Page 5 - TheGoldBug1970-71
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,SEPTEMBER 17,1970 rns GOLD BUG PAGES the gold bug Homecoming at the cost else Spri~g Weekend. Tydings has recently the left and the right. of around $7,500 severe come under Let's think of something from both criticism From the right the gun lobbies are sniping at Nationally, students will be out in force this him for his gun registration bill and from the fall. The upcoming General Election will see left comes criticism of his D. C. Crime Bill. In many students involved in working for can- both cases the criticism is poorly founded. The coming semester will be a busy one for didates. National Rifle Association supporters say the the Student Government. Jerry Hopple and his There is still a deep bitterness left from last Senator's gun bill will result in confiscation of officers will be attempting to revitalize the spring's violence and little has been changed; all weapons and the beginning of a dic- organization. They will fail if the students less has been improved. tatorship in America. Lberals say that the D. don't get behind their efforts. The war in Vietnam continues, Social C. Crime Bill's "no-knock" policy (Tydings Hopple says the most important issue facing reform in the U. S. lags. The draft is still a was floor manager for the bill) is fascist and the SGA at this time is the creation of a new pressure. The Courts are still a mess. It ap- denies rights guaranteed under the Con- self-image, In order to form this new image pears likely that this will be a fall of violence stitution. the officers have been working hard all and bombings. It will be better if we become The NRA's criticism is easily answered, The summer to get a viable organization set up. active and work hard now for, good public gun bill Tydings purposes contains no There are many new committees. These officials. Kurt Vonnegutsaid Tuesday night on provision tor confiscation. A Library of committees may have two effects. They may CBS's "Sixty Minutes" that the" students' Congress research project failed to show any add to the already existing bureaucratic chaos power in helping elect candidates had connection between gun control and dic- or they may expedite the development of good diminished since McCarthy. He may be right, tatorship. programs and legislation. With good but it is an alternative to the bomb. "No-knock" has been a policy used by police leadership and quick actions they should help. for some time. The D, C. Crime Bill is tough One of the more interesting committees is Tuesday evening I fell asleep in front of the and it needs to be. Tydings supported the bill the Action Committee headed by Rick An- tv set. I'd been watching the primary election because it guarantees that the police must derson. Hopple says the committee is to act as results and was worried about George P. have a warrant. an ombudsman for the students and as a Mahoney's lead over Joseph .Tydings. The Senator Tydings is an unpredictable voter. watchdog over the rest of the SGA. Anderson commentator kept saying the results were all He says he votes on issues according to his should have his hands full. from rural districts and only a small conscience. For this reason his voting record Some of the issues we hope to see decided proportion of the reports were in, but still I appears contradictory on a first inspection, are big name entertainment, the honor code, was worried. Tydings often bucks Nixon's programs, but self- scheduled exams, and the unification of For some reason I woke up around 12:30. when he is in agreement he helps push. He is the student body. The tv set was still on. Joe Tydings was not a "party" man. We stand opposed to big name en- standing there giving a victory speech. I The Senator will face a tough race against J, tertainment. Spending upwards to $5,000 for thought it was a dream. Glenn Beall, Jr., in the November Srd General an hour concert is a waste of money. The SGA The incumbent Senator from Maryland had Election. Itwill take a lot of work and students can use its money for better purposes such as a tough race against perennial candidate can help. Maryland needs .Joe Tydings; the publications, tutorial programs, community Mahoney. Tydings won the election with nation needs Joe Tydings. Between now and and campus service projects, There is already heavy support from Montgomery County and November let's work for a good, liberal one big name. Ritchie Havens will be here on surprisely good support from Baltimore City. Senator. M.L5. ----Sticky admissions? What Dr. Shook did tell me was: tetter to the board explaining my reasons ror leaving and To The Editor: L The schooi was not responsible for bringing me back wishing to return. Along with this I asked faculty mem- IpecenUy made application to Western Maryland to be since I hadn't attended WMC the previous year bers from UMBC to write concerning my non-academic admitted as a Junior majoring in theatre. r had spent my 2. Academics and my ability to handle the work was not life at Ul\1BC. Dr. Tribby also wrote the board a letter Freshman year at WMC and left, for a number of reasons, a question involved which he tells me was never acknowledged by any of the to spend my Sophomore year at UMBC, The programs 3. Perhaps members of the committee felt that they had members of the Admissions Committee. that involved my interest at UMBC