Page 106 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 106
PAGE 2 Reflections WAKE UPI All right fellow recluses, captives from reality, it's time to get up off our respective complacent asses and do something. Our so- called leaders have taken the ball and run the wrong way down the field and. it's up to us to get it away from them, or to at least let them know that we know where the real goal is. This isn't a nice little game we're playing anymore, it's a dirty old one. It's called Politics, and obviously any nurd can play. Right now the nurds hold all the cards, but there's a-remedy for that. It's called com- mitment. Our cover boy is a prime example. Father Wenderoth chose to defend his viewpoint with an action which nearly landed him in jail. Regardlessof whether or not you feel he should _-' ". . ~-', .:: have gone, you cannot deny that he sub- Even before recent war developments, WMC studentsand tacuttv gatnerea In TrO~1 ~nt.rrue uaker for stantiated his belief with actuality. Then a - Peace Forum. Now the need for some sort of action appears more urgent than ever. there's the Iittle old lady with the feet, Peace Pilgrim. No one can deny that she's trying to change the world. Take anotherIeck at your '76 I'll be campaigning for somebody else graduate means to take a step up that what "peacenijtlf radicals ... are they really so far because I think: he'll stop the war ... " you'll be doing? off? But it's not just the war. Father Wen- All right, you say, she's ranted and raved, And if you can't be motivated by love or deroth mentioned in his talk that the war was but what do we do? First, vote. If you like concern how about fear? Do you really want merely an outgrowth of conditions at home. the way things are, back them up .. If you this madman's war to go on? Where do you That's true; it's the same reluctance toward don't, the choice is up to you. Fight. Protest. think it will stop? How long will It be before a change here that has kept us in that war for Campaign. Make them fumble that ball. The black man can walk without lear into any almost 20 years. ALL of us are not to blame, time is coming when we'll be receiving that building in the south? or a person walk the but most of US are. kickoff anyway. Don't let it be after a suc- streets at night? Too damn long if somebody Four years at a conservative liberal arts cessful score. t.e. we don't stop waiting around for things the college is a comfortable insulator against the And for God's sake, when you play, play to clear up themselves. harshness of the outside world, but when win. Bruce Thompson's letter says a lot; the something does leak through, we should stop feeling of despair and frustration is and think. If it bothers us, what must it be Note: This is the last issue of the Gold Bug everywhere. At the Peace Forum a couple of doing to those Jess buffeted? And we are until September. Thanks be to all the people weeks ago. Tom Yingling summed up the bothered. Or we should be. To retreat from who worked their blessed tails off for feelings 'of:a generation of activists when he the challenge of change is to deny our mem- truth, justice and freedom of the press. Please said, "I campaigned for Nixon in 1968 because bership in this so-cal1ed society. come back next year! I thought he would stop the war. This year I'm You're the first to jump off Listen, seniors. campaigning for George McGovern because I this middle-class cloud. How about thinking Love and peace, CCN hope be'll stop the war. And I suppose that in about what your graduation reaIly means? To Leffersto the Editor Thanks and no thanks sometnmg, ANYTHING, to combat this injustice May 10,1972 concerning traffic regulations on the campus. But 'An open letter to the college community: and unlawful acting walked away in despair. my anger is not with the tripe that the SGA con- The Freshman IDS class wishes to thank all the In the course of that meeting these people cerns itself with, rather with an important issue .students and faculty who participated in and realized how little they could do to change an act inadvertently raised at this meeting. An esteemed worked for the May Day Carnival. We were that could possibly destroy the world as it is today. member of the senate raised the question of overjoyed by the enthusiastic response from 'the They walked away from the meeting but I do not whether or not "townies" could be kept from community, organizations, and individual students' believe they will walk away from the world they driving through the campus. I ask, would it be fair on Saturday. Our primary concern was to provide must face. They will not walk away from the world to exclude students from driving through the everyone with a fun-filled, car-free afternoon. But because they walked away from the meeting ready streets of Westminster? Another illustrious leader we also hoped that this "day of fun and games" to face the world on individual terms. They are .questioned whether there was a wayto keep groups would remind us all of the human need for play ready to face it alone if they have to, something of cars from town from riding past women's dorms activity. which few of us are willing much less ready to do. shouting obscenities. Is- this same person as The booths, games, events, and crowd turn-out We're ready only to sit and watch another person outraged by a group of forty drunken. quad-ites made it a very successful day. We hope that this and if he should fail in his fight we are ready to "serenading" them "fuckin' whores"? I'm not year's carnival provides a precedent for the May stand up and walk away saying-What was the passing judgement on either of these actions, but Days to come. use? He knew it was going to end this way, so why merely stating their equality. Then came the Beth McWilliams didhe try? YES!, why did he try? That may be the topper: How do we keep these "townies" from IDS Representative question we should ask ourselves. Maybe if we ask vandalizing our parked cars? God damn! Can this .ourselves why he stood up and fought, we would be individual prove that the vandalism comes from able to stand up and fight with him. So ask yourself off-campus? An even if he could, is he as anxious to right now--WHY?, and if you can't answer maybe halt the once-a-month breaking of machines in the Dear Editor: you should try looking for an answer so the next grille, or the myriad of broken screens and windows time you can stand with him or at least pick him up Recently, when President Nixon announced to the after HIS battle. resulting from wall-ball? Just what is wrong here? public that he was escalating the Vietnam war to its Why are people so anxious to blame others for their greatest level, several students of this college met Bruce Thompson inability to co-exist? I realise that this letter will not to discuss what the announcement means to us, as help to stop the bombing, feed starving millions, or Americans and individuals, and to discuss what stop the senseless raping of our earth, but god damn action we could initiate to express our opinions. At it, people, start thinking! You are at college to the end of that meeting five students walked away Dear Editor, with a pessimistic view of this country and this The SGA closed out a rousingly mundane year (continued on page 3) world ', Five people who had hope enough to do last We.dnesday night with an emergency meeting iIIo. •••• ~ __... .. ,
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