Page 34 - TheGoldBug1971-72
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..~pirit::materializes The public is invited to a seance in McDaniel .: Lounge. Western Maryland College, West- minster, this month duringlhe playing of Blithe Spirit. ' The Noel Coward Comedy will be presented Fridav.. Saturday, and Sundav. November 19, 20, 21, at 8: 15 p.m.: in the Lounge on the campus. Coward's play is based on the materialization of a woman into a room of her husband's home. The husband can see his first wife buthis second wife can only hear her. The plot is based -on this complication and the competition between the two women, one alive, one a ghost. Coward's farce is set in the English coun- tryside and all of the players are using English dialect, with the exception of one who is por- traying a Cockney. Special effects in the play demand that vases topple and cushions fly through the air. In a light moment, director Max Dixon said that all of this action is being handled by the Alumni Hall ghost. Dramatic art productions usually are held in Alumni Hall. Members of the cast are.Elvira. the wife who materializes-Tina Wiles, westminster: Ruth, the second wife-Cathy Van Dyke, Pocomoke City; Charles, husband and mediator-Bob Whitney, Hyattsville,; Dr. Bradman--Tim Meredith, Federalsburg; "Mrs. Bradnian-- Sandy Fargo, Vernon, Connecticut; Madame 'Arcoti, the medium--Sherry Roby, Hyattsville; committee focused a recent service and Edith, the Cockney maid-Debbie Buck, on dance as a medium of ..wrshlp. Next issue, GOLD BUG takes a closer look at these chapel services. Rising Sun. . Tickets for Blithe Spirit are available for $1.00 -'72---~ at the college bookstore beginning Monday, November 15, and at 7:30 p.m. on the nights of yearbook facelifted The 1972 Yearbook is undergoing significant changes that will result in a further upgrading of its quality and style. Plans have been made to continue with last year's basic informal style, including the use of informal senior .portraits. which seemed to give the book a more "human" personality. Tile first major transformation that has oc- curred has been the selection of a new name for the Yearbook to replace "Aloha", which many people felt was not appropriate for this school. After receiving suggestions from the student body, and the Yearbook staff narrowing the choices down, a "blue-ribbon" committee headed by Dr. Keith Richwine selected. "Traces," as the name of the 1972 Yearbook. The winner of a free yearbook for suggesting the name "Traces" is Diane Stokes. Another significant change occurring in the 1972Traces will be the addition of color, and use of special effects to enhance its personality. In line with the theme, "Individual in the Crowd," the book will focus on the many forms of per- sonal expression through its various sections. In emphasizing the individual, the staff plans to. return to the use of separate underclassmen pictures, and focus attention on a new section, dealing solely with unusual personalities. The staff of the 1972Traces has also started its sales campaign, and a yearbook can be pur- exhibition chased, from any member of the staff or in the dining hall, for $8.50 or be put on the second. and sale semester bill. . PRESERVE YOUR MEMORIES ...BUY THEĀ· 1972 YEARBOOK: "TRACES" of original Chicano Speaker grapliic art The course in Liberation Movements is UNICEF _ sponsoring a public lecture by David Carrasco on November 15at 7:00 P.M. in Decker Hall. Original etchings. woodcuts. lithographs The subject of his lecture will be Chicano Westminster by Picasso. Baskin. Anuszkiewicz. Daumier. Liberation. Dave has been very active in the K.oUwltz, GoY~J and many. others. freedom movement within the Mexican- Liberal credit terms arranged American community and is able to share with us the feelings and aspirations of this movement Mon., Nov. 22, 1971 -very important in the southwest, but virtually date enough to notify someone concerning her delay, around.the La Nueva Raw, the new man, the - 8prn new humanity, hoped for .by.a number of hours Chicanos. , David is a 1967graduate of Western Maryland WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE College, While a student here, he majored in ART BUILDING _ GALLERY I English, was a leader of SOS and edited the Gold Bug. He is now completing his requirements for PhD. at the University of Chicago in the history of religion.
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