failed to develop due to reject me because I applied late, after they had turned Today is rogistrntion day. As of yesterday, I had not yet to budget cuts and inability to retain competent faculty away quite a number of applicants. (J was in time to meet heard anything from the board. Yesterday [ came up to members. I had left Westen Maryland of my own volition the school's deadline for applications.) the school and talked to Dr. Law, who said that the ad- and had been active in the University, maintaining a high 4. The committee seemed to feel that since I was missions and Standards Committee had voted to hold to scholastic standing; so I expected little trouble in being unhappy at Western l\laryland in my freshman year, I the first decision. lie also apologized for the delay readmitted. probably wouldn't be happy if I returned There arc still a few questions that I have regarding the The letter that I got from Dr. Shook for the admissions 5. If new evidence was introduced in my case for ad- Committee's decision. J can recall a conversation I had committee said that the committee had reviewed my mission, it may be reconsidered with Dean l\1owbray in my freshman year. I asked him if "academic and non-academic" qualifications and had Dr, Shook left me with a number of questions, so I made perhaps the school was an unreal, sheltered environment decided that I could not be readmitted for the 1970 fall an appointment to see Dean Mowbray, toseeifhecould be and therefore not conducive to a relevant education. The semester. Doctor Shook said in his letter that I might more helpful. Dean Mowbray was quite a bit more helpful Dean, then assistant director of admissions, said uuu the come to his office to discuss the situation with hirrrrf went in answering some of these questions. Dean Mowbray told College was a community open to anyone, and that the to talk with Dr. Shook. The interview didn't really clear up mea few of the same things that Dr. Shook had said but he College sought 11 cross-section of the community. the questions I had about my admission. Dr. Shook was so also gave me an idea of why I was unacceptable to the J wonder if this is sUH the policy of the school, and if vague that I asked him if perhaps the committee was College in the view of the board of Admissions. The in- perhaps we don't have to recognize that there exists a closed and he couldn't actually tell' me what their cb- cident that the Dean mentioned to me was on Armed con!1ict between sheltering the Army, and providing a jections to me were. He said that it was not a secret Forces Day last year, when I walked on my hands on the relevant education committee, but that each man sitting on the committee football field during the R.O.T.C. parade. The main question J have left in my mind is: how come had different standards of evaluation, so-that he could not I asked for a reconsideration and sent a new copy of my I'm not going to school? tell me exactly what the reasons for the decision were. record showing my second semester grades, another Stewart Stack (This he had told me in his original letter .J -To the students- The first organizational meeting for the Gold Bug will be held Monday, September 21, at 7:00 p.m. in THE GOLD BUG Iappreciate this opportunity ~hrough THE GOLD BUG the Publication House. Published by and for the students of Western Mvyland College. to extend my very, very warm welcome to all of our Interested freshman are encouraged to attend the 'The opinions in this papa do not necessarily reflect those of f!te students, both those who are returning to "The Hill" and meeting. Freshman girls can get permission to leave o\dministration. those who have just become a part of the Western study hours for this meeting. • Maryland College community this fall. I must admit that The newspaper is looking for staff members interest- srAFF having been away from the office for seven months I find it I'd in all fields. Advertising staffers are desperately somewhat difficult to catch up with the fast moving ac- needed. EditorlnOtief Michael Shultz tivities that have been occurring 00 the campus, but The meeting will include a discussion of goals and an Associate Editor Richard Anderson already I am finding that the two chief charactertstics of Western Maryland-its striving for academic excellence organization of new members. New editors will be and its Iriendltness-are still very much in existence. As I appointed .. TunSmth OuisBothe Lynn Tarbutton welcome you, I trust that all of us-faculty, students, Training sessions are being planned. cathy Shultz .Sandy Kearrs administration, andgenerai staff-will enter the year with If you are interested in working.on the paper, but iloel Kehm a determination to make this a banner year for the College for some reason cannot come to the meeting, send and "The Hill" will continue to grow in academic ex- your name and dorm number with a friend. Entered as second class matter at the t'ost Office, cellence tempered and enriched by the Western Maryland Interested people are invited to stop by the Gold Westminster, Maryland, 2~S7. spirit of friendliness and understanding between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.rn. on Second class postage paid at Westminster. Lowell S. Ensor Friday, and Saturday afternoon to meet some of the President staff. SUBSCRIPTION-- $5.00 PER YEAR
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