Page 9 - TheGoldBug1970-71
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'ilLUME 47 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE; WESTMINSTER. MARYLAND . NUMBER 9 the gold ~~g Monday Octobel' 5 1970 1 S.G.A. cuts homecoming parade th;t;:~~~:~~~n~o;;~~erhtiSA:~~~aat~~nt;~~f~~tnSro~~~~ orgaruzatton has expressed an interest in running it. Jerry Hopple, SGA president. made the announcement exempting the organization from its usual responsibilty ?f managing th.e parade at a recent SGA meeting. Lack of Interest given as the main reason for withdrawing sponsorship In another student. government area, activity fees for SGA organized affairs have heen replaced by a set allotment from the students' tuition President Hopple and several other members of the SGA executive committee discussed the idea of abolishing the activity fee last spring with acting college president Dr. Allan Mund. Several reasons were given for adopting the new system: I) Only 21 3 of the student body paid the $15 fee last year . 2) Using a set amount from the tuition to support SeA functions would spread the responsibility to the SeA over the entire campus and would unify the students. 3) The new system would do away with the com- pucauons i~volved_ in _ selling activity cards. FU:! busl~ess at the September 28 meeting covered appointjng chairmen to the SeA committees. These in- clude Mike Weinblatt, social committee; George ShelJem, student regulations committee; Richard Anderson. ac- tion commiUee; Craig Schulze, academic affairs com- mittee; Mick Mock, publicity committee; Charlie Moore and Max Zimmerman, buildings and grounds committee; Alan McCoy, cafeteria committee Roland Hill coffee house committee; Fred Rudman, 'chairman, and Dr Robert Hartman, advisor, draft counseling service. Debate centered around turning the grill into a student-run-corporation, or having it catered by an outside service. The buildings and grounds commi-ttee will take up the issue. A proposal for SGA subsidized bussing and block ticket sales for events at neighboring campuses will be presented for approval to the student body. A con- stitutional amendment is also pending which would allow the SGA president to be a junior. Inside this issue And hefUl'c there was only one of us, but now, and alway!" around. uever a chance to sit. and Campus environment there are so many: tossing my heels over head conterrptatc. but moments come, so few, so things me from bombard tenind and befront. pages 6,7 Cafeteria committee instigates action On September 28. the SeA cafeteria committee headed make a decision. These eight proposals are: A look into the new by Alan McCoy presented a list of requested Schaeffer. facilitate Dinner the larger crowd. to at least 6: 15 to I) change> in shoutd be lengthened Philip policy to WMC treasurer, cafeteria 2) Studies September On Wednesday, 30, Mr. Schaeffer sociology department the cafeteria committee to discuss the college's met with between various should be made to determine the ratio at meals. choices reaction offered diet (not as many starches) would policy changes :1) 1\ more balanced to the requested OUt of the fourteen proposals, none have been rejected, be desirable. are charged that 4) Prices to student page 2 and five have already been accepted tremely high and should be lowered. guests are ex- These five are: I) xrenus for at least two weeks in advance should be ~) A schedule for all steak dinners and prime roast placed permanently at each entrance to the dining hall. dinners should also be posted. This should be for the 2) The salad dressfng and syrup dispensers are dif- entre semester or as far in advance as possible. time c~nswning ficult and is recommended. to use. A new, eff'lcient 6) Salads should be placed in a large container and the dispenser New foreign students students' convenience. tea should be kept out front for the students should be able to take as much as they desire. should be consulted concerning regularly 3) Coffee and 7) "dietitian be offered should 8) Sandwiches .t) The policy on seconds has been changed from the the content and balance of each meal. as a second meal page 2 stated policy and a return to the previously stated policy is choice. proposal will be the subject of a poll con- desired. On further 5) Large and small juice glasses should be available to ducted by the Cafeteria Committee. This proposal states give students a quantitative choice. "undesirable feeds should be removed from the menu aod The Cafeteria Committee has been told that eight of the replaced with either new selections or more popular proposals will need futher study _before the college can setecuons th~n those already offered."
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