Page 10 - TheGoldBug1970-71
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GOLD BUG Soc.dept. sensitive to students' needs The sociology department is, in the words of Dr. Earl soon present to the Curriculum committee." This course Griswold, making "modifications in the direction of also relates to the third track--government and industrial serving modern needs" to meet the demands of increased bureaucracy Dr. Griswold pointed out. student interest and to reflect the worldwide change in the He explained that he, Dr. Earp, 1\1r. Tait, and. Mrs. field. Elwell have been "searching the curriculum of other Tlie most obvious expression of this response has been departments such as economics and political science" to the development of the social work track within the find courses that will add depth to these two tracks department. Dr. Griswold described this "major ac- Examples are the urban economics course and an art complishment" as a "natural development from the past course-history of urban design-which may be offered focus of the soc department and from a sensitivity to next year. "We are trying to provide a balanced student interest." curriculum," the department head concluded The social work tract is one of four avenues a per- A fourth track for those who plan to do graduate studies spective soc major may follow. Its development, Dr. will be the next area of refinement. Griswold explained, coincides with a national trend to ln addition to fulfilling student academic needs, the soc attempt social work programs on the undergraduate department wants "to be sensitive to other needs of the level. The program complies with the new standards set student." The film series, which has been extremely well by the National Council on Social Work Education which attended by the campus at large, serves to acquaint hopes to encourage competence at the undergraduate students with social problems, current trends and issues, level. as well as anthropological studies Western Maryland's program includes a full semester Informal evening get-togethers are being planned by course of agency involvement. Mrs. Mary Elwell. who the department Dr. Griswold said that these will be HOUSING has her Master's in social work is in charge of this track organized on the class level and centered around OWNERS" and was described by Dr. Griswold as "highly motivated television specials of current interest. Discussion and PURe"ASI and experienced." refreshments will follow. It was Mrs. Elwell who made the Pilot House contact in A W\IC volunteer helps finish up the latest in a Baltimore which resulted in the highly successful January Dr. Griswold hopes to experiment further with the series of Hope houses completed. The house is Term program in which students the inter-city special studies program. He encourages any student located IXI Charles Street. and studied its problems. This year the approach will be "who n'tanifests interest and ability, especially on the expanded to include a group solely studying probelms of senior level" to attempt individual study. He admits that Music, football criminology. Dr. Griswold feels that these off-campus sofar the program hasn't been an overall success and that contacts are full of possibilities. the quality of work has been varied. Dr. Griswold feels, to This year the department is "moving in the direction of however, that the program adds necessary flexibility to highlight homecoming deepening the field of community planning." "We are the sociology program and may be used in response working on a course in Industrial Sociology which we will individual student interests and needs. will be held October sui, lOth, Homecoming promises to be jam packed with student- weekend and 11 and Three foreign students come to W.M .C. oriented activities will go into full swing Friday night The fall festivities with an S_G.A .. Open Party, featuring Lucy," rolling rock of "Penn sponsored the band that played at last the Norway. Zambia, and Spain and Cuba are the homes of guardian. He has seven brothers and one sister His major year's Junior-Senior Banquet. The party will be held at the three-new foreign students at Western mMaryland this is engineering. His main reason for choosing Western Frock's Sunny Brook Farm and is scheduled to begin at semester. The students are Odd Haugen from Norway, Ed Maryland was the size, He likes the size of the student 8:00p.m. with an admission price of $4.00 Bwalya from Mbala, Zambia, and Victor Muniz from body and the student-professor ratio. He feels this is The next scheduled event is the annual Homecoming Spain and Cuba important-the familiarity of the professors with their football battle. This year the Terrors will face a grueling Odd is from Trondheim, in the central area of Norway. students. He has been playing soccer since he was six Lycoming squad. The kick-off is set for 1:30 p.rn. on He has three brothers, the oldest a psychology major at years old. He mentioned in his country soccer is the main Saturday During the half-time activities, the the University of Oslo. Odd was an exchange student in sport that the boys learn, as here it is football, basketball Homecoming Queen and her Court will appear the school year 1968- 1969 in Syracuse, New York. It was as or baseball. Saturday night Richie Havens will be in concert at an exchange student he came in contact with Western Victor Muniz was born in Spain and lived in Cuba for WMC. Haven's performances at concerts around the Maryland twelve years. He returned to Spain for two years before nation. particularly at Woodstock, have caused him to be On a tour of the country a group of students stayed in coming to America. On October 3 it will be two years that considered one of the major forces in today's music, and Reisterstown. There he met Cathy Moore, a physical he has lived in the United States. He lives in Florida with how his powerful and dynamic presence can be ex- education major who had graduated. She talked about his parents. At first he was thinking of attending the perienced by WMC students for $2.00 per person in Alumni Western Maryland and put him in contact with Fern University of Miami, but he talked to Greg Getty and Hall at 8:00 p.rn. Hitchcock. Odd is majoring in physical education and decided to come to Western Maryland. Victor thinks the To round off the weekend. Sunday will offer milder considering minoring in psychology. He chose Phys. Ed students are friendly and outgoing. He was surprised at activities than those of the previous days, Between 2:00 because of his great interest in athletics and body the number of friends he has made so far and hopes to and 5: 00 in the afternoon, there will be free rock concert building. He is the holder of the Mr. Norway title. He likes make more. He is currently enrolled as a science major. on the steps of Baker Chapel. The movie "Harper" will be Western Maryland and the people, who he feels are He is willing to talk to anyone who wants to discuss Spain shown in Decker Auditorium Sunday evening The friendly. Odd pronounces his name "Ode." or Cuba. He also would like to help anyone who is taking weekend will climax at 11:30 P.M. with girls' curfew. Ed Bwalya has been in this country for the past two and Spanish and needs help. He is also interested in the a half years. He lived in Hyattsville, Maryland. with his Spanish Club that is being formed THE GOLD BUG Published by and for the students of Western Maryland Colleg The opinions in this paper do not necessarily reflect those of th >\dministration. Sox 352 Western Maryland College Westminster, Maryland 21157 STAFF Editor In Chief Michael Shultz Associate Editor Richard Anderson Business Manager Cathy Shultz Ad Managers Lee Schwartz VICTOR MUNIZ EO BWALYA ODD HAUGEN Mary Rutledge Coffee house revamped; entertainers hunted Tim Smith Orris Bothe The Western Maryland College coffee house has an- money to pay talented musicians. The coffee house has Cathy Shultz Lynn Tarbutton nounced plans for the upcoming year which include the applies for membership in the Pennsylvania-West JoelKehm Dave Korbonits acquisition of additional furnishings, hlacklights and Virginia coffee house circuit. an organization designed to microphones, and the importation of musicians from the bring talented musicians to the member schools at prices Entered as second class matter at the Post Office, Baltimore-Washington coffee-house circuit within reach of limited audiences. Black River Westminster, Maryland, 21157. The coffee-house committee chairman-How Hill, has Productions, which includes such performers as Greg Second class postage paid at Westminster. requested $200 from SGA in order to purchase two 48 inch Kihn and Bette White who appeared at WMC last year. SUBSCRIPTION-~- 55.00PER YEAR blacklights and ;.'some decent microphones." In the past, has also been contacted, Hill said a major complaint bas been that performers were hard to The coffee house is looking for contributions of old rugs hear because of the lack of amplification. The and matresses. "anythir.~'ttnttrM1l1make the floor a little microphones will also add a professional touch to the softer." Contributions can be brought to the coffee house. coffee-house. Hill said or contact Row Hill. The coffee house hours will be from 8 Admission will be charged at times this year to raise p.m. on every Friday and Saturday and some Sundays
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