Page 7 - TheGoldBug1970-71
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rns GOl:-D BUG PAGE 7 Sports Football hopes good 80 players try for team Western Maryland, today, opened its doors to some 80 prospective Terror roorbauers. including twenty retur- ning lettermen and twenty-eight freshmen. Leading the squad this year are Tt-i-captains Tom Mavity, Mike Hunt, and Art Blake: Blake returns to the squad after sitting last season out with a head injury. Again. the Terrors lack size, particularly in their defensive tackles. however. Coach Jones hopes to over. come this deficiency with an abundance of experience on the defensive line. Defensive lineman of the year, Larry Garro, will anchor the line. and will receive help from all- conference tackle. Fred Kienle, and Ken Bowman, a converted offensive tackle from last year. Veteran. Joe Zick, will also add experience and strength to the strong Western Maryland defensive line. The safety positions seem to be secure, in the able custody of hard-hitting Fred Laurence. and All-State safety man. Arn Hines. Tr-i- captain, Art Blake. may also provide these two with constant competition for these positions.- On offense, the entire backfield returns. Speedy Joe Brockmeyer, hero of the 1969 Hopkins game and gainer of over eoo yards last year, returns to his halfback position, with Ken Wagner, one of last year's leading receivers Tom Botts. who averaged 4.2 yards per carry in the 1%9 season. returns to the fullback position. while Jim Yates seems to be the number one contender for the quarterback berth. left vacant by Western Maryland all star. Bruce Bozman. Yates will certainly not win the position without a struggle from .Jim Harne, Paul Peska, and a host of promising-looking freshmen. The offensive line sports such talent as Tri-captains Mavity and Hunt, but besides them. will be largely inexperienced. Coach Jones feels that it is possible for the 1974)squad to win more games than his hard-lucked 1969 squad. Last .Athey scrambles to get past McWilliams year the team was plagued with an inability to score in- side the 21). This year Coach Jones hopes to correct this inability, and go on to have 11 winning season. The young team. having only four seniors on its roster. Terror gridders clash; will undergo a week and a half of two-a-day practices, routine before settling down to the school year once-a-day One ball to a game means some hot competition. Their first game is with Bridgewater College at home, on old guard wins game September 26 Measures gridders and the scrimmage gridders the upper-class between The first Terror provided some freshmen Jones the to Coach for encouragement definite continued from page 6 season, but also showed the need for much improvement 1970 involving himself in trying to right the injustices suffered in some departments. by the laboring Chinese. His comrades respect him and Seven varsity Terror fumbles and a couple in. they try to help him see the near-sightedness of his ways. terceptlons of. varsity passes were among the disap- They point to the wisdom and knowledge of the sprawling of the Fresh- party, and they point to their supreme revolutionary pointmen~, while the general performance pleased Coach men team and several individual standouts objectives which must go beyond the immediate suffering Jones greatly. Among the notable standouts were John LECTURE ol the Chinese proletariat, but he is unable to accept their September 24 has moved from second string split end to arguments above the immediate suffering of the people. Gertsm~er, ~o tight end, fullback Tom Botts, and halfback first string He reveals his identity to lead the people in an immediate Joe Brockmeyer, both second year men, who turned in revolution. But the oppressed hate this foreign agitator "The Middle East in Crisis," news correspondent David because they are afraid of what their bosses will do to tremendous rushing performances, and Art Blake, who Sehoenbrun. 11:00 am Alumni Hall. them and so he must flee, but he can't-so he must die. seems to. have re~a.jned all t?e finesse .of two years ago Pure party doctrine dictates that he must see tbeerror of before his head inJury at his old pOSition of defensive MUSIC safety. his ways and he must agree to accept the consequences. Freshmen who have made much progress in these first As one spectator observed, this moment helped separate September 18 this play from the propaganda pieces of both sides. This weeks of football camp include quarterback Mike moment depicted the party as the pure manifestation of Makowski, who moved the ball very well on Saturday, and Faculty recital-Dr. Arleen Heggemeier, piano. 8: IS-pm the power of a great and noble cause for which men all Army Veteran Rodney Sewell, a receiver. Defensively, Alumni Hall through history have surrendered their individuality and freshman back, Jerry Downes turned in a fine scrimmage perlormance, intercepting a pass and making numerous their self identity. tackles. FILM For me this production maintained that the individual Septem ber 19 must preserve himself inspite of the powerful forces at Coach Jones called the effort "spotty", but was work around him, no matter how pure and noble they are. generally pleased with some of the surprises he got, in- SGA film--"A Man and a Woman," color, winner of This simple statement can be applied to world com- cluding, particularly, the unexpectedly good game the academy awards, Decker, admission 75ยข. this line, a question munism and it can be applied to world Americanism and varsity offensive in on Saturday mark for the terrors now The Terrors are season, turned it can be applied (0 every person when he confronts the preparing for one more scrimmage before regular season social forces all around him. Possibly all.of this wasn't play begins on September 26 against Bridgewater. September 27 slated directly in the play but this is what part crtt said to me. See the play. I promise an evening that won't let you College Film series-J'Marat/ Sade," Peter Brook. 7:30 down. The skillfully done techniques and the pantomime Help Wanted pm Decker, 75(. body mechanics of the actors unite to form an artistacly Western Maryland College Coffee House is pleasing whole that is exciting to 'experience and exciting SPORTS AT HOME to think about. looking for people who can sweep, paint, .Student tickets are $1.50 each and the performances run secerate, play and sing, or just sit and listen. September 26 through September 19 (except Sunday and Mondayl. We also need microphones and amplifiers and Show time is 8:30 sharp in the studio theater of Stephens someone to be equipment manager. Varsity football vs. Bridgewater. 1:30 pm. Hoffa Field. Hall at Towson State College. From WMC take the All persons are welcome to come share Baltimore Beltway to Towson South exit. Stay on York ideas tomorrow night in the coffee house FUN Road [or about two miles until you see the college grounds located above the grille. Freshmen are especial- September 19 on your right. Turn in the second York Road entrance and ly welcome. park anywhere you can but the first you encounte~. There The coffee house will open Saturday night at SGA MIXER .... FREE ........Englar cafeteria. Live band. will be a Baltimore Theater Ensemble flag to guide you 8:00. For further information contact Row- If you have any upcoming events that you would like to Make reservations if you can. The drive takes a little less land Hill, coffee house director, at 848-0682. have publicized, free, write to Post No Bills. Deadline for than an hour for you who have to hassle with curfews. copy is Friday 3:00 pm before the Monday publishing date.
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