Page 4 - TheGoldBug1970-71
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PAGE 4 rae GOLD BUG SEPTEMBER 17, 1970 Israel: in search of a meaningful peace It is not an irony that "Shalom", the Hebrew word for 1_ of consumer goods, production and development 'trench in' against an expected increase in terrorist ac- peace, is the Israeli greeting for hello and goodbye. programs. Israel, with a staggering defense budget, and tivity. Israel's posture has appeared militant in the eyes df the. exhorbitant taxes, has made the desert bloom; provided If the cease-fire and the acceptance of the Roger's world, but the compromises she has made in the venue; homes and jobs for thousands of immigrants, most of proposals have proven anything to Israel, it is that she and the level of talks should make it clear that Israel's' whom arrived here penniless; created an excellent must remain militant vis-a-vis her "friends.' , The feeling militancy is in the search for a real and meaningful peace. ; national insurance scheme and raised the national expressed so often these days by all age groups in Israel is Militancy has a negative connotation in today's world standard of living to that of most European nations. that the U.S. is "selling out" Israel. One by one the when narrowly associated with arms and military power. Israel is a nation with a civilian army. Everyone has breaches of trust and confidence between the Nixon A broader definition of militancy is needed when applied some connection with the army; men and women must government and the Meir government have been piling to the upheavals and tremors of contemporary societies. ' both serve in the regular army and in the reserves. For up. It started with the U.S. failure to recognize the Black Americans are considered militant; so were the men, active reserve duty is required until the age of 56. violation of th~ truce represented by the missile sites suffagettes; so are Catholic priests and nuns aspiring to But the Israelis don't like to think of themselves as newly populating the Egyptian side of the canal. The most more 'seU-determination'; people demonstrating for soldiers. They would much prefer to live their private recent cause for suspicion in Jerusalem is Senator better traffic and pollution controls are militant; so is lives without the interruption of army service, The soldier Fulbright's proposal for an Israeli-Ij.S. defense pact. The George Habash who attacks airliners, schoolbuses and on the Canal or the Golan Heights are concerned with how big question here is if the administration backs this hospitals in stiff competition with Vasser Arafat, whose the army is interfering with his studies. It is a common proposal, why Fulbright, not known for a sympathetic militancy includes war against any Arab government not sight to see soldiers in the bunkers and trenches studying attitdue toward Israel, was chosen to sponsor the plan. permitting him unrestrained reign within their sovereign for their exams during the lulls in fighting . . states. The Protestants and Catholics in Ireland along "A Song of Peace", composed and sung by an Army Most Israelis take a very sober attitude toward the with the members of the Woman's Liberation movement choir, has zoomed to the top of the Israeli hit parade. But prospects for peace and peace negotiations. They would are also militants. peace is still a dream in the Middle East, despite the like to be flexible, but experience, including these past few Militancy today is a zealous ideological struggle for silence on the Suez. Any jubilance along the Bar-Lev line, weeks, has shown them they must stay on their guard. Few changes in stagnant situations or the righting of grievous or on the homefront, was tempered with precautions and view the cease-fire as a "corridor to peace." 'I'his-hard- wrongs'. 'Israel is a militarist state in both this narrow doubt. Israeli soldiers dunked in the waters of the canal, nosed, yet realistic approach is due in part to Jhe and broad sense. Even before the State of Israel, the Jews but were instructed not to remove their flak jackets. recognition of the real menace in 'the Middle East en- in Palestine were fighting to safe-guard Jewish lives and On the surface, the cease-fire along the canal has i tanglement - the Arab guerillas. Should all the Arab property. They organized their self-defense by forming a brought a few changes in daily routine. Ordinarily a wife' countries eventually recognize Israel's existence on the military group, the "Hagannah", which was to be the who says "Shalom" to her husband leaving for a 35-day map (a possibility remote in itself), terrorist and in- predecessor of the Israel Defense Forces. Acts of stint in the reserves, is filled with fear and trepidation. filtrator activity will always remain a thorn in Israel's terrorism were carried out by Jewish extremists wfio . But now, as one Israeli reserve officer's wife cheerfully side formed two other groups, the Irgvn and the Stern group. reported, "We are lucky, my husband is doing his tour of The split in student opinion on the value of direct peace Since establishments of the State of Israel in May, duty at the canal." . negotiations reflects the attitude of the population in 1948, Israel has been in a constant state of War. During But the i-eal military situation has not changed. If general. Many believe that Israel and her neighbors will this time, she has patiently pursued all diplomatic means anything, it has taken a turn for the worse. It is a never meet face-to-face across a bargaining table. Others for coming to an agreement with her Arab neighbors.: deceptive calm that prevails along the Suez. The Egyp- feel equally strong that if the two parties can't come With the failure of such diplomatic channels (as the tians have lost no time in exploiting the truce and moving together for serious discussions, Israel will refuse to take United Nations). Israel has had to resort to her military SAM #2 and SAM 113missiles into positions along the canal. any further steps toward a peaceful settlement, and whip. - On the other borders, the military situation is far from warfare and death will continue to take its toll in the Is Israel then a nation of militarists? Countries of static. There are terrorist attacks,with Israeli soldiers Middle East. inherent militarism have always been known to gear their and ~ivilians being killed. The road to Hebron, in occupied If militancy means that Israel must remain vigilent potential to planned aggression and conquest, at the cost territory, has been refortified by Israeli soldiers, as if to during her quest for peace, then Israel is militant. A Question of security Mathais calls for withdrawl from Viet. Senator Charles McC. Mathias, Jr., (R-Md.l said war going and this is exactly what textbook Communism Friday America must withdraw from Vietnam in the advocates as the way- to bring down the