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. MAY 16. 1972 PAGE 7 IT IIll HOCKEY SCORE PAGE 3 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE. WESTMINSTER. MD. October 24. 1947 Elect Students Of G"eece, Puerto Rico, Concert To Feature ~icers Holland, Poldnd, EnrollAt WMC Albeneri T~io Western Md. Western Maryland is ac coast with his father. A siater is als.?:----- The Albeneri Trio, consistin of To Inaugurate Dr. Low~" S. Ensor Meet The President r, Fifth President Dr. Lowell S. Ensor will be official- ly inaUgurated as president of West.- Sept.26,1947 ern Maryland College on Saturday, The "campus personality" everyone November 8, when the rormal Indue, is most interested in at this time is the Asbury Methodist Home for the tion ceremonies will take place. Aged. that of Dr. Lowell S. Ensor, our ne~ The occasion will be one of great president. "The most interesting thing that ever happened to me wns my daugh- moment in the history of the college, Although Dr. Ensor in.sists that he ter,' Dr. Ensor declared with a smile as Dr. Ensor is the third president to is a "freshman" in administration at in answer to our question. "But per- be inaugurated in fifty-nine Years, Western Maryland College, he has a haps we'd better mention my mar. and is only the fifth president in the long record of educational institutions riage first." entire' history of the college. behind him. After graduation from He met Mrs. Ensor, the former Several distinguished persons from the Baltimore City College, he ell- Eloise Bittner of Harrisburg, Penn- 125 colleges and academic institutions tered John~ Hopkins University, from all over the country have been invited will come rrom which he received his Bachelor of Arts sylvania; where she was working for to attend. Delegates degree in 1928. Next, he enrolled at her- Master of Arts. They were mar- I colleges which range from Harvard Drew University, where he took a r-ied in the chapel at Drew just be. r University, the oldest in the country, Bachelor of Divinity degree cu.m fore Dr. Ensor's gradU1l.ti,on in 1!1::1.! '\ down to the recently fGunded Mont- Jeanne is Eleven·year-old Caryl CoI- Junior gomery and Hagerstown laude in 1931. Western Maryland now in the sixth grade at the West- 'leges. College presented him with an honor- ary Doctor of Divinity in 1944. minster Elementary School. She, too, A program lasting from 9:45 a. m. "I was a ncr-mal college student, I ~~~:~r;;;et~~n;~~c:i~s~n~t~~st:':~ , :y~ P'T~~~d:~ P;;:e:!i:~r :l~ suppose," said Dr. Ensor. Always In- Dr. Lowell S. Ensor camp for the past two summers. Late- form in front of Science Hall at 9:45 terested in athletics, he became man- _ Iy, her father reports, she has de- a. m. and will consist of represent- ager of the ~'Tae'k team at JHU. Later, ville. In 1940 he became pastor of rived a great deal of enjoyment (rom I atives of institutions and academic ( he was elected president of the YMCA Centenary Church in Westminster, watching W.MC football pradict!. Her ,.organi:ntions, college faeulty, and there. At Dr!;'w he was chosen presi- where be was instrumental in erteet- hobbies are collecting stamps and \ those participating in the exercises. dent of the senior etess. ing its merger with Immanuel foreign dolls. ~ The inauguration ceremonies will rh-. Ensor was ordained in the Church-"and I've been here ever Dr. Ensor's favorite recreation is ke place at 10:30 a. m. in Alumni \ Methodist ministry in 1931. His first stnee," golf, but he complains that he hAS aIL The invocation will be offered "astorate was a four-point circuit in Dr. Ensor is a member of the been too busy to use our lovely course y Bishop Charles W. Flint, resident the tobacco country of southern Westminster Kiwanis Club, the Car- mere than twice since he has been shop of the Methodist Church in I , Maryland. where ox-carts sre still an rull County Ministerium, and the here he Washington area, President of to mention here thntiiDr. w~ want of the Meth- important means of transportation. Methodist Conference Board of Edu- Ensor is very fril'ndly and pleasant ~ Board of Education former college Church, 1st and From 1934 to 1940 Dr. Ensor served cation, and a trustee of the ConIer_ t<. talk to. We think we are going to (Continued on page 4, column 2) I at Ames Methodist Church in Pikes- ence Claiments Endowment FUnd and WMC-Students Jo~ement ItHaltim'~;~-Colts' Will Train To Protest Washington Policy W Maf.23,T'4I IAt HofFa Field This Summer (On Friday a/tfll""oOlt, March 17, Sally Smith, prnidc)lt of the Women'.! I Student Gov6nllnC'it, receillcd 1,('GI-d that 8tll.dC'lt-ll Gf 18 collcge9 wen meet- Football Squad To Live: In ~Ibe:rt Norman ard; ~:~i:l~,e::tt~:f!'~~:::lli~~:.'1~lI:~Bt~n:f'~f;:f,,~Oltg;::,:~~lI:! __.;_t~on, Gr in-- WiJI Have Access To Foot~all And Soccer Fields wh'" th. WMC.r ( '~S d R (t TAil . ~:::'.:'~i~:;:;':aO-eo tu Y oom a ers ,0 Al'e~~gB:~t~,oi~eo<;:'I:~eok~f~th1;1.~'::,%~c:.nD~~~~!IICSnfE~~~~~ Following iB tke 'P C ampus or Dau Ho~S.t~Jents presIdent, and Mr. Walter DrIskill, Colts general rna.nager, have -=-: &l.I!! T The news has ......_~igneda contract to enable th.e footbaJ~d to use our campus Hood College. The!" One of the goals of Western Mary-l the bill and Mu. 9, 194. for a pre-sea~on base ~ofoper~~oJ'lJ3-.~ I F- ---.I!~b. "t.V49 f"resldent (jIves n ormation ;n. of th, "aM.' land .. udcpto In the;r "" .. d, forlt~non dfodd~. for IS indIcated from t more student privileges has been 1 en InqUIM~g H II R . Pennsylvania hills ached. A co-ed study room, apon- ~o men spe~k mOD" J n Inlng a epalrs,;on·'; Ilt:lW.JMl.d!! "boys and gl recently conducted r,W',c-.nul-,tlnd TAftI t installing a sound proof ceiling. factor in the entire operation, how_ and, as a' Christmas Dinner~nu t arold E ~tassen evC1, is the complete rewiring of the OfI rive at ' d , polllTlfl, room. Soon after the building's oon~ generalt FrUIt Cocktal! ar~ ~""...lJowmg IS the result of the WMC struetion in 1928, lightning struck the 30 are Ripe and green ohves Celery hearts rs~pGIl: wiring system, affecting .the voltage. bus to a R'Jast Young Turkey St9J;sen 140 - "i."' Since that time the lights have grown NatIOnal Cranberry Sauce Honey Baked Ham Wallace 12!J I alternately dim and bright. This an~T;~ Sausage ~~~-~::e Green Peas I i;:c~a~hur !\ ti • hazardous and undesirable condition Pota~o::wn Gravy has now been corrected by the instal- affluence Candled SWf'et Potatoes E Roosevelt 2 ) .", . , lation ot new '#iring in rigid conduits. Buttered N Thomas 1 Ii! 1 ~. Ii The final step in the restoration of Hot Rolls Butter Preserves ElsenhoM.'r 6 ,.;, the w.Ring hall wf_:!he the rel?laster •. Pumpkin PIe Dewey.,... 12 '}- ing and paintiflg of the walls. When Mixed Candy Salted Nuts asked about the COlItof the eompleted ! ..._ DK.10,1U' May 1', 1.... ota work, Dr. Ensor repliea, "It eest plenty!' Apr. 15, , ....
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