Page 108 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 108
PAGE" THE GOLD BUG MAY 16, 1972 Palmer chosen Number 1: survey reveals top professors by Chris Myers and Karen Pritchard \ Hr. 'Melvin D. Palmer has been chosen as THE exemplified by our~NUMBER2 rated professor, Dr. NUMBERI by one evaluation of this question. Jean Kerschner, is establishment of a good student. Could it be because of his "salt-and-pepper" beard, teacher relationship. Our survey proves that Dr. his blue denim shirt, his rugged appearance or, Kerschne shows great interest in helping students perhaps, because of those qualities inherent in most in and outside of class. For example, one student outstanding professors? stated that, "What really impressed me about her was that when I was failing Biology she offered to To determine these characteristic qualities we let me come in every week for extra individual help to Math, sessions." (Female, 1973) According conducted a survey in which students evaluated the another student, "Mrs. Elwell," has established a three BEST professors and the three WORST relationship as "everyone's friend, confessor, girl- professors that they have had. (Table I) Along with scout leader, and mother." (Female, Biology, some suggested criteria each student was free to 1974) Superior instructors seem open to questions express his own concept of an outstanding and discussion despite class size and established professor. Robert H. Davis states that "the best lesson plan. They promote informal relationship teachers of our time have developed a high degree of enthusiasm ...this enthusiasm breaks down all within the classroom situation establishing a healthy rapport with the student by giving con- barriers and enables one to convey one's ideas to structive criticism of both accomplishments and the class with ease." We found that enthusiasm mistakes. was one of the most common characteristics of the outstanding teacher. Enthusiasm creates a relaxed Why is Melvin No.1? Who did he beat out? atmosphere, which in turn facilitates learning and promotes genuine interest even in those students A fifth quality we found to be inherent in an Read and find out! merely fulfilling requirements. A Sociology major outstanding teacher was his ability to make his fulfilling her economics requirements says of Dr. material relevant. Dr. Stevens exhibits this Law, "enthusiasm plus!' teaching econ. is his life. ... capacity in his classroom through contrast and He tries to make the subject-matter interesting." comparison. Via an instructors teaching method he (Female, Sociology, 1973) Another quality encourages critical thinking about the material being learned and applies this knowledge to the TABLE II comtemporary scene. Seen from the survey, most The following Table designates the top seve students appreciate tests which entail critical rated departments at Western Maryland College. thought in both subjective and objective forms and The findings for this Table were also determine presents a challenge while being a fair evaluation from the random survey. The students rated eac of the material covered. Other factors emphasized teacher according to a scale of 1 to 4 (t-pocr and 4 TABLE! by students in discussing outstanding professors excellent) on certain given criteria. All scores wer The following Table designates the top seven were a good speaking voice, being able to follow then tallied and an average was made for th rated teachers at western Maryland College. These class discussion with ease and a good sense of departments. The departments listed in the Tabl findings 'were determined from the results of the humor. are listed by the mean scoees. 'I. random survey in which students identified the ! I ,. three BEST professors and the three WORST professors that they have had. To facilitate our understanding of superior professors we also surveyed those qualities Mean Score of all inherent in ill-favored professors. Our results show Professors Department that there are four "instructors" WORST ! Some of in Department that are definitely Western Maryland College's . their outstanding qualities as stated by the students themselves idiot' to use his are ... " 'an educated Professor Rating Professor own words but not knowing he was referring to himself." (Male, Biology, 1973)..."discriminatory, 19.62 Dramatic Art bigoted actions, and very prejediced." ..."geared for people with his opinions, more enthusiasm for 19.18 Economics I Dr. Melvin D. Palmer sex in subject than subject itself." (Female, 18.98 Mathematics English-Education, 1974). 18.69 Military Science II Dr. Jean Kerschner 11.69 Chemistry We can contrast the student-teacher relation- 11.83 Chemistry III Dr. H. Ray Stevens shipof superior professors and poor professors by Psychology following quotations: are "Questions the discouraged with answers such as 'You wouldn't 11.72 IV Dr. Alton law. understand it anyway,' or 'It isn't important at this 17.64 English stage.' " (Female, Pre.-Med , 1975)..."The only motivating force in his class is fear." (Male, V Mr. Donald lauche Biology, 1972>..."Student relationships are very poor-one of the most impersonal blocks of ice I've ever run across .." (Male, Economics, 1973)... Our thanks to Chris and Karen for the- + VI Dr. James Lightner intriguing results of their survey. Dr. McCay Vernon A monotonous speaking voice, a poor lecturer, still reads "the same notes he used twenty years ago," Enthusiasm was zero," "lacks originality," GOLD BUG offers equal time to .011. William Cipolla "always meets 9 a.m. which, if you go, is plenty of any professor who may want to VII,t incentive to go back to sleep," (Female, English- make a similar survey! Dr. Robert Weber Education, 1973) were a few more "comments" Dean Ira iepp concerning our WORST professors. Instead of emphasizing critical thinking we found our WORST professors emphasizing picayune Also, thanks to Dr. McCay Vernon, who "Ihe score used to rate the professors for this Table trivia. "Test questions riduculous, complete rote was obt_ained by subtracting the number of times memory, may as well memorize the book." (Male, has helped to supply us with the 'series each professor was listed as one of the WORST Biology, 1972). "His tests are more like a thesis, his professors from the number of times he was rated questions are ambiguous and usuallv totallv con- of interesting articles by his students, We ~e BEST professor. +Dr. Lightner and Dr. Vernon had the same ratings. hope they will continue to be submitted .tlMr. Cipolla, Dr. Weber, and Dean Zepp, also, and .continued on pg. 13) next year. the same ratings. CCN.
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