Page 77 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 77
March 20, 1972 The Gold Bug Page Five Walking again on Clockwork (continued from page 4) Palm Sunday by Chip wrtchr , In "Clockwork" the violence is integral; but it is Jesus Christ began Holy Week with a t.riumphal treated in such a formal, stylized manner that it gets a [rruerorceo-soundtng near the end (well, entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, wh~ch led up after all, he is mad), to Aubrey Morris, who, as loses much of its power to shock, instead becoming truant officer Deltoid, is starkly unbelievable, a weirdly choreographed kind of ritual. Which to his death and ressurrection to save 'smners. In brings us round to the gimmick which, it seems, Such lapses aside, however, the film is visually commemoration of Christ's march, and in an effort Save the the now makes a "typical Stanley Kubrick film" ..the exciting; Kubrick's talent for creating to raise money for active participation Children through "memorable images" is still in evidence. It may be Federation use of either classic or vintage pop music to back that his films can only be fully appreciated if one of the up visual sequences. has thoroughly researched them before seeing business leaders of Westminster, the chapel service for Palm Sunday will be a walk through town. Of course, "Singin' in the Rain" sure isn't them; but, even if the audience (myself included) Save the Children Federation, an organization "Zarathustra." and when Alex carols it while at- doesn't know exactly where the picture is going, at that is international in scope, sponsors un- tacking Alexander and his wife, the audience laughs, least it was fun getting there. Jim Sollers derprivileged children to help ,them to have the a little uneasily, more at the sheer grotesquene~s necessities of life, Through this agency, the of- of it than anything else. On the other hand, there IS ferings from the weekly chapel s~rvices hi.lYegone othermusicwhich is literally obligatory: Beethoven. for the sponsorship of an Amerlcal1: Indian boy, Neither Anthony Burgess (who wrote the novel) (our musi~- ReclamationCenter or Kubrick inserted Ludwig for simple novelty. Bruce Begay. This particular service on Palm Sunday morning will actively involv~ the c0l1:1- Instead, a glance at a reference munity and local businesses. Each busmessman m annreciation text. for one) offers a reason why, In town will be asked'to pledge an amount of money to Beethoven's own words: "I am resolved to rise by Becky Williams the F'ederation in response to the walk. superior over every obstacle. With whom need I be "Ecology is alive and well .. " The walk will make four stops along the way, at afraid of measuring my strength?" And, Nietzsche- the Westminster Shopping Center, the old W~st- like:" "Power is the morality of men who stand out It might be said ecology is overemphasized and "minster High School, the Court House, and endmg from the mass, and it is also mine t ..• Freedom over there is enough being done about pollution already; at the municipal playground, representing the all!" Which would seem to be, in the context of the it is very probable, however, we Will never De acre business, education, law, and play aspects of to get rid of too much trash. film, a parallel to Alex's lifestyle, although I community interests. At each of th~se .s~ops a somehow rolling drunks and killing women with Tri-Beta has organized a reclamation center, and representative of the community Will Jom the phallic sculpture, while symbolic, lacks a certain collected trash for the first time on March II. They students in participating in part of their Palm class. McDowell himself has been quoted as con- took cans, bottles, newspapers, and magazines, all Sunday service. .. sidering the film "a modern fairy tale." Indeed, it to be taken directly to various industries that will Different Harts of the serv~ce wl,1Ibe. held at recycle them. much resembles a morality play, designed to show Blbl.e ~nd The project was publicized locally through the the good (Alex as lovable rogue) and bad (Alex as paper and by radio, and town people seemed to different points of the walk, including and, smgll~g responses, readings, contemporary social menace) effects of unrestricted in- songs of praise. A service of communion will dividuality. support the drive even more than the campus. In conclude the walk at the playground. To be an effective morality play/ satire, defense of the college, most students probably do however, the acting must be carefully controlled-- not use canned and bottled products in tile same This chapel service is a cha~ce .toacliv~iy join in characters should be somewhat exaggerated, but quantity as a family WOUld,and many are content and participate in a community interaction as the in the library, to read the newspapers not so much that it calls attention to itself. In students and the town makes a symbolic walk to "Clockwork," the acting is uneven, ranging from Uverall response to the project was good, help underprivileged children. The walk and ser- Anthony Sharp's excellently smooth, insidious however, and hopefully will justify a permanent vice will begin at 9:45 A.M, by the arch on Sunday, Minister of Interior, to Magee's Alexander, who reclamation center. March 26. Help to remember Christ's sacrifice by helping others, and join the walk. 50.000 JOBS CARROll COUNTY MEAT PRODUCTS· Alade "7"" ,t1U 'kI1.o C"f>'f qa&J CaIuu; us, GOVUNM£NI IN:;'KIII) fOIl: y~ PlOf(CIIQN SUMMER EMPLOYMENT CAREER OPPORTUNITY I?OR WMC S'rUJ)ENTS PROGRAMS ONLY! MARCH Special: FREE COKE with purchase of any sub, hamburger, etc. Show dudent 10 The National Agency Of Student Employment Has Recently IheJ>ATI() Completed A Nationwide Research Program Of Jobs Available To Colleg. Stud.nh·And Graduates During 1972. Catalogs Which "WHERE QUALITY COUNTS" Fully Describe These Employment Positions Moy 8e Cbtained ~ 835 East Baltimore Boulevarde Fallows: () Catalog of Summer and Career Positions Available ..G18KL§ Throughout the United States in Resort Areas, A SUMMER COUNSELOR IPQSITlON?, National Corpor.ations, and Regional Employment Applicants are now being considered for the 1972 Centers. 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