Page 107 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 107
MAY 16. 1972 THE GOLD BUG PAGI;3 Letters (continued from page 2) enlarge your horizons and educate your mind, not close yourself off from your surroundings. If you have no mind to begin with, Isuggest you get off the bus! It seems to me that right now we not only live in one world and one country, but also in one county, in one town! Yep. I think we're all townies on this bus! Tom Yingling Dear Editor, I would like to thank the Gold Bug for un- paralleled lack of coverage granted the Evening of One Act Plays presented April 28-30'- I think it an insult not only to the directors and actors, but also to the campus as there was only a brief mention of the plays. I know that sports are important, but I think efforts of the Department of Dramatic Art deserved at least a much space. I I Cathy Nelson (partially obscured) also think that the final major production of the discuss the message of the Harrisburg trials with Father Joseph Wenderoth and Dean Zepp. The department deserved as much space as the priest, a defendant in the trials, spoke at WMC May 4. directing scenes did in the May 1 issue. This sort of coverage indicates to me that the plays were substandard in the eyes of the Go!d Bug, and this Cathy Bob was not the case. Van Dyke and Wenderoth; he wouldn't Whitney are both very capable directors, chosen by the department, earned and certainly they they were recognition than answer a lie more far better production of Apollo of given. did My January Sellae in the Gold Bug than fared by Cathy Nelson theirs. This inconsistency of coverage "When the indictment came down, we said it was baffles me, infuriates me. I think your a He. Tomakethe lie hold up, they fabricated a case, defendants. Although the mar is over, nve out or the priorities and policies need to be re- assessed ..,SOON! which was worse. That's why we didn't put on a seven are working again in much the same way defense. Why should a group of people answer a they did before. wenderotn feels that the primary Beth- Trott '72 lie?" task of society now is "to see what we're about as a The speaker was Father Joseph Wenderoth, a people." He encourages People to work for change Baltimore priest and lately a defendant in the (he did not recommend draft board-burnings, recently concluded trial of the Harrisburg seven. explaining that it was no longer necessary) and, In case anyone else is wondering about the lack of Speaking at WMC on May 4, Father Wenderoth was stated that direct confrontation tactics coverage (are you listening, drama departmentj r explaining some of the aspects of the trial, and their demonstrate the need for constructive change, it was purely temporal. The plays were presented implications for the church and society. whether they be applied to the military, the church, April 28-30. The deadline for all copy was the 26th. The exact origins of the "lie", and the govern- civil rights or society in general. One of the more We went to layout the 28th, and to press the 2nd. ment's subsequent buildup of their case are still not noteworthy confrontations tactics, the so-called Therefore, it was impossible to cover and/ or print entirety clear to Wenderoth. He is quick to point out "peace movement" is on 'the upswing again, but, an article. As far as reassessing our priorities, we that, although there certainly were discussions of a says Wenderoth, "is trying to find a new basis in place our top priority on coming out on time conspiracy, they never developed into any stage of politics." This change of focus should apply to all whenever possible. Because of this professional. reality. And of the letters between Father Phil people; "we have to afford to get into each other as policy, many good articles, sports included, are lost Berrigan and Sister Elizabeth McAllister, Wen- people. We have run away from that challenge." in the shuffle. Our apologies to the drama depart- deroth says, "none of us knew the letters existed Father Wenderoth, as he has proven over the last ment and other departments who feel they have until the trial." ./ year and a half, does not intend to run away. By a gotten unfair treatment (throughout the yearb'CN From the way Wenderoth talks, it is difficult to somewhat ironic set of circumstances, the priest imagine, how the government got as far as it did spoke at WMC on the day of J. Edgar Hoover's with its kingpin witness, Boyd Douglas. Supposedly death. Of the man whose organization nearly put , /'", it was Wenderoth himself who was closest to Father Wenderoth behind bars, the priest said, "He Douglas, but the priest does not blame him. "I don't was basically a good man. He just lived twenty hate Boyd Douglas. He had seven months to go in years too long for his job." 'His job' in the case of rnanish /: '\' ,~\ his prison term, and the F.B.I. said, 'This is what the Harrisburg Seven is not yet over. Philip we want you to do.' The man really had no choice." Berrigan and Elizabeth McAllister still face a trea~s~, _ ~ Of their relationship before the indictment, Wen- decision on their appeal in the state supreme court deroth says, "You always had to take everything in Philadelphia. Wenderoth seems to feel they will Boyd said with a grain of salt. Besides, we all be successful. At any rate, he and the other l~ ~ '~\ J) though, 'well, he'll be different once he gets out of defendants will be there in support of two who prison. '" He wasn't of course, and it was this as wouldn't answer a lie. \" i,'!!Ml much as anything which led to the 10-2decision in EPILOGUE favor of acquittal of the seven. For, says Wen- 't,~~~~~ deroth, "they couldn't accept the lie." The decision of twelve middle-class, middle The first GOLD BUG cover of the year featured Americans not to convict the seven remains one of another Harrisburg Seven defendant, Father Neil the case's more interesting aspects, and possibly the key to future study of the trial. Wenderoth McLoughlin. Since September 20, the two priests talked to some of the jurors after the sentencing two have become symbols of courage to some, of des- '~W" (:W;7:J:I; weeks ago. He seems to feel that the decision was a definite breakthrough. The government intended to truction to others. They have, along with their in its case; it chose Harrisburg, a conservative fellow defendants, been accused, harassed, scru- ommunity, and an even more conservative judge, ho on several occasions would not listen to ap- tinized als from the defense lawyers, although there ppeared to be adequate legal basis. Yet, with all It seems somewhat ironic that while they have ifliJ he deck-stacking, there was no conviction. For, as enderroth said, they felt, "that on the basis of the vidence given, they couldn't convict us. They involved themselves, we have not. How far have ouldn't accpet the U~." CARROLL COUNTY MEAT.PRODUCTS As interesting as the trial itself was, the reap you come since September? . wer of its legacy lies. in t~e.f!10tivati~n behin~ t~e fH..J. t:~ !'::!::t'!J::I CaIiw;
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