Page 11 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 11
OCTOBER 5.1970 GOLD BUG PAGE 3 --~ Man from a.a.u.p. --, __l]_J I , by Leo] Mhek I was walking past room 108 Memorial Hall one af- ternoon and Tribby and Phillips were in front of me \ discussing something in very cautious voices. I had been traveling incognito all day (Morgen sweater, Jaguar hat. stolen levis, and Peter Fonda sunglasses) and felt free of any fear of being recognized. so r inched up behind them to try and find out what was up (we spies are taught in spy-school to be skeptical of cautious voices because in- variably some dastardly deed is the motivation). I heard the words A.A.U.P. and that was enough for me. I knew that it was up to me to reoprt to the rest of the campus what this subversive communist group was doing. I've had my eye on the English Department anyway and. figured that this was my big chance to expose all those bearded, mindchannelling preverts. So with my trusty pen and pad in hand I recorded their conversation knowing that once the truth was safe in the hands of the press, my fellow students would take the necessary steps. This then I address to y04 guardian of Mom's apple-pie. Read and heed, the the future of W.M.e. could be in your hands if you don't act· Well Ray, you don't seem to understand, this thing can't break on an official basis. it has to adhere to the basic cookbook, woman' format of the American Association of University Professors. Oh, you mean just like when we initiated abolishment of Army eats better than Whimsee students classes on Saturday? Exactly First we bring it up at our next meeting of A.A.U.P. But where do we go from there? Because this group isn't Amid the vital issues facing the nation, the cooking. This is absurd. Many institutions officially connected with the administration. food in Western Maryland's cafeteria seem to serve greatly superior food. Well we have about fifty faculty members in our group be inconsequential. Yet quality of life is a out of a possible seventy. Based on past attendence, thirty relevant issue, and in WMC's cafeteria, life will be at our meeting. I've already checked with Dr has little quality. To put it bluntly; the food we The Army for instance, feeds millions. Yet Achor, president of A.A.U.P., and he says that the laws of the menus in mess halls is much more varied chance have it that some key college committee members are expected to eat is disgraceful. and the food more appetizing. The advanced will be present at our meeting ROTC cadets can testify that while they spent So first we have someone propose it at our meeting. This Students have said similar things countless six weeks at summer camp, the menu almost doesn't have to be anyone on one of our committees like times in recent years. Always they have been academic freedom and tenure or faculty role in college told that the food is of the best quality possible never repeated itself. Of course, the Army government, but just any member. If endorsed, the key .probably spends a great deal more per man people take the proposal back to their official committees and that improvements would cost more than the school does, but then the. Army and from there try and push it through. money. A paradox. But the price of board is wastes an incredible amount of food. Also, the Right. Now the name I have designated for the whole always rising and the quality of the food average G.!. eats a lot more than the average operation is "vision forum" continually deteriorates. college student, and a lot better. Wow, that's really a groovey name, Bill. What I plan to do is have "vision forum" comprised of faculty, student, and staff members. We will all get The preparation of food leaves much to be There could be a great improvement just by together as a community and just dream. We will try to desired (a symphony of understatementl ). varying the menu, at no great expense. There eliminate costs and other imaginative inhibitors and just Meat and vegetables are consistently over- unchain our fantasies together. We will delve into the could be more care taken in the preparation of unwritten and unthought-of factions of Whimsee to see just cooked to the point of tastelessness and the food. Even some cost increase could be where we are going. Membership will be on a volunteer doubtful nutritive value. Starch, particularly acceptable if there was a great deal of im- basis. The range is to see what this college's relationship potatoes are an overwhelming component of provement. After all, most students are is to Westminster, to ourselves, and to the future. This is the diet. currently supplementing their diet from just tenatlve though, the whole thing is really open I've got an idea. If we were to exploit the Gold Bug, and Worst of all, the WMC diet is monotonous outside sources. sneak an article in the next issue, it just might generate enough enthusiasm that people will actually want to the extreme. A few meals of varying appeal Western Maryland's cafeteria is an participate when the whole thing finally breaks. We might are repeated with depressing regularity. The anachronism. This college is too small to be in even succeed. \ class of '74 has, by now, encountered nearly Shhhhh, look over there at that fellow traveling in- everything in our larder. What is merely the restaurant business. Western Maryland is cognito. Isn't he from the g. b:! the only school in the area that operates its Right, enough said for now distasteful on first acquaintance is disgusting own cafeteria. All the other colleges use after it has been repeated twenty times. After catering services. The great advantage of a So, dear reader, r have given you all I can for now I four years it is unbearable. catering service is that they buy food in such have faith that you will use well the information Irom this conversation. This is your man [rom A.A.U.P. saying, do great quantities, that it costs them less. At not despair, we have enough apathy to stop these It will be argued (and has been) that this is present we are paying more, and getting less. villianous persons the inevitable consequence of institutional As well as enjoying it less. LETTER TO HiE EDITOR: Co-eds add ironic twist On college and university campuses all over the one step farther! In one dorm they have all but rejected situation, most of the lime they take a negative stand. country, open house policies are accepted with mature this offer, by diminishing the designated hours to a mere This is a selfish and irresponsible attitude, and because of and responsible attitudes. Twenty-four hour open house is four. on Friday Bight of the weekend of September 26th their indifference they cause others to be denied the open the most-common policy and there is a growing trend and 27th. In the other two dorms they have done a little house priviledges towards coed dorm set ups. The majority of the ivy league better, but still not gone to the extent of accepting the It's about time that everyone woke up to. the realization schools and top universities have been experimenting policy for the maximum allotted hours. What possible that men and women are meant to live together in a with these conditions for ever a decade--Whimsee is finally reason could there be for this? natural, healthy atmosphere. This does not mean that making a feeble attempt at a START Some girls say they would;. not be able to study with overt promiscuity would be the ultimate goal. We are It is obvious that malel female relationships on this boys in the dorm. This theory is a fallicy. The rules of the above that. It does mean that, given more freedom, we campus are unnatural and unhealthy. How often do men W.M.e. open house policy state that all male visitors would all be able to benefit from a change to more honest and women gather informally to discuss and share their must be registered and escorted to a room by the girl they and uninhibited attitudes towards the opposite sex ideas? Rarely ever. Admittedly, existing conditions at are visiting. There would be no possible way for boys to Our campus will see no further progress in this area Western Maryland are no condustve to gatherings of this go rampaging through the halls, making noise and dis- until the problem at hand is eliminated. There is no reason sort. We have no comfortable lounges equipped with turbine girls who want to study. why all women should not readily accept the maximum recreational facilities, as are commonly found at most Other girls say they would surely die of embarrassment amount of open house allowed. Each week when the time other schools. This however, is the fault of the ad- if a member of the opposite sex were to catch a glimpse of comes to vote for the open house hours for the upcoming ministration, not the students. But the students are at them outfitted in underwear, pajamas or rollers. This is fault in their immature altitudes toward the entire sub- another reason that can only be termed absurd. It's about weekend, the results should be unanimous, ject. time these girls stopped playing childish games and are In the highest accredited schools in the nation, students benefiting emotionally and academically from Women have recently been given the permission to started 'realizing that boys are not stupid. Boys already progressive politices concerning freedom of living con- entertain male visitors in their rooms during certain know that girls weartpajarnas.vand underwear and set ditions. designated. hours of the weekend. This is a big step for the their hair. It's no big thrill Are we so backward and behind the times that we can't ultra-conservative administration to take, but-Io and Another reaction some girls have IS one of NO reaction even begin to make a start? behold, the ultra-conservative female students have gone In cases where girls are totally apathetic towards the Margaret Ellis
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