democracies of interest of its own future security. the world," he said. "We are making Khrushchev's words "The time has come for Congress to act to end the war," come true. We are the ones that can prove him a false Senator Mathias said. "We must fix a terminal date and prophet by stopping the war, by tending to our own withdraw Americans with safety, with dignity and with knitting in America, knitting up the very serious wounds concern for our own interest in the security of the future and problems that American society has today." for the United States." "One of the most important duties of the Congress The Senator spoke in informal remarks filmed at the imposed by the Constitution of the United States is the invitation of the American Broadcasting Companies for duty of providing for the common defense," he said. "This broadcast over ABC-TV stations coast to coast. bleeding war in Asia is affecting the common defense. It is Congress, he said, "encouraged the Executive to go into affecting our ability to provide for our own security ... It is I heard there weren't any gigifs this year so I brought the war. I was a member of Congress and voted for the not so imminent a danger that we cannot correct the my own. . Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. I know now that this was a situation if we stop the war. But we are going to have to Recipients of -V.A. benefits mistake." stop the war and look to our own security of the future, and Senator Mathias added: "The Congress should share that is the duty of the Congress ... " this responsibility for making the decision to get out of "The Constitution vests certain powers of war and offered several suggestions Vietnam in an orderly way, in a way that protects the peace in the Congress ... Short of actually declaring war, safety of American troops who are there and in a way the Congress is given many functions with respect to which promotes the overall security and welfare of the exercising military and foreign policy ... rr we are to Veterans at Western Maryland College who are looking UnitedStates ... Jfwedonot take this step deliberately asa bolster up the national morale, if we are to give back to forward to receiving monthly G.I. checks this semester .national policy endorsed by the President and Congress America a sense of purpose and a sense of. dedication, we were offered several suggestions by the Veterans Ad- together speaking for all American people, we are playing are going to have to play the role that the Founding ministration this week. into the hands of the Communist nations i~ Europe and Fathers of this Republic demanded of the members of -( I) Turn in your Certificate of Eligibility to the college Asia ... " Congress. Weare going to have to say what we think about registrar when you register-- or as soon after as possible. "President Nixon has, of course, turned the war the war regardless of consequences to ourselves as in- (2) See to it that this enrollment form is returned around," Senator Mathias said. "He began the policy of dividual members of Congress ... We are going to have to promply to the VA by the registrar. bringing men home instead of sending them to Asia." But, say if we think it, that the war is bad for America and that The law requires that the VA must be notified that the the Senator said, "it is very easy for the countries of In- it's time to end it." veteran has actually enrolled before processing his check, dochina to deepen our involvement by their individu~l and, in practice, this means most AMC veterans should unilateral activities. If Hanoi wants to involve us deeper m receive their first check in October. the war, to keep us bogged down, they will keep us there Concert season opens If the VA is not notified of the veteran's enrollment by simply rattling their own sabers. If Saigon wants to early enough it will not be able to get his first check until insure that we stay there a little longer, they will rest on November. their arms and we will have to stay there a little longer." with Heggemeier recital If a veteran does not receive his check within a few "I am concerned about the future security of America," weeks after the school registrar returns the enroll- Senator Mathias said. "We are still spending so much on A piano recital by Arleen Heggemeier will open the fall ment certificate to VA, the veteran should notify the war in Asia that we are not keeping up to date in the concert season at Western Maryland College, west- his nearest VA office. technology of defense industry, defense research, defense minster, on Friday, September lB. The VA also explained that the veteran must have development and procurement." Miss Heggemier, a member of the college music returned his Certificate of Pursuit card for the last "Even more important, because of the impact of the faculty, will perform in Alumni Hall beginning at B:15 semester if previously enrolled under the G. I. Bill. This is war and the accompanying inflation that always seems to p.m. Her program includes: "Toccata, D major," Bach; ~ormally done during the last month of the semester, but be the handmaiden of war, we are cutting back on money "Sonata, Op. 78," Beethoven; "Variations Serieuses, Op. IS often forgotten. that we are spending for education ... And of course 54," Mendelssohni "Ondine," "Hommage a S. Pickwick The VA also offered several other suggestions for education is the real basis of security for any country." Esq. P.P.M.P.C.," "Les tierces alternees," "La terrasse veterans: In medicine, scientific research and other fields, des audiences du clair de lune, " and "L'isle Joyeux," all If ~ou change your college or course of study, apply Senator Mathias said, "we are actually spending less by Debussy; and "Fantasy, Op. 49," Chopin. immediately to VA for a new Certificate of Eligibility. money than we need today to prepare America for the' The pianist is a graduate of the Oberlin Conservatory If you change the address to which your checks are future ... That is why I say the urgency for ending this war: where she also received a master's degree. Her doctorate coming, notify the Post Office as well as VA. involves the security of America in the decades ahead." is from Northwestern University. Dr. Heggemeier also Let VA know any dependency changes due to Senator Mathias noted Communist predictions that the holds a Teacher's Certificate from the Diller-Quaile marriage, divorce, births or deaths. western countries would spend themselves to death, School of Music. . If you reduce your course load, or drop out of school, particularly in uneconomic military outlays. "We are The public is invited to attend the recital. No tickets are let the VA know immediately so that prompt adjustments having to spend on the ratio of perhaps 30 to 1 to keep the I needed. can be made in records and payment procedure.
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