Page 14 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 14
PAGE 6 GOLD BUG OCTOBER 5,1970 Definitions of the human dilemma years of crisis in the Middle East and the conflict over case stands: Schoenbrun did not think less of the l\1iddie HY TOM HAnNES East question, but more of the human dilemna. The To most, correspondent David Schoenbrun's lecture or territorial boundary, over the right or wrong to historical facts were presented as such from the stand- Thursday, September- 2~, in Alumni Hall, was relegated to sovereignty, the right to nationality, and the persecution point of observer - " dcrinilion of the human dilernna. of the Jewish state. The speaker painted Israel as a Half an hour was spent on a personal interpretation of someday world-in-flux but definitely the home of the That Israel has a right to defensible borders, let alone the state of human relations, their truths, their Jews, To the Israeli, skirmish is rote; It is to the war that preservation of a culture was disputed, as it has been falsehoods, and their bent on today's issues from he is constantly preparing himself disputed ever since the conception of Zionism. Schoen- historical and future perspectives. Schoenbrun depicted Schoenbrun described man, a creature of imperfection dealing with a more mysterious, multi-flavored creature, con- brun gave no indication that tomorrow will yield a happier to Does Israel the right and the Jew have condition, the The prophesized God speaker inevitable . ALITY frontation with the self, be it in Israel or even in America; exist:'! Did America? Did Ireland? to these questions, Does the Balek? Schoenbrun did not have the answers time would come when man would unavoidably have to U CLEANERS scale In the first segment, the crisis in the Middle East took a for in his own words, he was trying to be a human as well with his own head preoccupations other as an observer highly The specific & LAUNDERERS, INC. clean second to other more urgent "Years topics of under Schoen- but genuinely afternoon yielded a more yet this educational and ex- Schoenbrun, exciting general Crisis", of brun's heading Schoenbrun made it clear that this would have been the perience was shared by a meager audience of a dozen LAUNDERING DRYCLIANING same tack last year as well as 20 years from now, The people (three students) TAILORING Garment Storage & Linen Rental Service Service for Students 10 WMC Student Center Marat/Sade dichotomized Monday through Friday 9:00 O'clock Until 3:00 O'clock Daily through their courtyard, running headquarters for BY JIM SMYTH film Marat! Sade seemed to present two convent genitals in their uplifted palms, holding severed human The drama MaratJ Sade also makes comment JOHN OF sides of several issues of importance ture of France and implies a universal on the class struc- of the application The Shakespearian actors in the film played the parts of i theory that class structure should be destroyed and ab- at an insane asylum, MEYER ~NORWICH the patients play, performed by the inmates for the nobles of' solute equality imposed on the population, thus bringing In a ' and noble visitors hospital the post-French revolutionary society, it was shown that the previously starving poor up to a pleasantly liveable war is an inhumane action reducing man to a simple level of income. This point was countered with the killing machine. Then de Sade returns with an equally argument that to make equality universal would be a feasible statement of his opinion that. in fact, war was the gross error, not in concordance with natural biological T.W· Mathers & Son most human manner of behavior, if done with passion, In differences in intelligence, artistic ability, and physical ·31 east main s-rre e t thi~ rr:ost extreme emotion ar~ human beings emotionally I prowess. All people can never (because of the nature of satisfied and at rest for a br-ief moment before the next' the organism) be equally happy, equally content, at the conflict. This raises an image of the force of the spirit of same time, Frustration resulting from these conditions of mob reaction in a real revolution as a giant wedge forcing unavoidable inequalities, inherent in any individual,' its way through the years. forcing history to each side, as , would replace the frustration of the class system. without it plows the emperors into the mulch of libraries effectively eliminating it often un-imaginably grotesque, !fo.:;s!!=.S religious scene. who maintain the thread of life for the in- in demonstrations took a stand on any issue that it didn't counter The comic, The sometimes The film also showed of the contemporary two sides points of view made the of these opposing On the one hand, there are the Sisters on most of them. total effect of the film nearly neutral the hospital. story rarely treatment Their mates. of the patients would be sorely dutiful, if brusk, In contrast. de Sadc tells of with an opposing but equally viable stand on the same missed. seeing. during the revolution, the nuns of 11 particular issue. open 7 days a week sun to thurs-l 0 to 11 Iri & sat 10 to I Pi Alpha Alpha granted colony status 29 east main street 848-6070 On September 21 the Black and Whites P. Alpha Alpha The period of colonization is basically a trial period were notified that they had been granted official colony during which Pi Alpha Alpha colony will work very closely status with the Phi Delta Theta fraternity, with the Phi Delta Theta headquarters in making a Colony status is the culmination of an intensive period of transition from a local to a national fraternity, acccrdlng study and discussion for the past two years. Pi Alpha to Charlie Moore, Pres. A field secretary will be on Alpha considered various national fronts, and finally campus from October 14-16 to discuss the responsibilities chose Phi Delta Theta because of its emphasis on and prerequisites that the colony must satisfy before it can scholarship and responsibility, In addition, financial acquire its official charter. One full semester is the requirements were minimal in comparison with other minimum period for colonization. After this, the colony's will occur nationals, progress determines when formal initiation constitutional structural to certain and In addition Thetaming of the Rat changes, the most significant requirement is that the must surpass grade point average the all men's DRAPERY FABRICS DRESS FABRICS. fraternity Changes are also required in the philosophy and average, length of the pledge period.I In effect, this means a longer Jeff Carr mon &fri-9Io 9 lues, wed, thurs, sat-sl to 5 The time-toted recipe: hamburgers, hot dogs, and pledging period and the abolition of physical and The Esquire E hazing, 30 w, mail! westminster phutle 848-0955 "Come on out and we'll all have a good time" formulae, psychological commented, Moore said step in "I feel this is a definite Moore though it lacks the excitement of a revolutionary discovery in human awareness, worked at the Freshmen- changing the nature of fraternity responsibility on this Sophomore Cook-out campus and thereby strengthening the system, We feel This affair, instigated by Sophomore Class President that we will benefit immeasurably from affiliating with Ed Hogan and Secretary Bobbie Kristiansen. maintained Phi Delta Theta. Just as important. we feel that the the purpose of its predecessor-Rat Week, but changed the campus will also benefit." COSTUMES AND FORMALS method. Few people will disagree with Rat Week's aims, which are generally accepted as having been the Barber Shop FOR RENT following 11. to give the freshmen a chance to meet and get to 'J' know some upper-classmen, who only a few short months Phone For Appointment ago, were freshmen themselves haircuts & hairstyling 75 W_ Green 848-4630 2)_ to give the freshmen class some sense of unity, since they must soon elect officers and begin to function as J. earle h. brewer class, & Last year, among d significant number of freshmen, it was felt that being given a quota of upper- class marvin j. brewer signatures to procure was not a first class way to really meet people, They felt the attitude of some of the upper- the classmen did not exactly convey the feeling of brotherly commradene. decided to try top hat another approach. The idea was to have the two classes This year, the Sophomore Class Officers drive in get together on a more informal, less artificially divided basis. So the fires were lit, the hamburgers cooked and the rest kind of took care of itself. There was some guitar DI,lIIING ROOM COFFEE SHOP playing and singing, but mostly it was the kind of informal FOONTAI N SUBS gathering which leaves one not with the Woodstockian sense of love for each and every living thing, but rather a open 24 hours man-sat feeling of beginning, a sense of at-homeness at Western closed sun, 3am - 11pm Maryland The Rat, dead for these past few years, has 'now been route 140 phone 876-1030 buried, hopefully for good
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