference Title. Hiqh scorers should be Ron Athey and Bob WOlfing---the two team captains. Thinclads look to breaking records by Tom Trestze W-estern Maryland's track squad will open their we did pretty well. We have practically everybody season April 8 when they meet Washington College back. We didn't get out many freshmen though. We here. The tbinclads, under the direction of Rick don't have the depth I'd hoped for." Carpenter, finished the season last year with a 7-2 record and there is a good chance they may better The team hopes to break many of the standing the mark this year. school records with Boniface in the pole vault, Odd Haugen in the discus and shotput, and Jim Zucco in This year's squad will be captained by Lynn the intermediate and shuttle hurdles. They will also Boniface and Dave Roulette, both seniors. Boniface be relying hea vily on the abilities of Charlie Bowers pole vaults and runs the 440 hurdles. Roulette runs in the high jump and Steve Wilson in the hurdles. the 100 and 220 yd. dashes, the 440 relay, and does both the long and the triple jump. More men are still needed on the squad, especially in the relays and the pole vault. If anyone When asked what he thought of this season's is interested he should contact Coach Carpenter, his prospects, Boniface commented, "I've got high assistants Johnson Bowie or Sam Case, Lynn hopes because we only lost one senior last year and Boniface, or Dave Roulette. Dave Cole slugs it out in spring batting practice. THE 1972 YEARBOOK CAN STILL BE BOUGHT FOR $8.50 Send cash or check to Yearbook Office through Campus Mail Compliments of your local Sears Store in Carroll Plaza Shopping Ce~ter Track team members run to build up stamina as they go into a season for which co-captain Lynn Boniface has high hopes.
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