Page 110 - TheGoldBug1971-72
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PAGE 6 THE GOLO BUG MAV1S, 1972 The Inquiring lnvestlqetor Why is Miss Fabray coming? by Francois Derasse "Good Morning, Mr. Sholmes. The woman you are looking at is-and I am sure you have where there is more space (at least 1600seats), air recognized her-Nanette Fabray, the famous stage, conditioning, and more parking accomodations. screen, and TV star. Miss Fabray is not only an Dr. Ensor approved the decision. actress, she is a trustee and board member of the Many persons are involved to insure that the Eugene O'Neill Foundation and National Theatre of ceremony will be a success. Miss Nancy L. ~ the Deaf, vice president of the National Association Winkelman, director of publications and publicity, of Hearing and Speech Agencies, and board will handle all the publicity and see that the tickets member of the National Advisory Committee on are printed. Miss Cora V. Perry, the registrar, will Education of the Deaf. As you can see she is very make sure the diplomas and awards are ready. Dr. Why is Herlock after th is lady? active in programs to help deaf persons. More James E. Lightner and Dr. Reuben S. H. Holthaus, recently, Miss Fabray was asked by Western professors of mathematics and philosophy, Maryland College to speak at their commencement respectively, will be the commencement marshals. on June 4, and.she accepted. Along with Dr. Griswold, they will take care of all "Your mission, Herlock-should you decide to the arrangements for the ceremony. And, of accept it-is to uncover the reasons why Miss were hand-carved *gett Fabray is speaking at WMC. In your report, in- ~~~!e~u~~et~5g::3~o:t~0~i:~ :s~~~~:S~nI~~i~~nil~~ clude interesting facts about the graduation, which the two maces Dr. Lightner and Dr. Holthaus will can be used in other future missions. As .always, carry during the ceremony by should you becaught or killed, the GOLD BUG staff Dr. Lightner's father from wood of the Old Main will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This Building, the original building of Western Maryland FOR ALL YOUR College. article. will self destruct in twenty days. Good luck Herlock ... " Yes, this year's graduation should be a success CLOTHING ANO DORMITORY Since all commencement speakers are invited by with Nanette Fabray speaking to and for the NEEDS the president of the college, it is easy to deduce that campus. Westminster Shopping Ce_nter Nanette Fabray was invited by Dr. Lowell Ensor. Dr. Ensor chose Miss Fabray from numerous recommendations made to him from various persons on campus. His decision then went to the Board of Trustees for their approval. The reason for inviting Miss Fabray to the graduation is clear-cut. Jt seems that Dr. Leonard E. Griswold, professor sociology, and Dr. Mc- 50.000 JOBS Cay Vernon, professor of psychology, have been working on films on deaf children. Producing these films have brought them in contact with Nanette Fabray and her husband who both show great in- terest in deaf programs. Miss Fabr:lY acts in the films while her husband helps Dr. Griswold and Dr. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Vernon with the scripts. Miss Fabray is very much CAREER OPPORTUNITY interested in the orientation of the Western Maryland College deaf program-thus her reason for accepting Dr. Ensor's invitation. Mi~s Fabray PROGRAMS will most likely talk about deaf education at the WMC commencement. The 1972 commencement will be different from other commencements in that it will take place off- The National Agency Of Student Employment Ha. Recently campus. Because Alumni Hall is too small and Completed A Nationwide Research Program Of Jabs Available To because Gill Gymnasium is unpractical, the Senior Class has voted to have their graduation in the College Studenh And Graduate. During 1972. Catalog. Which auditorium of the new Westminster High School, Fully Describe The.e Employment Position. M:JyBe Obtained A. FolloWs: () - Catalog of Summerand Career Positions Available Throughout the United States in Resart Areas, National Corporations, and Regional Employment Centers. Price $3.00. () Foreign Job Information Catalog LIsting Over 1,ooq Employment Positions Available in M:JnyForeign Countries. PrIce $3..00. ( ) SPECIAL: Both of the Above Combined Catalm With A Recommended Job Assignment To Be Selosted For You. Ple_ State Your Intere.h. Price $6.00. HOME, SCHOOL. AND OFFICE SUPPLIES National Agency of Student Employment 12 CARROLL PLAZA Student Services SHOPPING CENTeR '35 Erkenbrecher WESTMINSTER' MARYLAND 21157 Cincinnati. Ohio 45220 848-5553
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