Page 116 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 116
PAGE 1.2 MAY 16.1972 Alumni Office keeps busy by Julie Mullen As the academic year draws closer to an end, the Alumni Association busily checks their progress with the Annual Alumni Fund, their help in the President Ensor Scholarship Fund, and Alumni Weekend. This year the Association has stressed two major objectives with the Annual Alumni Fund--more participation and increased contributions by our alumni. At this writing, the Association has received $90,541.32 from 2,356 alumni and expects more contributions in the foreseeable future. A big help in raising this total was through student in- volvement in a Telethon. This consisted of telephoning approximately 850alumni over a three- day period. Twenty-eight students volunteered to help and for a period of three hours called various alumni members. The students' calls resulted in pledges of $2,339.50 from 181people. Along.with that were 295 people who promised to contribute to the fund but were not specific in the amount. Pertaining to the President Ensor Scholarship Following the ..president's presentation of medals to ROTC cadets May 9, the Department of the Fund, the Alumni Office has adopted a program in Army awarded. Dr. Ensor the Outstanding Civilian Service Medal, First Laurel Leaf Cluster. The which a mailing will be sent out during June to to the Alumni presenter here is Maj. Gen. Richard C. Ciccolella, deputy commanding general. alumni who have not contributed about the Ensor Fund. They will be informed Investiture retains Scholarship Fund and asked to make their con- tribution to this year's Annual Fund. It is believed that the alumni response will be good and the size of the scholarship fund can be greatly increased. item sponsored impressive luster by Chip Wright Association at graduation is Alumni Day, which The major Alumni by the will be recognized as Ensor Day this year in honor of Dr. Ensor and the leadership he has given in the past twenty-five years at Western Maryland Investiture and Honors Convocation was held American writers. The Red, White, and Blue of College. Alumni Weekend is June 2-4, and will in- Sunday evening, May 7th, in Baker Memorial America is green again, like the light on the end of volve alumni-faculty golf and tennis tourneys, an Chapel. The traditional service is designed to Daisy's pier was to Jay Gatsby. Alumni Association business meeting, presentation recognize seniors who are candidates for honors in The academic awards were presented by Dr. of the film "The Ensor Years", a reception, Bac- academics and in their major department, to in- Ensor. The Milton Hendrickson Scholarship, calaureate, Commencement, and a banquet in troc:tuce the members of the campus honorary sponsored by Tri-Beta, given to a biology major honor of the president. society, the Argonauts, and the presentation of the each year to provide an opportunity for additional Considering the difficult job they have, the Distinguished Teaching Award by the Sigma Sigma. laboratory study, was awarded to Caroline Belle Association has been successful and determined as Tau Alumnae. Warfield. The Delta Omicron Senior Honor Pin, they strive forward to reach their goal and ob- One could not help but be impressed as the choir, awarded to the senior music major having the jectives. the black-robed seniors, and the faculty in their highest three-year cumulative scholastic average, colorful regalia, processed into the Chapel nave "B" or above, was presented to Elizabeth Sewell. filled with parents and friends .. There was th~ The other awards were the Lt. Col. F. C. Pyne tradition -: the investiture of Kevin Hanley, Senior Mathematical Award for proficiency in Class president, by Dr. Ensor, the recognition of the mathematics, awarded to Robert Chapman, the candidates for honors, and the introduction of the Wall Street Journal Student Achievement Award, Argonaut members. There was also a bit of nost- for proficiency in economics, awarded to Steven LAWYER'S ASS'T a:1gia--Dr. Ensor, presiding over his last Honors Compton, and the Lt. Col. F. C. Pyne English Convocation as president of Western Maryland Award, for proficiency in English, awarded to both in only 3 months - $9,000 or more to start College; .presented a set of Argonaut Susan Phoebus and Howard Williams. Mrs. Karen Collegegraduales and olherQu.lified persons!m.l. and lem.lel-our il\- cufflinks which he had worn to all Argonaut func- Helbig Whiteside, '59, president of the Sigma Sigma .truc!orsl.llpr.clisinglaY"!'frsl .. illl .. inyoulobecomeal .... ye..sassislanl tions he had attended to Argonaut president Kevin Tau Alumnae, presented the Distinguished lope,lormparalegalserv,cesund.r.laW}'e,·sdireclion.ndsupe,';sionlbul Montgomery. Teaching Award to Dr. McCay Vernon, Professor of Dr. Keith Richwine, Head of the English Psychology. .ndlecnniquesonCOR. NON·lEGAlRES[ARCH· Department, gave the address of the evening. He During the recessional, one could see the look MERCERSAND ACaUISI gave an analysis - review of a current' campus best of happiness on the award winners' faces and the nNANCI~G' and mucn. much mo,e neue AND PRIVATE seller, The Greening of America, by Charles A. Hopeful expectancy on the faces of the candidates • hi., a UW aod ex';'i09 ~~Id aod b.,am. ; •• d Reich. The American Dream, which had become' for honors, realizing that comphrehensive and final • Da i., ••• "i"1l .... a"h. ~nal"ioR. di1
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