Page 114 - TheGoldBug1971-72
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PAGE 10 THE GOLD BUG MAY16, 1972 Librarian Of Congress Threat Of Bomb Dean laidlaw Assumes Position Keynotes Dedication Startles Campus pus this week if you notice a WESTERN MARYLAND As you wander about the cam- average than ;lightly taller COLLEGE - to a New the return Greeting Year was a bomb scare clearing woman of slight buildwith dark blue eyes flash hair and intense of 1't!emorial Hall at 11:00 am by you, "you have met our new l\10nday, January 6. The call Dean of Women. was received directly by the SLate Police Barrack'S located near West.minster. It was the eighth such cal! which has come • to the attention of this Mary- land law enforcement group in recent months. Dean Robinson, after thor- ough Investlgaticn, concluded that it was "not a student prompted prank." Following in- quh-y into the testing schedules, the research papers du'e and the possibility of students in udrnin, Istrauon warning trouble, Dean Robinson felt this prank did not fit into the pattern of student behavior which he has experi- enced. ARTIST'S dorm. CONCEPTION-The front building is the pre- hall with swimming posed is the dining reen'e Attached 4 J 4 I December 1. Is , ere a _ _ DR. LOWELL ENSOR, een- students at the tea followmc h pool on the lower level. ter, president of the college, the Library Dedieation Cere- p an ,·n your mingles with faculty. guests and many on Saturday, On Saturday, December 1 at ,Two gi:(ts to the College ~i!ma~rvri:~~c~~~~h~f c~~:~= ~ad~:;ee ~~~Ilr: ::ib;:~ ~~: by Rick Anderson ~:~r:ge of we~eeste:onndu~~la~~ :~:~;~~d ofb; I::~~r~n~uil::~:, The January Term has provided psyche saving respite Dr. Ens 0r b a ck ~~~n~:!a~~e ~i:;~!~~lt~~~iJ~~ :ea;.te;h!~g~a~~~e~!m!:tmt!7~ Zf~:r ~~et;;r~~I:e:~::::: 5a~~~~u~~~:~::e::~ha~;::~;~ aft~ r lea ve "A Princely Service" given hy amount has increased substan- tel', the whirlwind becomes monotony, and while time L. Quincey Mumford, the Li- rtally. The second gift was a drags, life speeds past. Your freshman year was probably Dr. Lowell S. Ensor. president of Western hrartan of Congress. Among vote of the Baltimore Confer- your longest year here becaus~ everythingwasnew.After College, Westminster, has returned (0 his ~o~le~:ti~~~.~sh~e:~:::S :: ;~: :c~r~!e~~e w~~~;~iS~a~~r~~ that, everything seems to {all Into patterns, or should we extended Jea ve of absence. Middle States Association of with funds covering the differ- say routine, Course names change more than the courses Dr. Ensor, who became president of Western Colleges and Universities. The ence between the cost of the themselves for you become "sophisticated", a euphem- in 1!!47.had been on leave since March due '0 ;I",.,," dedication ser-vice was con- building and the Davis gift. ism {or bored stiff. ::OW recovered and has resumed full-time ducted by the Bishop of the Now a widow, Mrs. Davis was Allows Experimentatiou !h~ ccltcge. During ~(s absence the ccnege Wasnington Area of the Meth~ unable to attend the Convoee- direction of Dr. A!lan w.xtund as acting. odiat Church,Bishop Jobn tion. The January term doesn't change all that, but it cer-, Asone of his first of~icin! nets after retu-c .. Wesley Lord. I In order to use' the new li- tainly helps. First or all, It Is good because it provides a !,resid~d at the openL-lg ~ncu!ty meeting OK. 7.1962 )rary, the entire collection of change of pace. Second, It allows to much better aqualnt- tt'mber 11, I f~~U~~~J :~~Ci~:e!~)~:~ Programs Seminar, the little Magazine, Short Storv"" ~a~J~:e~:!I th~!I~a~~ia~~ng~~u!~ ~::I~~U;; f!'~~~~~al~l~i~:I~; t~!lng, p~r~~~!.chOIOgy, Social Grml~ . FID. 2, U70 ..l,ll thllt will be ne~l'~sary in 01'- campus ond to take discipiinuy ~~:-to l>e ~e!,"ed Will be- to .sbte :tction IIgr.inst violators of such :~at one .l!! 11 member or t!:e rulcs. It ol!;o scrves to improve \\ ~!C DI'znkers Club. A db- and maintain the living stnn- count of 12"'~~; will be given. dards within the •.nrmitories. Other proJ_>osals pr~i;ented In the past, all incidences rc~ were an evenzng cocktaIl hour quil'ing disciplinary action have before ?inner, to. be held twice Leen handled by thl! Office of the a week In McDflmel Lounge find Dean of Men. This is in no a course for inc?ming fre~h,n}en way "s t u den t government." called lntroducho~ to Dl'ln,;_mg Now all cases reqUiring discip- 101. .Students w~th advanced linnry action are to be handled 'tan~mg ca_n ~uahfy tor Intel'- by the Men's Council which will This special four-page section, compiled by Nellie Arrington, ~ed!ate Dr~nklng 103 by pass- have the authority to issue Ad- mg a capaCIty test. ministrative Warnings if neces- Francois Derasse, Cathy Nelson and Jim Sollers, and arranged "Enough booze to float n by Jim Sollers and Pam Clark, is dedicated to our favorite ship," motioned one d_orm J'ep- lHU·Y. Recently the council Vilssed a resentative from ANW. "Let dres:! .:ode for the men. Specifi- president, Lowell S. Ensor. Over the Ensor Years, GOLD BUG the beer, Colt and Calvert flow." cally the code states: has seen some interesting times; some funny, tender moments, There will be more singing of (1) Men may wear bermuda and some serious ones. But all of the moments were made the "old songs" over old fash- shorts in the dining hall if they magical by the loving guidance of Dr. Ensor. We of GOLD BUG ioneds and friendly gin-coke are neat. fins. (2) Bermudas are not to be hope that he enjoys the flashbacks, and also hope that the people In an attempt to prevent worn to classes unless the in- on these pages will remember the constant support and tireless blurry_eyed, scantily-clad fe- strl.lctor states otherwise. energy that Dr, Ensor supplied to Western Maryland. Whether we'ye mnles from tl'ipping on the (3) Shirts in the dining hall ltairs nightly with their trRYS and in public pla(!es shall be known you for one or twenty-five years, you're unbeatable, Dr. Ensor. DC sweet $melllng Coke!!, 11 neat. Undershirts alone, will Thank you, for making life at WMC just that much better. nightly hangover and maid r,ot be accepted as appropriatc !!t'I'vieewill be provided. dress. ' Student!> will no longer have (.:) Footwear must be we-rn 10 "tRke the Fifth," when peh- everywhere on campus except hit's Imun\'(' on dorm window!! to the dormitories. Ih(! tone of that blood curdling ~cream, "let ine in." (5) Coats, ties and long Instead of "are those bottles trousers must be Worn to Sun- t~any t'Ulpty?", they will bt' day dinner in the dining hall full: . and at other appropriate times. April Fool! (6) The Men's: Council shall have the right to decide whether Aprtll.19'5( ..... n or not any clothing worn in public by men students is ob- scene or objectionable.
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